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dxtrx-Prescreening request / Editing advice
Originally posted by dxtrx View PostHi, could I get some general feedback of these 5 photos? Thanks!
Originally posted by dxtrx View PostThanks a lot!But as a new member I‘m not sure what measure should I take to reduce halos. Will it be better if I lower the contrast? Please give some suggestions. Much appreciate.
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Originally posted by dlowwa View PostFirst make sure the D-Lighting feature on your Nikon is off. Then, reprocess the images from the raw file with all settings such as clarity, de-haze, shadow/highlight, etc.. at zero or disabled, and you shouldn't have any more issues with halos.
Originally posted by dxtrx View PostThanks very much. Is this time looks OK?
Originally posted by dxtrx View PostBy the way can I upload those photos again for suggestions today after I do some improvements? Will it conflict with the rule of "Limit your prescreening requests to a maximum of 5 images per 24 hours"(Rule #3)?
Originally posted by dxtrx View PostHere are some new ones...Please pre-screening these 5 photos,thank you[ATTACH=CONFIG]24293[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]24294[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]24295[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]24296[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]24297[/ATTACH]
Originally posted by dlowwa View PostMost would be borderline overrprocessed due to some poor vignetting correction. The corners are brighter than the center.
Originally posted by dxtrx View PostThanks!And that happens to be a puzzle I ‘ve been having for a long time— What is the best way to determine exactly how much exposure compensation is required, especially when the photo has strong dark corners, or I’m supposed just to give it up because it is “hopeless”? I really appreciate your careful guidance,and very sorry for my poor post processing techniques.
Originally posted by dlowwa View PostExposure compensation is not related to dark corners. Dark corners would typically be an effect of shooting with a wider aperture.
Originally posted by dxtrx View Postemm...yeah I know that. I mean, how can I know weather I have done “too much” or “not enough” when I deal with the dark corners? I find it almost impossible to detect a slight exposure imbalance just by looking at the photo itself. The “check for dust” function (provided by JetPhotos website when I upload my pictures) is pretty useful but I don't know how to use computer software to simulate it before uploading. Besides,is it acceptable if I retain slight dark corners in order to avoiding overprocessing?
Originally posted by dlowwa View PostEqualizing will absolutely make it easier to spot such discrepancies, but it really needs to be visible normally to be an issue. If you can notice the corners are darker (or lighter) in the normal version, a rejection is likely - if you can't, then not. If the imbalance (vignetting) is really very slight, then it shouldn't be an issue.