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Bapt0708: Pre-screening/How to do a better editing ?
Originally posted by bapt0708 View PostHello dear community, may i have a pre-screening for those five please.
2. contrast, soft/blurry
3. ok
4. blurry, oversharpened
5. borderline overexposed
Originally posted by bapt0708 View PostHello may i have some advice on these two please.
For the first one i'm not sure about the centering.
for this one i'm not sure about the sharpening.
Thank you, have a good day.
2. borderline oversharpened
Originally posted by bapt0708 View PostHello, may i have a pre-screening for these three please.
I think there is a lot of noise on these ones.
Thank you.
Originally posted by bapt0708 View PostHello, those ones should be better.
how are those five ?
The last one is a new registration.
Thank you.
2-3 borderline overexposed/heat haze
4. borderline crop/motive
5. soft/blurry, color, overexposed
Originally posted by bapt0708 View PostThank you for your help.
I would really appreciate if i can have a pre-screening of those five.
For the last two i'm not very sure if they are backlit or not.
Thank you.
2. overexposed
3. overexposed, backlit
4. contrast
Only #2 would have a good chance of being fixable.
Originally posted by bapt0708 View PostHello, i would really appreciate if i can have a pre-screening of those five.
Thank you for your time.