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Pre-screening Help

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  • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
    One inconsistency that has directly affected me would be these two photos.

    Exhibit A: This photo was submitted before I caught on about if the operator is visible, then I more than likely should submit it with the operator. I submitted this as Private and was ultimately accepted, as you can see from the link above.

    An aircraft from the same fleet 'Exhibit B:' was subsequently rejected upon initial upload on Jan 14, 2020 and screener rejected for 'bad info - airline' and left a comment that the operator was visible and therefore should have been submitted with the upload.

    I understand now that it depends on the operator in order to determine if the airline/operator should be included. One inconsistency just means that screeners are human, just like me, but it would be nice to see in upload guidelines that this issue be addressed a little more black/white as this seems to be a slightly gray area in terms of making sure each upload has as much information as possible.
    Yup, things like that get missed all the time. Not much we can do about that other than try our best.


    • Good morning, I have some possible hot photos (first registrations and new aircraft type) that I would liked to run by you for pre-screening:

      1) Haze, contrast, exposure, horizon? Does the nose end cause an issues since it is not lit like the back half?

      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC08907 86-24528 071520.jpg
Views:	204
Size:	673.9 KB
ID:	1094863

      2) Haze, Horizon, Exposure?

      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC09005 N7919G 071720.jpg
Views:	171
Size:	696.6 KB
ID:	1094864

      3) Inside hanger - does it suffer from these issues: Exposure, horizon, contrast, Back-lit, acceptable crop?

      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC08968 N3963T 071720.jpg
Views:	163
Size:	733.4 KB
ID:	1094865

      4) Inside hanger as well: Horizon, Contrast, Exposure?

      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC08939 N9082D 071720.jpg
Views:	159
Size:	786.7 KB
ID:	1094866

      5) JPEG Compression, Acceptable Crop/Aspect Ratio, Contrast?

      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC08995 N802MA 071720.jpg
Views:	157
Size:	408.1 KB
ID:	1094867

      Thank you for your assistance in advance.


      • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
        Good morning, I have some possible hot photos (first registrations and new aircraft type) that I would liked to run by you for pre-screening:

        1) Haze, contrast, exposure, horizon? Does the nose end cause an issues since it is not lit like the back half? Soft and nose dark

        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC08907 86-24528 071520.jpg
Views:	204
Size:	673.9 KB
ID:	1094863

        2) Haze, Horizon, Exposure?

        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC09005 N7919G 071720.jpg
Views:	171
Size:	696.6 KB
ID:	1094864

        3) Inside hanger - does it suffer from these issues: Exposure, horizon, contrast, Back-lit, acceptable crop?

        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC08968 N3963T 071720.jpg
Views:	163
Size:	733.4 KB
ID:	1094865

        4) Inside hanger as well: Horizon, Contrast, Exposure?

        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC08939 N9082D 071720.jpg
Views:	159
Size:	786.7 KB
ID:	1094866

        5) JPEG Compression, Acceptable Crop/Aspect Ratio, Contrast?

        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC08995 N802MA 071720.jpg
Views:	157
Size:	408.1 KB
ID:	1094867

        Thank you for your assistance in advance.

        1-Soft and nose dark

        2-Bit soft

        3-Hightlights a bit blown away towards nose


        5-Backlit and dark

        The common issue in all is a bit of softness overall


        • With this photo, there was a tall fence surrounding the aircraft at close proximity, making a side profile photo almost impossible. With this angle and the obstruction of the flag pole, would this be suitable in regards to crop/ratio as well as exposure and contrast? Also, would the obstruction be considered a reject or would it be designated as unavoidable?

          Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC09017 53-5990 072020.jpg
Views:	203
Size:	1.35 MB
ID:	1095133

          Thank you


          • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
            With this photo, there was a tall fence surrounding the aircraft at close proximity, making a side profile photo almost impossible. With this angle and the obstruction of the flag pole, would this be suitable in regards to crop/ratio as well as exposure and contrast? Also, would the obstruction be considered a reject or would it be designated as unavoidable?

            Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC09017 53-5990 072020.jpg
Views:	203
Size:	1.35 MB
ID:	1095133

            Thank you
            Should be fine in this case since obstruction is unavoidable.


            • Dlowwa, I understand that all screeners are different, but I having trouble coming to terms that they are so different that one, or possible more, screener(s) finds the photo acceptable and the others do not. In terms of the photo you were helping me with last week, another rejection has come up for it and I am just hoping for a little insight as to how wide the range of standards that exist between you and the other screeners?

     is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

              I have a couple other photos from that sequence that I will try to fidget with, but I think, unfortunately, it is time to stop messing with the photo in the link above.

              Thanks again for all your help with that and hopefully your advice/response will help put my mind at ease


              • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
                Dlowwa, I understand that all screeners are different, but I having trouble coming to terms that they are so different that one, or possible more, screener(s) finds the photo acceptable and the others do not. In terms of the photo you were helping me with last week, another rejection has come up for it and I am just hoping for a little insight as to how wide the range of standards that exist between you and the other screeners?

       is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!

                I have a couple other photos from that sequence that I will try to fidget with, but I think, unfortunately, it is time to stop messing with the photo in the link above.

                Thanks again for all your help with that and hopefully your advice/response will help put my mind at ease
                We've taken quite a few new screeners onboard over the past little while, and they tend to be a little.. overenthusiastic (looking for every little flaw). That image was screened by a trainee and another recent addition. Again, the vignetting is there, just not bad enough that it should cause a rejection. I'll pass it along to those too not to be so strict in the future with such things. Image has been added.


                • Good afternoon, Dlowwa, I really appreciate the explanation and the unexpected acceptance of this photo. I totally understand that all screeners have different preferences and also understand that the newer additions are looking to make an impression. Thanks again for everything that you do


                  • Originally posted by dlowwa View Post
                    I'll pass it along to those *two not to be so strict in the future with such things. Image has been added.
                    Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
                    Good afternoon, Dlowwa, I really appreciate the explanation and the unexpected acceptance of this photo. I totally understand that all screeners have different preferences and also understand that the newer additions are looking to make an impression. Thanks again for everything that you do
                    No worries


                    • Looking for feedback on these two photos...

                      1) Worried about color, contrast and exposure

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC08099 N196DN 030120.jpg
Views:	139
Size:	350.1 KB
ID:	1095629

                      2) Me thinks the horizon is level, but would appreciate a 2nd opinion, as well as if the exposure is sufficient

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC05873-2 N85340 021020.jpg
Views:	134
Size:	550.1 KB
ID:	1095630

                      Thank you!


                      • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
                        Looking for feedback on these two photos...

                        1) Worried about color, contrast and exposure

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC08099 N196DN 030120.jpg
Views:	139
Size:	350.1 KB
ID:	1095629

                        2) Me thinks the horizon is level, but would appreciate a 2nd opinion, as well as if the exposure is sufficient

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC05873-2 N85340 021020.jpg
Views:	134
Size:	550.1 KB
ID:	1095630

                        Thank you!
                        Both would be ok for me.


                        • So I was having doubts with these two photos and they were gonna be screened this evening and tomorrow, but I took them out of the queue because I was worried they suffered from vignette. Would appreciate a second opinion on these. Thank you

                          1&2) Vignette? exposure issues?

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC01095 N77865 011020.jpg
Views:	152
Size:	304.4 KB
ID:	1095636

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC01390 N13248 011020.jpg
Views:	148
Size:	347.7 KB
ID:	1095637


                          • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
                            So I was having doubts with these two photos and they were gonna be screened this evening and tomorrow, but I took them out of the queue because I was worried they suffered from vignette. Would appreciate a second opinion on these. Thank you

                            1&2) Vignette? exposure issues?

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC01095 N77865 011020.jpg
Views:	152
Size:	304.4 KB
ID:	1095636

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC01390 N13248 011020.jpg
Views:	148
Size:	347.7 KB
ID:	1095637
                            Slight vignetting on the second, but wouldn't be enough for a rejection from me.


                            • Looking for feedback on these 3 photos.

                              1) horizon, contrast, exposure

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC06831 N815NW 022120.jpg
Views:	130
Size:	407.0 KB
ID:	1095900

                              2) contrast, exposure, and if it is overprocessed

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC00926 N632JB 080320.jpg
Views:	115
Size:	397.8 KB
ID:	1095901

                              3) Night shot, noise, contrast, softness, and exposure

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC07114 N113DQ 022420.jpg
Views:	121
Size:	547.1 KB
ID:	1095902

                              Thank you


                              • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
                                Looking for feedback on these 3 photos.

                                1) horizon, contrast, exposure

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC06831 N815NW 022120.jpg
Views:	130
Size:	407.0 KB
ID:	1095900

                                2) contrast, exposure, and if it is overprocessed

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC00926 N632JB 080320.jpg
Views:	115
Size:	397.8 KB
ID:	1095901

                                3) Night shot, noise, contrast, softness, and exposure

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC07114 N113DQ 022420.jpg
Views:	121
Size:	547.1 KB
ID:	1095902

                                Thank you
                                1. needs CW rotation
                                2. ok for me
                                3. soft and contrast seems a bit washed out. borderline crop as well.

