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Pre-screening Help

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  • Thank you for your comments. Could you please explain a little more in detail why photo #1 would be considered manipulation?


    • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
      Thank you for your comments. Could you please explain a little more in detail why photo #1 would be considered manipulation?
      You did a very poor job of masking the sky when you darkened it. The areas between the struts is still the original sky/brightness. Such gross over-editing usually falls into the category of manipulation and often comes with a warning attached.


      • Ah, thank you for bringing that to my attention. Something that I totally did not notice and will rectify in the future so it will not happen again. That being said, does this re-edit of said photo, fix the mistakes that you brought to my attention before?

        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC03732-2 N22325 112720.jpg
Views:	171
Size:	374.3 KB
ID:	1103857


        • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
          Ah, thank you for bringing that to my attention. Something that I totally did not notice and will rectify in the future so it will not happen again. That being said, does this re-edit of said photo, fix the mistakes that you brought to my attention before?

          Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC03732-2 N22325 112720.jpg
Views:	171
Size:	374.3 KB
ID:	1103857
          I would consider it borderline for soft & dark/contrast.


          • Unfortunately the last picture I submitted for pre-screening was rejected due to JPEG artifacts. Could you provide some insight as to where the artifacts were prominent on the photo and is this something that can be fixed?

   is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!


            • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
              Unfortunately the last picture I submitted for pre-screening was rejected due to JPEG artifacts. Could you provide some insight as to where the artifacts were prominent on the photo and is this something that can be fixed?

              Whole image is somewhat compressed, even somewhat more than the one you posted here. Check your save settings, but I'd guess the softness I noticed before is related to that compression. A rather heavy crop I assume?


              • For this photo, I am curious to know if the stairs would be considered an obstruction? Motive would be that the Jacksonville Jaguars NFL football team just arrived to MSP and I wanted to include them in the photo to add context when I added some detail on the photo, if and or when, it was accepted. Other concerns would be exposure and contrast. Thank you in advance

                Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC05082 N322SG 120520.jpg
Views:	174
Size:	810.1 KB
ID:	1104462


                • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
                  For this photo, I am curious to know if the stairs would be considered an obstruction? Motive would be that the Jacksonville Jaguars NFL football team just arrived to MSP and I wanted to include them in the photo to add context when I added some detail on the photo, if and or when, it was accepted. Other concerns would be exposure and contrast. Thank you in advance

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC05082 N322SG 120520.jpg
Views:	174
Size:	810.1 KB
ID:	1104462
                  Technically other side of the aircraft, so not necessarily an immediate rejection, but will be a subjective call. Contrast is indeed poor, and horizon looks a bit off as well.


                  • Thank you for the feedback Dana. Does this re-edit fix the contrast and horizon issues or at least make them more satisfactory?

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC05082-2 N322SG 120520.jpg
Views:	138
Size:	822.5 KB
ID:	1104503


                    • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
                      Thank you for the feedback Dana. Does this re-edit fix the contrast and horizon issues or at least make them more satisfactory?

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC05082-2 N322SG 120520.jpg
Views:	138
Size:	822.5 KB
ID:	1104503
                      Probably not going to be able to get much better out of it, but still borderline at best.


                      • Taking a chance with a different aspect of a helicopter I do not normally see and I am looking for some guidance for this photo: Would you see any issues with this crop? Are there any issues with it being a belly photo? Any contrast or exposure issues? There is a bit of a tighter crop than I normally have and would like to see if you see any jpeg compression issues? If you see any other items I may have missed, please let me know. Thank you in advance

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC04163 N71NM 112820.jpg
Views:	164
Size:	354.5 KB
ID:	1104859


                        • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
                          Taking a chance with a different aspect of a helicopter I do not normally see and I am looking for some guidance for this photo: Would you see any issues with this crop? Are there any issues with it being a belly photo? Any contrast or exposure issues? There is a bit of a tighter crop than I normally have and would like to see if you see any jpeg compression issues? If you see any other items I may have missed, please let me know. Thank you in advance

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC04163 N71NM 112820.jpg
Views:	164
Size:	354.5 KB
ID:	1104859
                          Soft and borderline contrast, will depend on the screener for the latter, since most of the helicopter visible is in shadow.


                          • Looking for feedback for this photo:

                            One thing I am worried about is that there might be heat haze. If you see any other issues, I would appreciate you bringing them to my attention.

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC04533 N189LW 120220.jpg
Views:	124
Size:	472.9 KB
ID:	1104993


                            • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
                              Looking for feedback for this photo:

                              One thing I am worried about is that there might be heat haze. If you see any other issues, I would appreciate you bringing them to my attention.

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC04533 N189LW 120220.jpg
Views:	124
Size:	472.9 KB
ID:	1104993
                              Would be ok for me.


                              • Dana, I appreciate the feedback. Unfortunately I am receiving this error message when trying to upload this photo. Any insight as to why I am receiving this message when it says that the minimum size requirements are 576px for the short side?

                                Click image for larger version

Views:	233
Size:	13.9 KB
ID:	1105014

