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Pre-screening Help

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  • #91
    For the compression issues on 2 and 5, what would be one of your suggestions to fix this issue?


    • #92
      Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
      For the compression issues on 2 and 5, what would be one of your suggestions to fix this issue?
      Make sure you're saving at max jpeg quality, and issues with banding in the sky, I find working with a .tif file as an intermediary step before converting to jpeg usually gets rid of the issue.


      • #93
        I did convert from RAW .arw within lightroom to 16-bit .tif within photoshop and then converted it to 100% quality .jpg

        Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC00876-4.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	569.1 KB
ID:	1042860Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC00843-4.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	369.0 KB
ID:	1042861

        How are these?


        • #94
          Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
          I did convert from RAW .arw within lightroom to 16-bit .tif within photoshop and then converted it to 100% quality .jpg


          How are these?
          I don't see any real difference between these and the previous versions. Are you sure these are completely new edits? The crop/lighting/sharpening/etc.. look exactly the same.


          • #95
            Yes these were completely different edits. The previous suggestions were that it was soft so I increased the sharpening ever so slightly, exported from ARW to TIF like I usually do, made sure the TIFs were in 16-bit and applied some additional small tone and brightness/contrast edits and then exported at full JPG quality. I will go back and look at them again and see if there is anything else I can do to the edits.


            • #96
              Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
              Yes these were completely different edits.
              I'll be honest and say I'm pretty impressed that you were able to crop/frame/level them so perfectly in the camera if that's the case. I know I'd be extremely lucky to get such shots that didn't require at least a little bit of cropping/levelling straight out of the camera


              • #97
                Well within Lightroom, i reverted the original photos in question back to the original framing, I notice that I get some vignetting from 350-600mm zooming so I purposefully zoom out a little bit so that I can crop out the vignetting that I would get in the initial shot. I have a couple other shots of the same aircraft that I will attempt to edit and see if they turn out differently than the files that are having the compression issues. Sorry if there was any confusion. I had just used the same picture for the possible redo edits, but I guess it did not work out.


                • #98
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC00844.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	384.5 KB
ID:	1042876Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC00875.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	551.6 KB
ID:	1042877

                  Edited another image of the same aircraft. Please let me know if the images are still soft and have the compression issue. Thank you.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post

                    Edited another image of the same aircraft. Please let me know if the images are still soft and have the compression issue. Thank you.
                    Compression shouldn't be an issue, but both still a bit soft, and editing halos visible on the helicopter.


                    • Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC00844-3.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	357.5 KB
ID:	1042882Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC00875-2.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	557.6 KB
ID:	1042883

                      Increased sharpness in both photos. Adjusted the sliders on the helicopter photo to decrease shadows and highlights as well as the black and white sliders. Please advise if these adjustments rendered the photos acceptable or which ones still need some work. Thank you.


                      • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post

                        Increased sharpness in both photos. Adjusted the sliders on the helicopter photo to decrease shadows and highlights as well as the black and white sliders. Please advise if these adjustments rendered the photos acceptable or which ones still need some work. Thank you.
                        Halos are gone now, but both still borderline for soft. Are the originals actually sharp?


                        • The original files being shot in RAW had some sharpness to them (roughly 40 on the slider). I had increased sharpness to about 75. What would you suggest be my next step?


                          • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post
                            The original files being shot in RAW had some sharpness to them (roughly 40 on the slider). I had increased sharpness to about 75. What would you suggest be my next step?
                            I meant were they actually sharp image before any editing, i.e. in focus, no heat haze, motion blur, lens softness, etc..


                            • Yes,

                              Here are the images without any changes to the sharpening.

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC00875-4.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	542.8 KB
ID:	1042950Click image for larger version

Name:	DSC00844-5.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	340.5 KB
ID:	1042951


                              • Originally posted by bgkicks49 View Post

                                Here are the images without any changes to the sharpening.

                                Those are 1200pix, so have been edited (re-sized).

