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Colorwasher opinions?

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  • Colorwasher opinions?

    G'day Guys
    Just wondering what people think of colorwasher compared to using normal PS technique's.
    I have had a go at the demo and with the lines all over your print its pretty hard to tell just how much better it is.
    How does it handle shots of aircraft etc with large amounts of blue.
    I piked up focalblade and it simply awesome so i am seriously considering colorwasher but first hand opinions ar sought.
    Any help would be great.
    All the best

  • #2
    Hey there!
    hmmm I dont know. And I wont get it. When it comes to color I like to keep my images as 'natural' as possible...just like they come from the cam with only a little brightness/contrast change.

    thanks for your lens advise btw, IŽll go for the 50-500 as I cant affort the IS one at the moment.


    • #3
      It's awesome. Highly recommend it. If you look at the majority of pictures taken in less then perfect light, you will see a color cast to most of them. That is not natural. Colorwasher fixes that in about two mouse clicks.


      • #4
        G'day Jeff
        Do you find it worth the money when most problems can be fixed in PS with Ctrl L and the Ctrl U.
        What i am getting at is it THAT much better or is it more the convenience and speed which make it such a good tool?
        Focalblade is an awesome product and i could never replicate what it does in PS but what about colorwasher.
        Is it genius or time saver?


        • #5
          I think colorwasher is better then focalblade personally.
          I don't mind paying for the convenience and speed, but in this case, I don't see it as "just" convenience and speed, but rather accuracy.

          Remember if it is being done in Photoshop, it is photoshop's "stuff" that the puggin is using. It is just smarter and easier. I'm not sure what Ctrl L and the Ctrl U do, so I can't really comment.


          • #6
            Hii Jeff
            The CTRL L and U adjust light levels and hue/saturation manually bringing up the levels and hue screen.
            I wasn't sure whether the auto functions of colorwasher would deal well with the lghting in many of the aircraft pcs but obvousl t does and quckly too.
            Oh well another 500 down the shute!!
            Take care and thanks


            • #7
              Here's a new one:

              Haven't tried it yet, but will certainly give the demo a run through.

              I must admit the for "normal" shots, I quite enjoy manually tweaking colour balance etc. But sometimes this can become a real chore - this weekend I shot a local Xmas fair in a church hall - mixed flourescent, tungsten and natural light. A colour nightmare, and, because I was moving around, the balance of the various light sources was changing in every pic, so no batch processing of the shots was possible.

              Standard PS tools (Auto-whatever) really can't handle this sort of thing, and colour correcting manually is tedious to say the least. Tools like Colorwasher are a real blessing when faced with this situation and worth every penny.


              A member of AirTeamImages


              • #8
                G'day Colin
                Thanks for the tip with phototune i'll give it a try.
                Picked up colorwasher and looks much better without great big bloody lines all over your prints.
                Thanks for the reply.

