I'm about 15 miles/25 minutes away from LIT. The airport is on the edge of the city.
No announcement yet.
How far are you from the Airport???
30 min away from TUL and 50 min away from XNA...
too damn far!Culture is roughly anything we do that the monkeys do not. --Lord Raglan
For more of my shots have a look at www.okairpix.smugmug.com
MDW=25 minutes or 31 miles
ORD=30-35 minutes or 42 miles
all interstate or tollways.
Being in the Midwest gets you near quite a few airports, with the farthest being only 7 hours awayhere is my huge list..
MDH (Carbondale, Illinois)-10 min
MWA(Marion, Illinois has commercial service to STL)-15-20min
STL-2 Hours
BNA-3 Hours
SDF-5 Hours
ORD/MDW-6 Hours
MEM-7 Hours
MCI-6 Hours
IND-4 Hours
EVV-2 Hours
CGI- 45 Min
PAD-45 Min
and im not even counting all the regional airports that are under 2 hours away from me around Southern Illinois, SI has one of the most regional airports, as im sure along with Florida and Texas. for MDH, I used to be a walk away from one of the runways, id ride my bike or walk and sit right by the runway and watch the SIU Students try to land without crashing haha. Anyway as you can see I have a wide variety!!Stop Searching. Start Traveling. southwest.com
I live about 1 mile from the runway threshold at ACY (roughly), however on the roads it takes about 10-15 minutes (depending on lights and traffic) to get to the terminal, which is on the other side of the airport, and the roads take a very roundabout route. The terminal (roadwise) is about 6 miles from my house according to MSN Maps and Directions, but I think it's only about 1.7 or something geographically.
I am 55 minutes (or 56 miles) from PHL without traffic, but it takes sometimes as much as 2 hours with traffic.
It takes me about an hour and a half (65 miles) to get to TTN (Trenton).
It takes me about an hour and 45 minutes to get to EWR, which is close to 105 miles away.Last edited by matt1168; 2005-01-27, 02:52.