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Another "Blue Ice" Story

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  • Another "Blue Ice" Story

    LEOMINSTER, Mass. - It came from the friendly skies, and caused quite a bit of damage.

    Frozen waste from a jet’s toilet smashed onto a woman’s car last week, crushing part of the roof and shattering the windshield.

    A Massachusetts woman says no one is willing to help her pay for the repairs, or take responsibility.

    Nina Gambone says federal aviation officials determined the chunk of frozen debris came from a jet’s lavatory. But, a spokesman says they can’t do anything unless it can identify the airline responsible.

    Gambone says she called her fire department in Leominster, which says they can’t remove the glob because it is classified as hazardous waste.

    The only good news is the woman and her 13-year-old son had just left the car before it was hit.
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  • #2

    I was the lav man @Cactus in the winter of 99-00, wow that was a lot of fun


    • #3
      Blah, sh!t happens. What I find more worrying is that that guy actually picked up that frozen crAp and had himself phographed holding it (other article on the same story) "Look at me, I'm holidng frozen human excrements in hands, hooray!"



      • #4
        Watch out ! She may try hiring either Sherlock Holmes or Dick Tracy to find the offending aircraft
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        • #5
          Couldnt they figure date/time and Global position to figure out whos jet it was???? I think if she wanted to spend mega bucks, she could figure it out....Lets hope she doesnt think of it..... ( based on the fact that people can figure out what flight it was that passes over at 40,000ft just by position/date/time...)


          • #6

            When poo lands near you, make friends with it
            You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


            • #7
              Originally posted by DAL767-400ER
              Blah, sh!t happens.
              Sure does
              Sam Rudge
              A 5D3, some Canon lenses, the Sigma L and a flash

