Not as of yet, but what would they do if the plane had an emergency? Isn't it too big to land at most conventional airports? Granted they could probably ferry it out of almost anywhere, with no PAX or cargo. But what about its wingspan or landing weight? If they gotta put it down someplace and its not one of the ?? (I don't know the exact number of airport that are preparing for A380) or so places that are getting re-configured for this jumbo, wouldnt it bear a risk to the aircraft/airport? I know that here, if we park a 737-200 on our south ramp on a hot day it will start to sink ( wheels dent tarmac) and thats just an itty- bitty jet. They would just leave it on the runway if it was too big I guess. I wonder what the minimum length runway is to get that thing stopped? Its gotta be pretty "Heavy".