Originally posted by srbmod
Originally posted by PT737SWA
....apparently, neither of you are versed in the actual definition of "hub".
A Hub, by technical definition; is a base at which a series of flights are specifically banked (in accord to the "Cyrus Calculation") to connect to specific other flights contrasting in an E/W or N/S direction. Perhaps the optimum example thereof would be DL's operation at CVG, which survives only on its banked-spoke service.
A Focus City, is a base at which a series of flights are addressed on the propriety of O&D traffic... should the focus city prove expansive enough, de facto connections could become available to any given number of destinations.
Taking that into account, the line is often skewed.
One reason being that airlines have in recent years decided to abandon the pure-hub concept by and large and shift their operation to a premium O&D focus. Perhaps the most dramatic such shift has been BA at LON; in fact, Eddington's FS&S plan was specifically designed to terminate hubbing at LGW (it's now a focus city in the purest sense) and shift 60% of LHR's operation to focus-base as well. The cutting of such spokes as TPE, OSA, KUL, SEL, etc; as well as the advent of direct LHR flights to IAH via ORD; are a testament thereto.
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