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How does your religion fly?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by A332
    Even a half-wit like you could have figured out my comments were speaking directly about many of the religious issues we face in the world today, such as the rise of Islamic terrorism, for example... or is that not an issue in your nutty fundamentalist world?

    As usual, your asinine comments are completely without warrant and totally uncalled for... not that anyone is surprised though.

    Have a nice day.
    Happiness is flying at FL400 and over 1000kmh


    • #17
      Hey Beyond 1000:

      I know that it’s difficult to have to deal with some of the folks on this forum regarding the “hot topic” of religion. It’s almost as if one would have to refer to the “R word” for fear of setting off someone’s ticking time bomb of self-righteousness and finger pointing; like the poster here who would lay the majority of the blame for the world’s problems to the fault of religion. I guess it’s an easy accusation, untrue, but easy. It’s like saying that it was the fault of all that money in the bank, just waiting for the nice men to come in and take it. It certainly couldn’t be the attitude and greed of those nice men – it must have been something else – and since no one else was around, it must have been the money’s fault!

      Some folks are so afraid of what “religion” is they respond in the most vehement and pathetic ways. Usually they are so wrapped up in the current politically correct form of behavior that they wouldn’t be able to recognize and deal with an honest comment to save their lives. What is perhaps the most interesting fact about this type is that almost without exception the only “religious” statements, actions, or attitudes that are demonstrated against are those of Christianity. These folks usually go out of their way to make sure that all of the other religions of the world (and some that are a bit shaky as to what they really are -- like the group that committed group suicide to they could go live on a passing comet --???) are provided not only the right to “free speech” about that religion, but the right of assembly, public display of religious dress, thought, word, and deed. It’s only been the past decade or so that some of the more “pushy” of these so-called religions have disappeared from the nations airport halls where they were found soliciting money for their “cause.” Yet have some one offer a prayer before they eat a meal in a public restaurant and you would think that they had committed the most vile and inhuman insult to the surrounding restaurant patrons. Had a US Native American or a Buddhist made a similar gesture of thankfulness prior to eating their meal they would have been all but ignored by those same patrons. Truly amazing.

      Keep on keepin' on!


      • #18
        Originally posted by AirRabbit
        Hey Beyond 1000:

        I know that it’s difficult to have to deal with some of the folks on this forum regarding the “hot topic” of religion. It’s almost as if one would have to refer to the “R word” for fear of setting off someone’s ticking time bomb of self-righteousness and finger pointing; like the poster here who would lay the majority of the blame for the world’s problems to the fault of religion. I guess it’s an easy accusation, untrue, but easy. It’s like saying that it was the fault of all that money in the bank, just waiting for the nice men to come in and take it. It certainly couldn’t be the attitude and greed of those nice men – it must have been something else – and since no one else was around, it must have been the money’s fault!

        Some folks are so afraid of what “religion” is they respond in the most vehement and pathetic ways. Usually they are so wrapped up in the current politically correct form of behavior that they wouldn’t be able to recognize and deal with an honest comment to save their lives. What is perhaps the most interesting fact about this type is that almost without exception the only “religious” statements, actions, or attitudes that are demonstrated against are those of Christianity. These folks usually go out of their way to make sure that all of the other religions of the world (and some that are a bit shaky as to what they really are -- like the group that committed group suicide to they could go live on a passing comet --???) are provided not only the right to “free speech” about that religion, but the right of assembly, public display of religious dress, thought, word, and deed. It’s only been the past decade or so that some of the more “pushy” of these so-called religions have disappeared from the nations airport halls where they were found soliciting money for their “cause.” Yet have some one offer a prayer before they eat a meal in a public restaurant and you would think that they had committed the most vile and inhuman insult to the surrounding restaurant patrons. Had a US Native American or a Buddhist made a similar gesture of thankfulness prior to eating their meal they would have been all but ignored by those same patrons. Truly amazing.

        Keep on keepin' on!

        Umm, where do you live?
        First of all I am Hindu, and extremely proud of my religion and my culture! The fact reamins that I am also a proud citizen on the United States. But let us not fool ourselves with the facade that Christianity is not the major religion of the country. The state and the governemnt fundamentally has "secluded" itself from religion, but let's not pretend that Christian values are not promoted on a daliy basis. Now you claimed that only Christian values are demonstrated against, and that is an absolutely ignorant comment! Have you ever considered the other point of view? Have you ever considered what it is like to live a life in which the American public cannot understand. Here is a perfect example.
        I was going to school. Divali (one of the most important days in the Hindu calendar) was the next day. I had a test on Divali, but decided that I needed to stay home and pray. I advised my teachers, and was told that I had to come in and take the test or I would not be able to make it up. I was furoius , but I had no choice. On Divali morning, I was dressed in my Kurta and had to go to school. I decided that I would go to the temple right after that test. I got to school, and apart from the stares, the snickering , the comments and everything else my teacher even reccomended that I take the test in the hallway. The next day I brought in a note, the front office decided that it was not an "excused absence" (other excused absences include participating in certain "church" events e.t.c). The woman ther even commented "Divali, is that like the Muslim version of the Chinese New Year?", and as I was leaving another woman said, "He had that red thing on his forehead, he must be bhuddist!" Try being an non-Christian in a pre-dominantly Christian country where other points of view are not easily accepted.
        Whatever is necessary, is never unwise.


        • #19
          Originally posted by beyond 1000

          You made the comments so you try to prove your first sentence.

          I can't disprove to YOU what you said because logically you are so far gone with the first sentence of your post.
          Its true. Christianity is the root cause of some and most problems in our society. No joke.I dont know how you can understand that. Just look at this no gay people, no gay marrage, a all christian president raine, blah blah blah blah blah! What religion besides christianity pushes itself into others!? What religion besides christianity has 5 of its own (or more) channels? Explain that. Religion os the root cause of a l;ot of problems in todays society and some ultra-religious people who take it to far think they can throw a bible at any problem and it will go away.


          • #20
            Originally posted by AA 1818
            The state and the governemnt fundamentally has "secluded" itself from religion, but let's not pretend that Christian values are not promoted on a daliy basis.
            Beliefs and values are two completely different things. How do Hindu values differ from Christian values? Are they not pretty similar?

            Regarding the administration of your school, some people are just ignorant dumbasses. I bet a lawyer could set them straight real fast. If the school lets Christian and Jewish students observe religious holidays (as my public high school did) they should let Hindu students do the same.
            Follow me on Twitter!


            • #21
              AirRabbit...You hit that one square on the head. You are so right on that.

              AA1818....Perhaps AirRabbit was looking at it from his perspective and so do I. Of course this is not to say that you aren't attacked for your faith either. What happened to you in school is unacceptable. You should be treated with respect and not just some second class citizen. Those who treat you like that are not real godly people.

              ACMan....You have issues and immaturity is the biggest one. When you grow up someday you'll find that the world doesn't revolve around your rosey mind.
              Christianity is about following Jesus as the Lord and Saviour. Homosexuality is rebellion against God and is perverse. This is not just only subject to the Christian faith but to the values of all or most of the world's religions. So God is no good to you because He won't accept two men sleeping? You have reduced his Divine Glory to such low depths? Go with God and not the world. You have a right to chose what you want which is a right God gave you but also warned you to choose His way. Nobody is pushing nobody here. You just can't stand to hear God's truth and accuse others of being pushy. Read AirRabbit's post again.

              Babypurin began an interesting post here and A332 and ACMan got offended from their weak insecurities about God. Them's the facts.

              Have a nice day and live in peace with your neighbour.
              Happiness is flying at FL400 and over 1000kmh


              • #22
                Originally posted by beyond 1000
                live in peace with your neighbour.
                Might be possible for all, if religion didn't exist, after all religion fuels hatred.

                If all christian's go to heaven, that means the place is riddled with Paedophiles, rapists, murderers, the pope, that's not my idea of heaven, I'd rather be somewhere with good people only, like myself


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Messerschmitt Man
                  Might be possible for all, if religion didn't exist, after all religion fuels hatred.

                  If all christian's go to heaven, that means the place is riddled with Paedophiles, rapists, murderers, the pope, that's not my idea of heaven, I'd rather be somewhere with good people only, like myself
                  I believe you forgot to say that you were the best person on the face of the Earth.

                  TAP - Transportes Aéreos Portugueses

                  Voe mais alto. Fly higher.



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by TAP-A343
                    I believe you forgot to say that you were the best person on the face of the Earth.

                    It was implied


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by beyond 1000
                      Christianity is about following Jesus as the Lord and Saviour. Homosexuality is rebellion against God and is perverse. This is not just only subject to the Christian faith but to the values of all or most of the world's religions. So God is no good to you because He won't accept two men sleeping? You have reduced his Divine Glory to such low depths? Go with God and not the world. You have a right to chose what you want which is a right God gave you but also warned you to choose His way. Nobody is pushing nobody here. You just can't stand to hear God's truth and accuse others of being pushy. Read AirRabbit's post again.
                      You're a total whackjob man... seriously... I used to think some of the other folk on this board were pretty twisted and clueless... who figured the nuttiest of the bunch would be living in beautiful Vancouver BC?

                      Tip: Seek therapy.

                      Babypurin began an interesting post here and A332 and ACMan got offended from their weak insecurities about God. Them's the facts.
                      Wrong! I merely stated my opinion on the topic and you took it as some sort of personal attack... now who's really insecure here?

                      I've tried my best to avoid replying, but your statements are so stupid and idiotic it's hard to not want to smack you around... and them's the facts!

                      Later fundie!
                      My Images


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Messerschmitt Man
                        Might be possible for all, if religion didn't exist, after all religion fuels hatred.

                        If all christian's go to heaven, that means the place is riddled with Paedophiles, rapists, murderers, the pope, that's not my idea of heaven, I'd rather be somewhere with good people only, like myself
                        Man you have got one messed up view of religion. If you aren't going to heaven, you're going to hell. Most religions agree on that much at least. You have got one sad outlook on life if you think the world is as bad as you say. Just because the world's conflicts are broadcast on the news doesn't mean there's no good in the world, or in heaven for that matter.
                        Follow me on Twitter!


                        • #27
                          Christianity is about following Jesus as the Lord and Saviour. Homosexuality is rebellion against God and is perverse. This is not just only subject to the Christian faith but to the values of all or most of the world's religions. So God is no good to you because He won't accept two men sleeping? You have reduced his Divine Glory to such low depths? Go with God and not the world. You have a right to chose what you want which is a right God gave you but also warned you to choose His way.
                          Well well, the brainwashed finally rear their heads...
                          "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

                          -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by indian airlines
                            Well well, the brainwashed finally rear their heads...
                            Christianity is a CHOICE made by individuals. It involves no brainwashing or forced beliefs and values. You either follow it or you don't.
                            Follow me on Twitter!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by PT737SWA
                              Christianity is a CHOICE made by individuals. It involves no brainwashing or forced beliefs and values. You either follow it or you don't.
                              There's nothing wrong with Christianity, or with the fact that it's a choice made by people.. That's not what I meant. This is:

                              Homosexuality is rebellion against God and is perverse. This is not just only subject to the Christian faith but to the values of all or most of the world's religions. So God is no good to you because He won't accept two men sleeping? You have reduced his Divine Glory to such low depths
                              Sounds like typical drivel.
                              "The Director also sets the record straight on what would happen if oxygen masks were to drop from the ceiling: The passengers freak out with abandon, instead of continuing to chat amiably, as though lunch were being served, like they do on those in-flight safety videos."

                              -- The LA Times, in a review of 'Flightplan'


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by indian airlines
                                There's nothing wrong with Christianity, or with the fact that it's a choice made by people.. That's not what I meant. This is:

                                Sounds like typical drivel.
                                Being a Christian, I do disagree with homosexuality but the Bible also says not to judge others because we will be judged by the Lord. Therefore I don't condemn those who are homosexual. It's between them & God.
                                Follow me on Twitter!

