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Boeing 787 nose unveiled

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  • Boeing 787 nose unveiled

    Spirit AeroSystems Inc., an Onex company, today unveiled the first developmental nose section for the Boeing 787 airplane. The advanced composite structure measures 19 feet in diameter and 24 feet in length. Spirit, located in Wichita, Kan., and McAlester and Tulsa, Okla., has design and build responsibilities for the forward section, pylons, and fixed and moveable wing components for the 787. Onex purchased the Kansas and Oklahoma operations from Boeing in June. (Fred Solis photo)

  • #2
    Ooh that's very different indeed! I don't see a break in the slope from the windscreen to the nose like you see on most Boeings. This shape is the future of Boeing aviation!
    Follow me on Twitter!


    • #3
      Looks absolutely beautiful! Can't wait to see more... way to go boeing!


      • #4
        It's certainly different, lookin' good. Too bad the original tail is out the window, I thought it was pretty slick looking


        • #5
          Damn it...I was hoping they would lose that look.
          Will F.
          Photos: JetPhotos.Net | | General Photography


          • #6
            Well, it is much pointier than previous Boeings, and overall, it's more aerodynamical even. Looking forward to seeing it on the first completed hull .


            • #7
              ONEX!! THOSE BASTERDS!!!!

              It looks alot like the CRJ's and ERJ-17X and 19X nose doesnt it? Also like the Comet and Caravelle.


              • #8
                Damn that looks hot. Maybe it does look like EMB-170s and Comets / Caravelles but they probably have the best aerodynamic designs hence the speed capabilities on those aircraft.
                Ryan Davis
                Admin, FlyerGuide.Net


                • #9
                  That doesnt really look like Boeings latest drawing. But its hot!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by chrisburns
                    That doesnt really look like Boeings latest drawing. But its hot!
                    The latest drawing looked more traditional like usual Boeings. This actual nose looks more like the concept drawings we fell in love with.
                    Follow me on Twitter!


                    • #11
                      Let me be the first original by saying I hate it .

                      No im kidding, like the other said the nose is leaning towards EMB 170's noses
                      Inactive from May 1 2009.


                      • #12
                        Nice...I like it
                        Canon 20D & BG-E2 Grip
                        EF 50mm 1.4 USM
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                        Manfrotto Tripod and Monopod

                        David Wilson | Through the Fence Photography


                        • #13
                          Don't get too attached to that one, it'll never's going to be broken up for testing!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Showtime100
                            Don't get too attached to that one, it'll never's going to be broken up for testing!
                            Yeah, but its ok, they will make us 280+ more to get to love!~

                            Plus, watching stress tests is a lot of fun!
                            THE VOICE OF REASON HAS SPOKEN!
                            Pop quiz: Which US president said, "Saddam Hussein has spent the better part of this decade, and much of his nation's wealth, not on providing for the Iraqi people, but on developing nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them."
                            George W. Bush is not correct. It was Bill Clinton in his 1998 State of the Union speech. HMMMMMMMMM.


                            • #15
                              DH Comet anyone?

                              Doesnt it resemble the DH Comet / Caravelle nose?

                              It looks good, so it must have come from Europe at some point...

                              just kidding....

                              it also resembles the 757 nose a bit..

