I like Airbus and Boeing equally as much, however I've gotta say, all the Boeing fans who have posted something bad or negative on this thread are just starting to get a chill down their spines because they're scared that Airbus is catching up to Boeing - FAST! It's just like the Ashes, after all these years of Australia being dominant, England are finally becoming more competetive!
No announcement yet.
4000th Airbus delivered
This topic is closed.
Congrats to Airbus and well done event. Picking up LH as the lucky airline was also a smart move
-to reward the German airline for its continuous support, far better than AF which acts more or less like BOAC towards the VC10
-to honour Mr Gustav Humbert, German national and CEO for his first official ceremony, nothing was more appropriate than picking up Lufthansa.
Well done.
Wow...sorry guys, I never ventured inside this thread until today when someone sent me the link.
In the future, when you guys witness such inappropriateness, please drop one of the mods a line. We don't read every thread.
BTW, there will be mulitple bans handed out for this. Stay tuned.
I'm very disappointed.
Ok, here are the bans:
wannabepilot777 - 1 week: past offender, immaturity, provocation, stirring up trouble
ACman - 1 month: severe use of profanity; however, a first time offence
onlyboeingifly - Permanent: repeat offender, immaturity, personal attacks, provocation, multiple IDs
ionlyflyboeing - Permanent: same as above...creating a new ID after being banned
goingboeing - Permanent: 3rd ID after having 2 previous ones banned