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AC tosses 6yo Kid Off Plane

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  • #31
    Originally posted by MaxPower
    It's the airline's responsibility to take care of this minor, seatbelt or not I dont think he should have got kicked out of the plane. It shouldnt not be that hard to convince a little kid to wear the seatbelts.Btw aren't the F/A's also trained to take care of these kind of issues too ??
    Oh come on, John :rolleyes: I think these f/a's have heaps more experience in taking care of children than you do. Your nephew (mentioned later in this thread) may be very well behaved and listen to grownups, but not all kids do all the time. And that's neither bad parenting or a bad kid, it HAPPENS. Because the kids want to see if there're any limits and if they can cross it- they're testing you.

    And you can't just force the kid to put on a seatbelt- well, you can, but the kid is 6, he can also figure out how to take it off. And he got out of his seat- not only was he a danger to himself but also to the rest of the passengers. A kid flying through the air during take off is not something to joke about.

    Originally posted by MaxPower
    I had a conversation with a PFSG member and he said - a bad child is a reflection of bad parenting.

    To me, when a child do this in a restaurant or anywhere else someone they don't know or even if the kid know the person, Its still a bad manner or whatever you would call it. Now Im not saying you're a bad parent cause we treat our "kids" differently. Oh I have to mention "No I dont have any kid(s)"
    Well, "you just wait". A kid WILL behave badly at some point. You did yourself, I did myself, EVERYONE did, and most of our parents weren't bad parents at all. It's in the kid's nature to test its parents to see if it can gain control. And it WILL happen.

    "A bad kid is a reflection of bad parenting"- true, but when is a kid truly bad? I wouldn't call this AC UM bad at all- maybe it's the first time he's ever misbehaved? I think you're kinda fast and generalzing a LOT when you call his parents bad. You don't seem to know anything about kids at all...

    On top of that- you always get toys as an UM, so they definitely tried that... I flew UM a load of times. Drop the "bad parenting" attitude and get back to this thread when you've been there yourself. Of course you can have an opinion, but when this includes false accusations and talking about something you know absolutely nothing about, maybe you should keep it to yourself as it isn't well-funded at all.


    • #32
      Originally posted by janni-chan
      Oh come on, John :rolleyes: I think these f/a's have heaps more experience in taking care of children than you do. Your nephew (mentioned later in this thread) may be very well behaved and listen to grownups, but not all kids do all the time. And that's neither bad parenting or a bad kid, it HAPPENS. Because the kids want to see if there're any limits and if they can cross it- they're testing you.

      And you can't just force the kid to put on a seatbelt- well, you can, but the kid is 6, he can also figure out how to take it off. And he got out of his seat- not only was he a danger to himself but also to the rest of the passengers. A kid flying through the air during take off is not something to joke about.

      Well, "you just wait". A kid WILL behave badly at some point. You did yourself, I did myself, EVERYONE did, and most of our parents weren't bad parents at all. It's in the kid's nature to test its parents to see if it can gain control. And it WILL happen.

      "A bad kid is a reflection of bad parenting"- true, but when is a kid truly bad? I wouldn't call this AC UM bad at all- maybe it's the first time he's ever misbehaved? I think you're kinda fast and generalzing a LOT when you call his parents bad. You don't seem to know anything about kids at all...

      On top of that- you always get toys as an UM, so they definitely tried that... I flew UM a load of times. Drop the "bad parenting" attitude and get back to this thread when you've been there yourself. Of course you can have an opinion, but when this includes false accusations and talking about something you know absolutely nothing about, maybe you should keep it to yourself as it isn't well-funded at all.
      Speaking from experiance, kids like to push it to the limits


      • #33
        Ouch.. Janni ...You really got me there..

        Nowhere did I said I had more experience than the F/A's. If so, someone misunderstood it and Im not gonna apologize anything.

        It's a freakin discussion board. I didn't said anything I said is the real facts. I stand also by my posts.

        Btw. You left out the "I wasn't ranting any of the sides"
        Last edited by MaxPower; 2006-09-10, 16:14.
        Inactive from May 1 2009.


        • #34
          Originally posted by MaxPower
          Ouch.. Janni ...You really got me there..

          Nowhere did I said I had more experience than the F/A's. If so, someone misunderstood it and Im not gonna apologize anything.
          Yet you had the experience to tell the f/a's what they COULD/should have done? Because that's what you did...

          Originally posted by MaxPower
          It's a freakin discussion board. I didn't said anything I said is the real facts. I stand also by my posts.
          Who asked you to apologize? I was just asking you to get your facts straight before you start badmouthing parents and f/a's like that.

          Originally posted by MaxPower
          Btw. You left out the "I wasn't ranting any of the sides"
          But you did Several times. Need I quote?

