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First Boeing 767-200ER for Silverjet

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  • First Boeing 767-200ER for Silverjet


    The first aircraft for Silverjet, I cannot make my mind up about this livery, in a way, the fuselage looks dirty, that might even be the case! If that's all they're doing with the vertical stabilizer then someone wants shooting, and I'll pull the trigger if someone loads the gun.

    For info: Silverjet is a new UK start-up who obtained their AOC by acquiring Flyjet, I think, although not sure on this one, that they are going to do a similar operation to Maxjet or Eos, that is flying low-cost London-USA flights, I think their London airport of choice is Luton.
    Last edited by AJ; 2006-12-09, 00:41. Reason: Thumbnail

  • #2
    The livery is far from associating the airline name with the metal it was inspired from.
    Too bad, the title combination of small bold+large shaddow would have deserved something to enhance them together with a nice logo !!!
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    • #3
      Wow, 3 different versions of silver on one plane, and yet you can't tell them apart from a distance. Utterly disappointing.


      • #4

        Somewhat of an odd c/s for the name. Btw, why do people call an airLINE an airLINER? The stupid media does it all the time too. I don't get it...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Foxtrot
          Somewhat of an odd c/s for the name. Btw, why do people call an airLINE an airLINER? The stupid media does it all the time too. I don't get it...
          You expect anything different from people that can't tell a 747 from a Cessna ?


          • #6

            ^hehe, yeah, it does make sense now that you put it that way.


            • #7
              I disagree and I think the scheme is simple , yet elegant. Probably one of the best to date , it's not colourful , flamboyant or over the top like other new startups , and I think that makes a nice change

              You're all LCC haters


              • #8

                Originally posted by Will M
                I disagree and I think the scheme is simple , yet elegant. Probably one of the best to date , it's not colourful , flamboyant or over the top like other new startups , and I think that makes a nice change

                You're all LCC haters
                I'm not an LCC hater, and no, I don't think every other c/s out there should be colourful and flamboyant, but uh, when the livery looks like it's messed up and all-white from a distance, you do begin to wonder.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Will M
                  You're all LCC haters
                  Yes, I am an LCC hater, so what? I still like Southwest's or Air Tran's livery nonetheless. But in the case of Silverjet, as Foxtrot said, it just looks messed up.


                  • #10
                    I guess from a distant, this would prolly look like an albino. We used to have one white SK 767, flying around before being painted in Mexicana c/s. I always thought it was a private visitor, but arrr, Just SK , I miss it, Btw I like this scheme, very simple !
                    Inactive from May 1 2009.


                    • #11
                      I'd wait until you see it in real life before you make up your minds. Different lighting can transform a colourscheme.

                      I for one like this scheme.


                      • #12
                        I didn't realize the plane was even painted before I opened the image. Eugh, I hope it looks better in different light because it looks very awkward the way it is now!

