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Antarctica to receive scheduled regular A319 service (w/ photo)

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  • Antarctica to receive scheduled regular A319 service (w/ photo)

    The first airport in Antarctica, Sir Hubert Wilkins Airport, has opened and has received its first flight, an A319 aircraft carrying Australian government officials and scientists from Hobart. It landed at the 4km long ice runway after a 4.5hrs flight. The airport will receive weekly scheduled service from Hobart from October to March (during the summer months of Southern Hemisphere) in future. However, the flights are not available to be booked by public and will only carry scientists who work in Antarctica.

    None Planned

  • #2
    Good luck to them! Does the ANG out of Schenectady still deploy down there?



    • #3
      Umm McMurdo has had an airport for quite sometime and C-17's even land there so where did they get the first airport just opened?


      • #4
        Originally posted by chrisburns
        Umm McMurdo has had an airport for quite sometime and C-17's even land there so where did they get the first airport just opened?
        Good point. McMurdo has an ice runway (Williams Field) and so does the South Pole. In the winter they can land C-5 at Williams Field and a C-130 at the South Pole.



        • #5
          I searched Google and couldn't find any info on it. Can we have a link to your source?



          • #6
            Originally posted by z740
            I searched Google and couldn't find any info on it. Can we have a link to your source?

            The pic and story were from the Globe and Mail (Friday I believe). I also read the story in "The Australian" online.


            • #7
              This may not be the same link (or info. provider that was used originally) but there was a link placed on our handy-dandy news ticker (I LOVE IT!!!) :

     is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 5 million screened photos online!
              Whatever is necessary, is never unwise.


              • #8
                Originally posted by CathayPacific
                The first airport in Antarctica, Sir Hubert Wilkins Airport, has opened and has received its first flight, an A319 aircraft carrying Australian government officials and scientists from Hobart. It landed at the 4km long ice runway after a 4.5hrs flight. The airport will receive weekly scheduled service from Hobart from October to March (during the summer months of Southern Hemisphere) in future. However, the flights are not available to be booked by public and will only carry scientists who work in Antarctica.

                Just for your info the clean shaved head in the middle (sitting) is our enviro nment minister Peter Garrett. ex. singer from Midnight Oil. He autographed the
                guitar thats why the guy is lifting it up in the air all excited.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by exswissair
                  Just for your info the clean shaved head in the middle (sitting) is our enviro nment minister Peter Garrett. ex. singer from Midnight Oil..................
                  Bloody hell.....need to keep it quiet that he is our environment minister. But I suppose he does take the pressure of Rudd being a total embarrassment.
                  My contribution to JetPhotos


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by chrisburns
                    Umm McMurdo has had an airport for quite sometime and C-17's even land there so where did they get the first airport just opened?
                    I think when saying the 1st, the news report refers to using a civilian aircraft with a scheduled flight, not the airport being the 1st in Antarctica.
                    None Planned


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by exswissair
                      Just for your info the clean shaved head in the middle (sitting) is our enviro nment minister Peter Garrett. ex. singer from Midnight Oil.
                      You have a former singer as treehugger minister? Wow . Oh well, if he is competent for that job (as if any eco minister anywhere on the globe was ever competent to begin with)...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by z740
                        Good point. McMurdo has an ice runway (Williams Field) and so does the South Pole. In the winter they can land C-5 at Williams Field and a C-130 at the South Pole.

                        Good point, but the US government probably vetoed the use of service and facility by anybody else. Furthermore, most European scientific missions have based their logistics at Hobart and use the latter as a rallye point before transfer to location in Antartica. The 319 will make up a welcome addition for quite a few.
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                        • #13
                          Originally posted by z740
                          I searched Google and couldn't find any info on it. Can we have a link to your source?


                          If your talking about mine I found it on the NSF website

                          National Science Foundation, NSF, Science, Engineering, Education, National Science Foundation jobs, NSF jobs, NSF careers, Military Veteran jobs, Minorities in science, Programs for Veterans, Programs for people with disabilities, Programs for graduates


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by chrisburns
                            If your talking about mine I found it on the NSF website

                            Actually I was referring to CathayPacific's post but that's an interesting site nonetheless.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Greg Wilson
                              Bloody hell.....need to keep it quiet that he is our environment minister. But I suppose he does take the pressure of Rudd being a total embarrassment.

