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Aer Lingus looking at regional jets

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  • Aer Lingus looking at regional jets

    Aer Lingus is looking at regional jets in the 100-120 seat category. One recent report (which now appears incorrect) suggested that 7 E-195s had been ordered, but the airline's CEO - Christoph Mueller - is long known the believe that the A320 is too large for some of the airline's regional routes. The airline recently entered into an agreement with Aer Arann, which has proved successful - for Aer Lingus at least. Unfortunately, Aer Arann is now in serious financial difficulties and an Examiner has been appointed by the Irish High Court, which may ultmately result in the airline ceasing operations.

    Basically, EI's big problem is FR ... if EI is going to go down the regional jet road, it has three choices:
    (a) go for the A319, which will have commonality with the existing A320/321 fleets; the problem there is that the larger aircraft (320/321) are more efficient in seat mile costs - and the FR 738s definitely would be.
    (b) the E-195 or CRJ-900/1000, i.e. a currently available regional jet. Probably better seat mile costs than the FR 738s and would certainly give FR a headache.
    (c) wait for the Bombardier C-series (or similar new regional jet - such as the Superjet or MRJ) ... LH has recently said that the C-series would have better seat mile costs than the 380 or 748i; now that would certainly keep MO'L awake at night.

    EI needs an aircraft that will help it to move into attack mode on regional UK and European routes, firstly to sustain growth and secondly, to establish its hub at DUB. It's not going to do this with A320s or A319s; the E-195 gives it a good chance, but the C-series offers a very good opportunity to do this.

  • #2
    Whichever aircraft they go for it will look great in Aer Lingus livery, i dont remember ever seeing a Aer Lingus aircraft that didnt. Regarding Aer Lingus i think the airline took on a few too many A320's and not sure what its current/future alliance status is. If they arent in an alliance they certainly should be looking.


    • #3
      What happened to Aer Lingus Commuter? They operated the BAe 146-300-equipment alongside turboprops.

      Bye! / on facebook / on Twitter:


      • #4
        ALC started in about 1983/84 with Shorts 360s (and a 330, for a short time), then moved on to F50s (in 1989) and 146s, which would have been around 1995. Once the 146s went (they being around the same size as the 735s), the ALC operation was closed.

        Ultimately, EI standardised on one type (or two sub-types, if you like), the A320 and A321. The A320, as fine an aircraft as it is, is just too big for some routes; for example, Jersey, where I live, has a good sized Irish community, but is only served by a seasonal A320 service; however, with a smaller type, a year round frequency would be justifiable.

        It is expected that with the arrival of four new A320s from next year, the A321 fleet will be wound down.


        • #5
          An idea - why not have EI buy Aer Arann (or wait for it to hit chapter 11/13 and buy it then)?
          Whatever is necessary, is never unwise.


          • #6
            I would say

            X5 E-170/75's X3 options
            X4 SSJ X3 options
            X5 CRJ 900's X3 options
            X4 dash 8 400's or ERJ145 X2 options


            • #7
              ALC started in about 1983/84 with Shorts 360s (and a 330, for a short time), then moved on to F50s (in 1989) and 146s, which would have been around 1995. Once the 146s went (they being around the same size as the 735s), the ALC operation was closed.
              ...and SAAB 340s

     / on facebook / on Twitter:


              • #8
                Originally posted by AA 1818 View Post
                An idea - why not have EI buy Aer Arann (or wait for it to hit chapter 11/13 and buy it then)?
                I would not be surprised to see some version of this.In any case I see the Aer Arann booking site being closed down and all bookings carried out through the Aer Lingus site.This would leave Aer Arann as a franchise only operator.


                • #9
                  A livery update would also be nice, an example and for low cost division

