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Second Turnback This Week Due to Unruly Pax

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  • 40 pages. Same old denial. Nothing has be learned. Nothing can be learned.

    Next pandemic I guess. Probably won't be an internet after that.


    • let me throw another match on this fire cuz it seems to be dying out....

      evan, do yo know how many people the medical community killed during the pandemic with their sorry ass and WRONG treatments? early intubation = death. they intubated 1000's in every country. failure to properly control hyper-inflammation with very high dose steroids = death. killed 1000's. failure to prescribe very expensive but effective antibiotics to ward off and kill secondary bacterial infections which led to pneumonia. by the time they figured it out, all the antibiotics in the world were worthless. the medical community railed against the handful of doctors that were doing the opposite and saving ALL OF THEIR PATIENTS, like the cuban doc that saved my wife and mother in law. he used no novel drugs or methods but the medical community shunned him and his methods, while they continued to intubate and not properly treat their own patients which led to a ridiculously high mortality rate.

      you can blame masklessness if you want to, but for a smart guy, your head is about 2 feet too deep in the sand on this one.

      p.s. now that you finally admit having caught the effin bug, funny how you did not died, eh? what is 3bs always says, "oh the ironing?"


      • Originally posted by TeeVee View Post
        let me throw another match on this fire cuz it seems to be dying out....

        evan, do yo know how many people the medical community killed during the pandemic with their sorry ass and WRONG treatments? early intubation = death. they intubated 1000's in every country. failure to properly control hyper-inflammation with very high dose steroids = death. killed 1000's. failure to prescribe very expensive but effective antibiotics to ward off and kill secondary bacterial infections which led to pneumonia. by the time they figured it out, all the antibiotics in the world were worthless. the medical community railed against the handful of doctors that were doing the opposite and saving ALL OF THEIR PATIENTS, like the cuban doc that saved my wife and mother in law. he used no novel drugs or methods but the medical community shunned him and his methods, while they continued to intubate and not properly treat their own patients which led to a ridiculously high mortality rate.

        you can blame masklessness if you want to, but for a smart guy, your head is about 2 feet too deep in the sand on this one.

        p.s. now that you finally admit having caught the effin bug, funny how you did not died, eh? what is 3bs always says, "oh the ironing?"
        There are three things going right over your head.

        1) a NOVEL virus involves improvisational treatment which will require trial and error. As the virus became more known and lessons were learned, the death rate decreased. This is why it is so very important to CONTROL the spread of novel viruses while getting a better grip on treatments and outcomes. The masks and lockdowns were intended to do this.

        2) No treatment is going to be effective if your hospitals and medical staff are overwhelmed and unable to treat everyone. Some of us have forgotten the experiences of those medical staff, who, in many cases, had to choose which patients would be treated. The masks were intended to prevent this by reducing infections to a manageable, universally treatable level.

        3) Most viruses, including this one, mutate to less deadly forms. If viruses have a will to survive, they need a) to become more infectious and b) to not kill their hosts and thus themselves. That is what epidemiologists predicted and that is how this virus has evolved. The masks were intended to control the most deadly, novel forms of the virus until less deadly, more understood variants prevailed.

        Had they been widely used and properly used by a population concerned more about public health than their own comfort and childish whims, masks would have achieved these goals.

        Once again: masks work, because science. Mask mandates fail, because society.


        • You are wasting your time Evan. You are not the dumb f**k whisper.


          • Originally posted by Evan View Post

            ***a NOVEL virus involves improvisational treatment which will require trial and error.***
            So you admit they were making things up as they went along.

            Brief humour diversion 1: Sounds like cowboy monkey improvisational treatment to me.

            ​​​​​…And definitely not_good science.

            But, again, thou shalt not question The Ministry of Truth.

            Brief humour diversion 2: A photo of TeeVee:

            Laughing chef stirring pan – License high-quality food images for your projects – Rights managed and royalty free – 997610

            F.A.O.: TeeVee- I didn’t coin the ironing phrase (it goes back to the predecessor of this place), but it is useful.

            Les règles de l'aviation de base découragent de longues périodes de dur tirer vers le haut.


            • Originally posted by 3WE View Post

              So you admit they were making things up as they went along.

              No, 3WE, they were...

              ...hang on....

              they were consulting the Covid FCOM.

              Of course they were having to make things up at that point. Making things up with the aid of science, biology, medicine, expertise, but dealing with a great deal of the unknown as well.

              They weren't making up masks, however. The thing had a known physical dimension at that point and it was too large to pass through the filter material in any significant quantity. Of course, if the mask is worn with a open gap in the nose bridge fit or is worn under the nose or about the chin as some sort of reluctant compliance, the virus wouldn't have to pass through the filter, would it?

              I've always said on this forum, don't improvise if a procedure exists. If a procedure does not exist, improvise.


              • Originally posted by Evan View Post

                There are three things going right over your head.

                1) a NOVEL virus involves improvisational treatment which will require trial and error. As the virus became more known and lessons were learned, the death rate decreased. This is why it is so very important to CONTROL the spread of novel viruses while getting a better grip on treatments and outcomes. The masks and lockdowns were intended to do this.

                2) No treatment is going to be effective if your hospitals and medical staff are overwhelmed and unable to treat everyone. Some of us have forgotten the experiences of those medical staff, who, in many cases, had to choose which patients would be treated. The masks were intended to prevent this by reducing infections to a manageable, universally treatable level.

                3) Most viruses, including this one, mutate to less deadly forms. If viruses have a will to survive, they need a) to become more infectious and b) to not kill their hosts and thus themselves. That is what epidemiologists predicted and that is how this virus has evolved. The masks were intended to control the most deadly, novel forms of the virus until less deadly, more understood variants prevailed.

                Had they been widely used and properly used by a population concerned more about public health than their own comfort and childish whims, masks would have achieved these goals.

                Once again: masks work, because science. Mask mandates fail, because society.

                wow, we truly are not worthy of your presence.

                actually, you couldnt be MORE wrong, you and fanboy bobby. you completely missed or miscomprehended (read: did NOT understand) what i wrote, and taht kinda fits your M.O. head in the sand believing only what you wish to believe.

                they were not experimenting with anything. they utterly failed to treat in the most basic manner. novel or not (actually sars covid-2 was not so "novel." in modern medicine, you do NOT always treat the disease. you treat the symptoms. hence, my GOD-like cuban doctor friend, had fantastic success using basic medical knowledge, long-established drugs and aggressive implementation. none of his patients even got hospitalized. Screw fancy US medicine and giant profit-seeking healthcare conglomerates. they did it all wrong and thr results are all the evidence anyone needs--hundreds of thousands dead.

                but it's ok, you go on with that sheeple mentality and believe the mask saved the day.


                • Originally posted by TeeVee View Post

                  they did it all wrong
                  [Branching, not arguing]

                  Hindsight and selective memory are interesting.

                  Something that no one seems to mention was that someone suggested a travel ban from China beforehand CoVid was discovered in the US.

                  My recollection was that the idea was rejected, but I don’t remember what the science was or was it Orange Man Bad?

                  Orange Man isn’t particularly scientific, but did the blind squirrel have a nut here?

                  FWIW, 8.5 years ago, my guy was Dr. Ben Carson…Oh, the ironing!
                  Les règles de l'aviation de base découragent de longues périodes de dur tirer vers le haut.


                  • Originally posted by TeeVee View Post


                    wow, we truly are not worthy of your presence.

                    actually, you couldnt be MORE wrong, you and fanboy bobby. you completely missed or miscomprehended (read: did NOT understand) what i wrote, and taht kinda fits your M.O. head in the sand believing only what you wish to believe.

                    they were not experimenting with anything. they utterly failed to treat in the most basic manner. novel or not (actually sars covid-2 was not so "novel." in modern medicine, you do NOT always treat the disease. you treat the symptoms. hence, my GOD-like cuban doctor friend, had fantastic success using basic medical knowledge, long-established drugs and aggressive implementation. none of his patients even got hospitalized. Screw fancy US medicine and giant profit-seeking healthcare conglomerates. they did it all wrong and thr results are all the evidence anyone needs--hundreds of thousands dead.

                    but it's ok, you go on with that sheeple mentality and believe the mask saved the day.
                    Well, this explains the great success we saw from countries without US for-profit healthcare.


                    • Originally posted by Evan View Post

                      Well, this explains the great success we saw from countries without US for-profit healthcare.
                      Actually, "we" did. For example, kingdoms of Denmark and Sweden both did a lot better than the US (at least not worse, depending on whose numbers you believe) without ever having any mouthdiaper mandates, among other things.


                      • Originally posted by ATLcrew View Post

                        Actually, "we" did. For example, kingdoms of Denmark and Sweden both did a lot better than the US (at least not worse, depending on whose numbers you believe) without ever having any mouthdiaper mandates, among other things.
                        Ah, yes, and do you know why they didn't NEED a mask mandate?


                        • Originally posted by Evan View Post

                          Ah, yes, and do you know why they didn't NEED a mask mandate?
                          Please enlighten me. Fair warning: I have lost count how many times I've been to Sweden since 2020 (at least 12) and made at least 5 trips to Denmark. But I'm sure you know better.


                          • Originally posted by TeeVee View Post

                            You just now noticed?


                            • Originally posted by ATLcrew View Post

                              Please enlighten me. Fair warning: I have lost count how many times I've been to Sweden since 2020 (at least 12) and made at least 5 trips to Denmark. But I'm sure you know better.
                              Sure you have! I think you are lying about that.


                              • Originally posted by ATLcrew View Post

                                You just now noticed?
                                sorry mate, i'm not perfect or anywhere close to it...

