Originally posted by Evan
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science? scientists? every tom, dick, and mary with a couple of letters after their name has become some kind of "expert." here is a great example of the science:
maybe we should listen to the WHO. those guys told us that this virus was NOT airborne! yeah, they nailed that one! or the suregon general telling everyone to "stop buying masks, they are not effective." nailed that sucker to a CROSS!!!
now, the pendulum has swung the other way and those same experts are screaming "WEAR A MASK EVERYWHERE! THIS SHIT IS NOT ONLY AIRBORNE, ITS INTERGALACTIC AND CAN PENETRATE CONCRETE STEEL AND DIAMOND!"
since this bullsht started, i've taken every reasonable precaution and followed all reasonable advice by people i trust, who are not necessarily those in govt or with the last name fauci. i have never balked at the "vaccines," though i acknowledge that they are of limited value in the grand scheme of things (sort term preventers of death) and categorically do NOT prevent nor have they been proven to lower transmissibility. i have used real masks and even spent $100's on a better-than-a-mask device. i abided quarantine measures (except NY's stupid one that tried to block non-ny'ers from entering).
i am not a trumper nor am i a fan of pelosi. in fact, i kinda despise all politicians. i am not a believer in mandatory pretty much anything. i am a believer in protecting one's self.
"face coverings" on airplanes don't do shit. in 2020, a group of folks at duke university tested various materials and proved that some actually made dispersion worse. so tell me about the science of mandating "face coverings" on airplanes. absolutely ZERO regulation on the type of material the "face covering" is made of, that is what you are defending, evan. cotton masks and polypropylene masks filter LESS than 30%, but yeah, they're ok. according to the EPA, neck gaiters and bandanas are MORE effective but they are not considered face coverings under the airplane rule. absolutely effin briliant. THIS is the science you want me to follow? a half-assed, hair-brained rule that may actually increase risk of transmission. now, if people really wanted to make a proper rule, that rule would include a minimum material requirement. of course there are 200 trillion reasons why that wouldnt work so they left it out. kinda like yelling and screaming about social distancing at the gate, but cramming you literally shoulder to shoulder once inside the tube--cuz, you know, the virus knows you're on a plane and will leave you alone. but it's all good. airplane HEPA filters will envelope your body in a cloak of protection the likes of which humankind has never seen. we do this because safety is our top priority (money is a close second).