Originally posted by bstolle
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(Btw. I don't know what reverse thrust has to do in this scenario)
And you must factor in human error. The FAA does. There is situational awareness, the time it takes or if it doesn’t happen at all. That can be a lot of runway. There is float, landing further down the runway. There is reaction time, which the FAA factors into stopping distance as an average, expected time. Then, and perhaps most importantly, there is stress and time compression related error. A pilot might touch down, realize the airplane ahead has rejected and choose to go-around. I know it’s the wrong move but check your aviation accident history and you will see a lot of wrong moves made by very experienced pilots under sudden urgent situations. Human factors. You do not want to create an environment that can lead to human error and accidents.
Now, can you tell me why spacing arrivals and departures at least a minute apart is “cancel all airline ops”?
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