Originally posted by bstolle
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When I got on at Atlas, almost all of the Captains were ex military (89th presidential pilots) or Pan Am, TWA erc. They were almost all a joy to fly with and would instruct if you wanted to learn. My absolute favorite to fly with would turn to me on every flight and ask "are you ready for the lesson of the day?" Sometimes it was something trivial but most often it was something that I used for the rest of my career. After I upgraded I tried to do the same. The problem was that the new generation of glass and FMS pilots told me that they already knew everything and there wasn't anything I could teach them.
Funny how almost all of them had no idea of ICAO radio procedures. You are flying into Korea and they ask the controller for a landing on the "left" side, or we're looking for lower instead of requesting a decent. Once again I am glad to be retired! With over 27000 hours and 47 years as a professional pilot, the last thing I need to do is prove myself to some young whippersnapper.