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Ban all carry-on pagers!

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  • Ban all carry-on pagers!

    Which really wouldn't be too hard in 2024, would it. Remarkable how much destruction can come from such a tiny amount of explosive. Perhaps the remote detonation signal would not work at cruise but should still work in departure and approach phases. Apparently a very lucky thing none of these were on airplanes at the time.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Evan View Post
    Remarkable how much destruction can come from such a tiny amount of explosive. Apparently a very lucky thing none of these were on airplanes at the time.
    I don't know what info you have but from what I have seen there was not so much destruction. It failed to even kill the wearer in over 99% of the cases. I doubt it would have downed a plane.

    --- Judge what is said by the merits of what is said, not by the credentials of who said it. ---
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    • #3
      About a week after 9/11, my 3” scissors were confiscated by the TSA. I noticed that the bin also included a spatula and an afro-comb. So I am seeing the risk as being somewhat greater than those clear and present dangers.


      • #4
        It's relative. A 9/11 would be very hard to pull off with beepers as it was with box cutters. Then a 9/11 would be very hard to pull off today even with box cutters as it was back then. So it's relative.

        --- Judge what is said by the merits of what is said, not by the credentials of who said it. ---
        --- Defend what you say with arguments, not by imposing your credentials ---


        • #5
          And, as you said, we don’t know the destructive power these devices actually produced, but they did manage to kill a number of people, so that achieves the goal of terrorism. Spatulas, not so much. And while we’re on the subject, who travels with a spatula?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Evan View Post
            And, as you said, we don’t know the destructive power these devices actually produced, but they did manage to kill a number of people, so that achieves the goal of terrorism.
            Well, if you are holding the device next to your ear, or in your shirt pocket next to your lung an heart, or in your pant pocket and and are unlucky enough to have your femoral artery severed, it doesn't take much destructive power to kill a human. And yet over 99% of the victims did not die.

            That said, yep, terrorism goal is achieved, but that's irrespective of whether the victim is in a plane or in the supermarket.

            --- Judge what is said by the merits of what is said, not by the credentials of who said it. ---
            --- Defend what you say with arguments, not by imposing your credentials ---


            • #7
              I’m not sure I want to run the math on purely random lithium battery meltdowns vs. the potential of remote control initiated melt downs.
              Les règles de l'aviation de base découragent de longues périodes de dur tirer vers le haut.


              • #8
                Ban ALL carry-on, period.
                "I know that at times I can be a little over the top." -ITS


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Not_Karl View Post
                  Ban ALL, period.
                  Let's K.I.S.S

                  --- Judge what is said by the merits of what is said, not by the credentials of who said it. ---
                  --- Defend what you say with arguments, not by imposing your credentials ---


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Not_Karl View Post
                    Ban ALL Aeroplanies. The little dot is a period.

                    (Gabriel was too extreme)
                    Les règles de l'aviation de base découragent de longues périodes de dur tirer vers le haut.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gabriel View Post
                      It's relative. A 9/11 would be very hard to pull off with beepers as it was with box cutters. Then a 9/11 would be very hard to pull off today even with box cutters as it was back then. So it's relative.
                      Can TSA screeners detect 3g of PETN hidden inside a pager?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by flashcrash View Post

                        Can TSA screeners detect 3g of PETN hidden inside a pager?
                        Are you asking ME? I don't know! Can 3G of PENT down a plane? I don't know either, but I don't think so and I hope not.

                        --- Judge what is said by the merits of what is said, not by the credentials of who said it. ---
                        --- Defend what you say with arguments, not by imposing your credentials ---


                        • #13
                          This seems like the beginning of a new chapter for airport security. Israel has opened a pandora's box here.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Evan View Post
                            This seems like the beginning of a new chapter for airport security. Israel has opened a pandora's box here.
                            How do you know it was Israel?

                            --- Judge what is said by the merits of what is said, not by the credentials of who said it. ---
                            --- Defend what you say with arguments, not by imposing your credentials ---


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Gabriel View Post

                              How do you know it was Israel?
                              Call it intuition.

