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Malaysia Announces MH-370 Search Will Resume

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  • Malaysia Announces MH-370 Search Will Resume

    There’s no mention of new evidence. I thinks it’s a political decision, or maybe a new business pitch by Ocean Infinity, but you never know what you might find in a haystack the size of the Indian Ocean.

    Malaysia has agreed in principle to resume the search for the wreckage of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, its transport minister said on Friday, more than 10 years after it disappeared in one of the world’s greatest aviation mysteries.

  • #2
    I honestly think that if the plane had indeed crashed into the ocean, it's probably mostly (or completely) eroded now.

    It might just be a business pitch if they're being paid $70M.


    • #3
      first, the search is for a limited area, albeit huge. second, it's on a contingency basis--no find, no pay.


      • #4
        The fact that it was Ocean Infinity who collected the data, made the analysis, and came up with the new search zone and economic proposal for the new search and offered it to the government on a no find - no pay basis, I suspect they they have good scientific reasons to be very confident that they will find it. Otherwise it would be suicidal from a business point of view.

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