I wish he didn't fly Air Canada.....man....if I had sat next to him I would have donkey punched him.......I just sit there and look out the window.
No announcement yet.
Air Canada aborted takeoff video
Originally posted by C-GEPAYes they do have to make announcements in both English and French. Its one of those things legally required of AC.
OH MY GOD!!!!!
now this is quality entertainment....
now if you are considered to be a pilot by SITTING in an airplane, why spend the money training to be a pilot.
Like the captain said. i've got a lot of paperwork to do, sounds like a nice way of saying shut the f*** up, i dont care about your stupid video.
SO THIS INCIDENT SCARRED ME FOR LIFE.... so i took the next flight out of there??
what the hell
still say it was a great video and an awesome job by the pilots, just wish the cameraman lost his voice and gained some amount of general knowledge.
for an aviation brat he really was a brat.
just that
not even the smallest hint of aviation, or for that matter any senceGO SENS GO
Thats so funny I was laughing my butt off at work and everyone was looking at me all stupid like I was crazy!
Just a question for AJ regarding the 767-338ER.....
Based off the figures and take-off weight you provided.... what is the approximate climb rate for that aircraft in FPM? and what thrust setting would this climb rate be done at? 90% N1? or full thrust? and is full thrust set until cruise altitude?
Also, if your clean speed is 255 knots and the max airspeed under 10,000ft is 250 knots, does this mean flaps stay at 1 degree until speed restrictions are lifted or is it flaps up at 215 knots?
The reason I ask is that I just downloaded the Level-D 767-300ER for FSX and would love to know the best way to fly this aircraft.
I'm not AJ but:
FPM climb I can't answer - although it feels like a hell of a lot in a 767
As to thrust for climb... you use take off thrust until a certain point (which depends on the noise abatement procedure you are using.. NADP 1 or 2) (we'll say 1500ft Edited - Brain fade! off 34L in Sydney) and then select climb thrust. The actual amount of oomph (and the associated readings) that gives you depends on temperature etc. There are various different settings for the climb thrust depending on how much you need to go up, and how heavy you are at the time. Its an Autothrottle managed thing (clever FMC's/AT's!) even on the steam driven 767.
If the Flaps Up speed is 255kts (as per AJ's example) then you select flaps up after passing through that speed. So, technically, to maintain 250kts, you need to keep Flaps 1 to hold that speed. Edited - See AJ's post below... Seems the 767 is like the 744 at high weights with a reduced manoeuvre margin near the flap limit speed which I was unaware of.
However, in that situation, you would just ask for them to cancel the speed restriction (as they can in Australia), or ask if you can climb at 255 kts (whereby he will say that is approved)
The UK now has a rule whereby 250 below 10,000ft also applies, however for certain types of aircraft, they are allowed to fly faster if required due to weight (ie longhaul 744's). Some other places have other rules. (There is somewhere in Eastern Europe which I think has got it right by saying max speed is Minimum Clean speed)
I digress somewhat however.. so back to your specific question... yes, you are right, you maintain flaps 1 (and 250kts) until the speed restrictions are lifted. TechnicallyEdited - Ignore this as above
Originally posted by MCMIf the Flaps Up speed is 255kts (as per AJ's example) then you select flaps up after passing through that speed.
The Flaps 1 limit speed is 250 knots. Flaps are selected up accelerating through Vref30+60 (235 knots in this case). The Flaps must be fully retracted prior to passing 250 Knots and +80 must be achieved to allow full manoeuvre margins clean.
As for the departure profile and rates of climb....our 'standard' departure would maintain V2+15 and takeoff thrust to 1000'AAL. VNAV would then be selected to accelerate the aircraft and set climb thrust. On an ISA day Max Climb Thrust is approximately 99% at sea level, increasing to 104% by 28,000'. A noise abatement departure would have Climb Thrust set at 1500'AAL and V2+15 maintained to 3000'AAL. Above 10,000' (if 250 Knots < 10,000' applies) the aircraft is accelerated to ECON climb speed (in the region of 300 Knots).
The actual rate of climb varies throughout the climb, additionally the climb is not generally flown in V/S, it will be flown in VNAV of FLCH.
Say for instance I am allocated a Deena 4 departure from 16R, and follow the respective noise abatement procedure, with the plane configured for short haul, once I pass 10,000 I normally select FLCH in order to climb out. I suppose I could be less lazy and properly program the FMC with weights etc but its just easier to allow FLCH to do the work for me, it normally gives me 100.4 - 102.5% N1 with engines in CLIMB mode right through to cruise altitude. Normally at FL360 and a TAT of -46c or less I normally get 91-92% N1 @ Mach 0.82-83.
Does that sound about right?
I suppose I should reallt start using the FMC properly huh? hehe
Aborted Takeoff
slowed down dramatically quick. I'm unclear on what actually happened. Was it that the pilots received warnings of tyre pressure and decided to abort or was it that another a/c failed to spot this jet taking off, therefore breaking so suddenly it managed to burst the tyres. Or was it some other kind of technical fault.
Let me know so that i have a clear picture.Rafa...Raf.a.el...Rafa...Raf.a.el...Rafa...Raf.a.el.. Raf.a.el Benitez
We hate United.. We do!... We love you Liverpool.. We Do!!... WE HATE UNITED.. WE DO!!.. OOOHHH.. LIVERPOOL WE LOVE YOU!!!
I hope that baby gave him hell! secondly, If he was the pilot for my flight, I would rather be killed by someone else than him. Thirdly that was the most useless 12mins of my life and I would rather had listened to rap music (I know, OMG!)
Also big dave, nearly everything about that video is total sh*t