Possible Buk missile system being shipped back to Russia. Note the one missing missile of the normal complement four.
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Malaysia T7 down!!
Originally posted by Gabriel View PostExplain "extremely unlikely" (not you retox, I know you are just quoting).
"MOSCOW (AP) — A top pro-Russia rebel commander in eastern Ukraine has given a bizarre version of events surrounding the Malaysian jetliner crash — suggesting many of the victims may have died days before the plane took off.The pro-rebel website Russkaya Vesna on Friday quoted Igor Girkin as saying he was told by people at the crash site that "a significant number of the bodies weren't fresh," adding that he was told they were drained of blood and reeked of decomposition... ...Ukrainian authorities are capable of any baseness."He claimed that a large amount of blood serum and medications were found in the wreckage.
WOW! Don't forget about all the valuables you looted Igor. Special place in hell indeed.
Igor Girkin = Igor Strelkov mentioned earlier.
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Originally posted by retox View PostThis is what they are hearing from "experts" on Vesti -aka channel 1:
"First [...] technical malfunction or terrorist explosion on the plane. Second [...] shot down by a fighter plane. The third — "and extremely unlikely" — [...] shot down by an antiaircraft system."
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Originally posted by Jpmkam View PostWas there ever any doubt the knew it was a missile launch. Intelligence satellites and other surveillance assets have been monitoring that area for Russian army movements for months.
This is what they are hearing from "experts" on Vesti -aka channel 1:
"First, the incident could have been caused by a technical malfunction or terrorist explosion on the plane. Second, he says, the plane might have been shot down by a fighter plane that was scrambled (by Ukraine) either because the plane strayed into restricted airspace or because it was believed to have been hijacked. The third — "and extremely unlikely" — possibility is that it was shot down by an antiaircraft system."
It's one hit piece after another
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My favorite is titled, "How the U.S. will benefit from disaster"
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Originally posted by dr_cfii View PostI believe it was an A300 with 290 passengers!
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It is interesting to note in that NYT article who DID and who did NOT fly that route. KLM seemed to be pretty brave about it . As did Malaysia ..
(EDIT: Note Air France and BA avoiding the area)
Of course no Elevations are given. and the magic # being tossed around is 33K
Makes you wonder.
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Originally posted by retox View PostSo the Pentagon knows for sure from where the missile came. Cue the tin-foil hats.
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More reason to stay away.
"The Malaysian plane was flying on an active route used by commercial airlines every day. Hours before the crash, Russia closed four airways near the Ukrainian border, including one that was a continuation of Flight 17’s route."
"A Russian notice issued Wednesday declared that the airway closings were necessary “due to combat actions on the territory of the Ukraine near the state border with the Russian Federation.”The closings were effective at midnight Wednesday — just hours before Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 took off. Because they were over Russian territory, these closings did not cover the area in Ukraine where Flight 17 crashed. But the plane was flying toward the closed areas, and it was not clear why the airline or Eurocontrol would have approved its flight plan in the face of such warnings."
Scroll down to the other post add Air France and British Airways to the list of airlines that were responsible enough to completely avoid the risk. Something to remember when you look for the "cheapest flight possible".
"Mikael Robertsson, a co-founder of FlightRadar24, a live flight-tracker service, said that some 300 to 400 commercial aircraft had flown the airways over eastern Ukraine each day before the war, but that in recent months the traffic had fallen by at least half.“Some airlines chose to use other routes,” he said."
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Originally posted by Gabriel View PostIt was a clear reference to the US Navy shoting down a civil airplane (Irnanian Airliens DC-9 IIRC) in the Persian Gulf, a civil commercial airplane that was on a scheduled fligh, with an pproved plan, had taken off from his assigned altitude, was fliyng straight and climbing to cruise altitude along a civil aviation airway, and was squacking it's assigned transponder code but, that the US navy mistook for an enemy F-14 that was in a typical attack maneuver and diving towards them and not giving the correct "friend" code to the automatic firend-or-foe interrogation nor replying the radio calls, none of which was done in the assigned civil ATC frequency for the zone.
Yes, in that instance, the Navy WERE an example of totally fucking untrained idiots.
And the worst part is that the captain of the ship, who was particularly known to be a totally fucking untrained idiot that tended to engage without obeying the rules of engagement, and who was the main responsible for this act, was promoted, got medals, etc instead of being jailed by the Martial Court.
US officials never apologized and praised the actions of the serviceman. I wonder if anyone ever served time for that one?!
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Originally posted by TheKiecker View PostFlying over a warzone is one thing. Stupid.
Flying over a warzone, and THEN CHANGING COURSE is suicidal. Its exactly what an army on the lookout for a nasty surprise would be weary of.
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Originally posted by Gabriel View PostIt was a clear reference to the US Navy shoting down a civil airplane (Irnanian Airliens DC-9 IIRC) in the Persian Gulf, a civil commercial airplane that was on a scheduled fligh, with an pproved plan, had taken off from his assigned altitude, was fliyng straight and climbing to cruise altitude along a civil aviation airway, and was squacking it's assigned transponder code but, that the US navy mistook for an enemy F-14 that was in a typical attack maneuver and diving towards them and not giving the correct "friend" code to the automatic firend-or-foe interrogation nor replying the radio calls, none of which was done in the assigned civil ATC frequency for the zone.
Yes, in that instance, the Navy WERE an example of totally fucking untrained idiots.
And the worst part is that the captain of the ship, who was particularly known to be a totally fucking untrained idiot that tended to engage without obeying the rules of engagement, and who was the main responsible for this act, was promoted, got medals, etc instead of being jailed by the Martial Court.
I see what you mean.
I misunderstood. I thought he was comparing US forces (the grunts on the ground, not their leaders) to the separatist forces generally who, let's face it, are nothing more than a rag, tag and bobtail bunch of amateurs with strong beliefs, no proper training and being led by their collective noses by Putin and his gang. It's a win/win for Putin. Succeed and he gets to effectively invade the Ukraine. Fail, and he's got someone else to blame and he goes home for tea and medals claiming that he helped stabilise the region. He and Obama have a little chat, agree that the problem seems to have gone away.....and in the meantime the relatives of 295 lost souls are left to grieve and wonder ..... WHY ?Last edited by brianw999; 2014-07-18, 17:43.
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