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Malaysia T7 down!!

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  • Originally posted by hongmng View Post
    I have been away for several weeks and not following this thread for awhile, so sorry if this has been posted, but if not:

    Look at the landing gear, doesn't that write "MRC"??! (MH17 was MRD)
    It is a D, there is just some glare that makes it look like a C. The conspiracy theorists jumped on that one.

    According to my dutch friends the person's facebook post was public and the photo in question was littered with comments from their friends & family expressing shock and horror that they were actually on the flight in question.


    • Publication preliminary report MH17

      The Dutch Safety Board will issue the preliminary report on the investigation into the crash of MH17 on Tuesday 9 September 2014. The preliminary report will be available at at 10:00 AM local time Amsterdam (08:00 hours UTC).
      The Dutch Safety Board is investigating the accident to flight MH17 which occurred at Thursday 17th of July 2014 in the region of Donetsk (Ukraine).


      • Wasn't the deposed president the real fascist?


        • One MH17 passenger was found with oxygen mask, Frans Timmermans, Foreign Affairs Minister of The Netherlands told in Dutch TV talkshow "Pauw" yesterday night.


          • And a BBC article (in English) reporting on the speech by the Dutch minister:
            The Dutch foreign minister says a victim of the east Ukraine air disaster was found wearing an oxygen mask, suggesting not everyone died instantly.


            • Strange dialog. If the question is, "Did the passengers experience a last moment of terror?", the answer is almost definitely yes. If the question is. "How prolonged was that moment", I fail to see the reason for this question, other than a misery-porn fetish among the public.

              The plane didn't 'pop' out of existence. It was torn apart by aerodynamic forces, and the passengers lost consciousness probably in less than a half a minute. And although that would be a terrible half a minute, it would be enough to don a mask at least.

              There is also the possibility that the passenger was already wearing the mask due to some unexpected medical issue before the flight was struck.

              But what difference does any of this make? This is as evil and horrible as it gets. There's no point in making it more horrible.


              • Russian TV is claiming they have a satellite picture, showing an ukranian airplane intercepting and destroying MH17. Is anyone else following this news today?:
                A Former Airdisaster.Com Forum (senior member)....


                • Originally posted by AVION1 View Post
                  Russian TV is claiming they have a satellite picture, showing an ukranian airplane intercepting and destroying MH17. Is anyone else following this news today?:
                  Interesting picture review here:
                  Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down by a Ukraine fighter jet , Russia claims — and now the Russians say they have proof.

                  and here which describe the aircraft as a 767


                  • Originally posted by AVION1 View Post
                    Russian TV is claiming they have a satellite picture, showing an ukranian airplane intercepting and destroying MH17. Is anyone else following this news today?:
                    That's a 767.


                    • Fighter is clearly a Su-27. And a AA missile shot on such short range? Yeah right:$
                      “The only time you have too much fuel is when you’re on fire.”



                      • Originally posted by AVION1 View Post
                        Russian TV is claiming they have a satellite picture, showing an ukranian airplane intercepting and destroying MH17. Is anyone else following this news today?:
                        Come on... just compare sizes, or size of the airliner and size of the underlying terrain features. The photo would have to be taken from a distance of 500 feet or so for the plane to appear that big (it would look differently, though).
                        That bright line left of and below the airliner is the Donetsk Sergey Prokofiev International Airport runway 8/26 = 13123 ft according to Wikipedia.
                        It doesn't make sense.


                        • Originally posted by kris View Post
                          Come on... just compare sizes, or size of the airliner and size of the underlying terrain features. The photo would have to be taken from a distance of 500 feet or so for the plane to appear that big (it would look differently, though).
                          That bright line left of and below the airliner is the Donetsk Sergey Prokofiev International Airport runway 8/26 = 13123 ft according to Wikipedia.
                          It doesn't make sense.
                          Looks like a weather satellite picture, and a Google Earth picture "photoshopped" together.
                          A Former Airdisaster.Com Forum (senior member)....


                          • Not to mention that the airline title is in the wrong place to be Malaysian. No contrail shown either from an aircraft at 33,000 feet ?
                            If it 'ain't broken........ Don't try to mend it !


                            • Originally posted by brianw999 View Post
                              Not to mention that the airline title is in the wrong place to be Malaysian. No contrail shown either from an aircraft at 33,000 feet ?
                              Yes, I agree. There is something wrong with that picture.
                              A Former Airdisaster.Com Forum (senior member)....


                              • Originally posted by ErwinS View Post
                                Fighter is clearly a Su-27. And a AA missile shot on such short range? Yeah right:$
                                The distance between "planes" on this "photo" is about 30 miles. The fighter plane is circa 2000 ft long, while the airliner is a bit longer... maybe 16 000 ft.

