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The United debarcle

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  • #46
    Originally posted by 3WE View Post
    The weather is stormy at/around the destination. The Ops handbook and the dispatcher and the pilots ALL agree that there should be some extra fuel on board the RJ...AND WHOOPS, THEY ARE OVER WEIGHT.
    Interesting. I always thought they certified the RJ with a MTOW that included a full flight AND full fuel tanks...

    Offload some cargo. Cargo doesn't fight back.


    • #47
      Originally posted by ATLcrew View Post
      Especially when it takes away from your 55+ housing shopping time.

      Sorry must have gone over my head, explanation please!


      • #48
        Originally posted by 3WE View Post
        Please quote where I said I would act like an asshole...Last I checked, asking a reasonable question was kind of legal.

        If you are going to go on a psychological power trip melt down because you can fly a big jet and try to throw me off the plane I'll talk to Tee Vee and you can kiss your retirement good bye.

        I thought you said that the police over reacted in the United deal and now you are bragging of your desire to assault passengers yourself.
        Not any of the other passengers, just you.


        • #49
          Originally posted by BoeingBobby View Post
          Do me a favor, you call up Atlas and get yourself a ticket to Ruanda from Houston. (Sorry the only passenger route we do that you can buy a ticket on.) Let me know when it is and I will get myself to crew it. The you be an asshole on the back of the airplane and see how fast I come back there and ty-wrap your ass up and have someone come drag you off MY aircraft.

          In the mean time, read this.
          Hm. People get banned for less, with only 1 forum entry. I'll store these words in my private archive. And boy, I know who'll also read this.
          The German long haul is alive since 1955, 69 years and still kicking.
          The Gold Member in the 747 club, 50 years since the first LH 747.
          And constantly advanced, 744 and 748 /w upper and lower EICAS.
          This is Lohausen International speaking (est.1927), echo delta delta lima.


          • #50
            Originally posted by BoeingBobby View Post
            Sorry must have gone over my head, explanation please!
            Oh, come on, Captain, wasn't that complex of a concept.


            • #51
              Originally posted by ATLcrew View Post
              Oh, come on, Captain, wasn't that complex of a concept.
              He is not really a 5Y-B748F flight captain, I don't think so. At least he should be no longer, if the answer to the question that I've asked 3WE is yes.
              The German long haul is alive since 1955, 69 years and still kicking.
              The Gold Member in the 747 club, 50 years since the first LH 747.
              And constantly advanced, 744 and 748 /w upper and lower EICAS.
              This is Lohausen International speaking (est.1927), echo delta delta lima.


              • #52
                Originally posted by ATLcrew View Post
                Oh, come on, Captain, wasn't that complex of a concept.
                Sorry, I have reread it a couple of times and I will be damned if I can figure it out!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by LH-B744 View Post
                  He is not really a 5Y-B748F flight captain, I don't think so. At least he should be no longer, if the answer to the question that I've asked 3WE is yes.
                  Tell you what there Klaus, You fly on over to MIA, and I will pick you up at the airport. Our training center is on the field, and I will get you in to one of our 400 simulators for a couple of minutes. Then we will see who is and who is not a 74 captain. (At least for a few more months when I hit 65)


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by BoeingBobby View Post
                    Tell you what there Klaus, You fly on over to MIA, and I will pick you up at the airport. Our training center is on the field, and I will get you in to one of our 400 simulators for a couple of minutes. Then we will see who is and who is not a 74 captain. (At least for a few more months when I hit 65)
                    And you know what? I don't like that. I don't need you and I'll keep you in my mind until a brighter day I land at KMIA and I'll find you.

                    You boring person you.
                    The German long haul is alive since 1955, 69 years and still kicking.
                    The Gold Member in the 747 club, 50 years since the first LH 747.
                    And constantly advanced, 744 and 748 /w upper and lower EICAS.
                    This is Lohausen International speaking (est.1927), echo delta delta lima.


                    • #55
                      We, and I speak for 3WE and for me, don't need persons who use the word a** and they think that this is not properly responded. Oh boy. You definitely have met your final opponent!
                      The German long haul is alive since 1955, 69 years and still kicking.
                      The Gold Member in the 747 club, 50 years since the first LH 747.
                      And constantly advanced, 744 and 748 /w upper and lower EICAS.
                      This is Lohausen International speaking (est.1927), echo delta delta lima.


                      • #56
                        Come On!
                        The German long haul is alive since 1955, 69 years and still kicking.
                        The Gold Member in the 747 club, 50 years since the first LH 747.
                        And constantly advanced, 744 and 748 /w upper and lower EICAS.
                        This is Lohausen International speaking (est.1927), echo delta delta lima.


                        • #57
                          65? That is not correct. At least in Germany, 747s are not flown by persons who are older than 60.

                          You.. Boring person.

                          PS: Sometimes, music is the answer. Saga - Wind him up (1981), AC/DC - Thunderstruck (1990),
                          and finally,
                          Don Henley - New Kid in Town (1976).

                          If you once should become one year older than Don Henley, then I might accept that you insult one of my friends. [I only have one man in my mind, in contrast to the Elvis, who fulfils this criterion in my eyes:]
                          Mr. Clint Eastwood.

                          But as this will never be the case, I don't accept any insults that come from you. Your 70th birthday? I'll not be here to congratulate you.

                          You d*mn baby p***y.
                          Last edited by LH-B744; 2017-04-18, 23:29. Reason: Older than Don Henley? Not by far, you..
                          The German long haul is alive since 1955, 69 years and still kicking.
                          The Gold Member in the 747 club, 50 years since the first LH 747.
                          And constantly advanced, 744 and 748 /w upper and lower EICAS.
                          This is Lohausen International speaking (est.1927), echo delta delta lima.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by BoeingBobby View Post
                            No! This EXACTLY what NOT TO DO! And I am NOT going to keep repeating myself. You take that attitude as a pax on one of my flights, and I will come back and personally put the ty-rap around your wrists!

                            Next time you fly I recommend you read the back of the ticket.
                            now THIS would be a money maker for sure! false imprisonment, assault, battery, breach of contract... can you say punitive damages?

                            i get that we live in this new and very effed up world of which you speak and we all live in. but it's one thing to have a LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER give you a LAWFUL ORDER which you question and argue about. it's another thing entirely when some corporate goon tries to force you to do something unlawful. NOTE: 2 of the law enforcement officers involved in the untied debacle have been placed on leave. why? cuz they violated the law themselves. they committed assault and battery on a non-threatening, non-law violating citizen. they should be charged criminally, prosecuted, and jailed, just like you and i would be if we did the same thing.

                            the effin terrorists have won. they no longer need to hijack or bomb. they've got us so frickin scared we are assaulting each other, and going ape shit over absolutely nothing. a dark skinned dude gets on a plane and says a prayer and he gets booted and detained, the entire plane gets unloaded and searched yad yada, while a christian can cross himself and say 58 hail marys, 23 stations of the cross, and 42 our fathers and no one says or does shit.

                            oh, and about this ty-wrap crap, WTF?!?!?! did someone go and deputize flight and cabin crews while the world slept? total horseshit in my book. but, it's one thing to restrain some knucklehead that loses it, even if it's a result of a few too many drinks. but to think that you believe you have the power and right to restrain a person for monetary reasons is proof that you have no comprehension of the law, which may be no fault of your own. maybe some corporate jerkoff told you you could do it. but let me tell you, not untied, aa, delta or atlas will do the time if you get convicted of a crime related to illegally restraining someone. that i PROMISE you. it will be your aging backside in the cell.


                            • #59
                              they've got us so frickin scared we are assaulting each other, and going ape shit over absolutely nothing. a dark skinned dude gets on a plane and says a prayer and he gets booted and detained, the entire plane gets unloaded and searched yad yada, while a christian can cross himself and say 58 hail marys, 23 stations of the cross, and 42 our fathers and no one says or does shit.
                              Finally he has arrived here again. Hope you had a good long weekend. And the words that I've taken from your speech, deserve an AAA in my eyes.

                              We are assaulting each other. That's one part. The Godfather part II is, insults don't have to be accepted, not by 3WE, not by no one.

                              We should not assault each other. Not if we share one airport as one of the airports that we love.


                              PS: 65 he said. That very much bedazzled me. I even looked up a few persons, the UA CEO, the LH CEO and even
                              the Boeing CEO!

                              Thus, his age is either wrong or irrelevant! Greetings again.
                              Last edited by LH-B744; 2017-04-19, 01:06. Reason: Even if an idiot would be 65 or older, who'd care?!
                              The German long haul is alive since 1955, 69 years and still kicking.
                              The Gold Member in the 747 club, 50 years since the first LH 747.
                              And constantly advanced, 744 and 748 /w upper and lower EICAS.
                              This is Lohausen International speaking (est.1927), echo delta delta lima.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by TeeVee View Post
                                oh, and about this ty-wrap crap, WTF?!?!?! did someone go and deputize flight and cabin crews while the world slept? total horseshit in my book. but, it's one thing to restrain some knucklehead that loses it, even if it's a result of a few too many drinks. but to think that you believe you have the power and right to restrain a person for monetary reasons is proof that you have no comprehension of the law, which may be no fault of your own. maybe some corporate jerkoff told you you could do it. but let me tell you, not untied, aa, delta or atlas will do the time if you get convicted of a crime related to illegally restraining someone. that i PROMISE you. it will be your aging backside in the cell.

                                Better read this and then I will accept your apology. I think ATL crew will back me up as well being he is also a 121 pilot. And we do carry ty-wraps for just that reason.

                                I came across a news story recently where a passenger was restrained using tape for unruly behaviour on an Icelandair flight. Under what situations is a flight crew allowed to take such action, an...

                                LH, It was meant as an honest invitation. Don't know your name, the Klaus thing was supposed to be a joke (maybe in bad taste). Also the retirement age in the USA has been 65 for about 7 years now, up from 60.

