Originally posted by TeeVee
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On American, on the other hand, several times they allowed me to move to another standard seat that happened to be premium economy for is "geographic" location (front row or emergency exit) that happened to be empty. Even more, more than once I requested that seat at the counter of the gate and they told me to wait until the last minute, if they were not sold and nobody upgraded to it they would give it to me, and then they did give me the new boarding pass. It is a nice gesture that cost exactly NOTHING. My loyalty is much higher for American than United. Unfortunately the tickets to Argentina in American are hundreds of dollars more expensive than in United, which becomes thousands of dollars when you multiply by 5 (+wife + 3 children). So there is where my loyalty reluctantly goes back and down to United. But for the same price and even a tad more expensive? I would fly American over united every time. Not for 40% more per ticket (I could buy a premium economy in United for that difference and not depend on the generosity of the airline).