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Flying through storms

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  • Flying through storms

    Have any of you guys flown through any strong t-storms? I remember in '97 I was flying NAS-CLT-RIC on US and on the CLT-RIC(B737-300) segement, we encountered a huge storm. The pilot told us to look out of the left side of the plane and there was nothing but dark clouds and lightning (it was about 7pm) The captain said we would divert to RDU and wait until the storm passed. Well we still were at cruising altitude about 15 minutes later and he said he was going to fly in behind the storm. Well we went north of RIC and then made a 180 degree turn into the backside of the storm. We started bouncing up and down and left and right through thunder and lightning, pretty scary. Us passengers had no clue where we were and all of a sudden we saw a few lights and we were on the ground and everyone started to clap. We were the last flight in that night, about 1 hour behind schedule. Another time was when I was little on a NW DC-10(DTW-MSP) and my mom said it was the worst storm she'd ever been in, but I slept through the whole thing . Share some of your storm stories!

  • #2
    I flew through a little buildup near CMH one night that was so rough inside that we knocked a tach cable loose.

    Another time going through a cold front, I got knocked around hard enough to get a bruise from the shoulder harness.

    The coolest one was flying over the top of some Tstorms near LAS at night. We had about 2000 ft between us and the tops (FL410). Lots of lightning in the storms, and we had the best seat in the house to watch it.

    Flying into YIP one night, they took us over the top of DTW during the evening push. There were thunderstorms on one side of the airport, and a ton of arrivals on the other. The controller told us (Willow Run 12 o'clock, 10 miles, Metro 12 o'clock 5 miles, lightshow on the right, airshow on the left".
    Bite me Airways.....


    • #3
      I remember taking a flight out of IAD about five years ago and we took off and had to fly through a t-storm, nothing we could do about it. Probably two minutes after takeoff, we went through a rough patch of turbulence. It was lightning all around us until we hit about maybe 20,000 feet, and we were above the storm, quite a lightshow from above for most of the flight to ATL.


      • #4
        PHX-MDW, we flew over T-Storms. Really cool. It was a night flight, scheduled to land at MDW at 12:35am. Our pilot came on and said "Folks, I have good and bad news. The good news is that we have storms under us, and will be getting a cool light show. The bad news is we have to start our desecnt into Chicago, so it will be pretty bumpy. "

        We were really thrown around. Plus with the delay, we got in at 4:45am...4 hours late...

        Next Flights:

        October 14, 2006 - Airtran MDW-MSP
        October 16, 2006 - Airtran MSP-MDW


        • #5
          My brother was flying ORD-PIT-BWI today.
          The plane was struck by lightning and could not continue on to BWI. He was delayed.
          Personally, I hate flying through storms!


          • #6
            we were flying to HOU and there were pretty big storms over the area. we circled for a little bit in the pattern, and while we were descending into the clouds, lightning hit our plane. i happened to look to the right just as it hit. all i saw was a big white flash.


            • #7
              I was flying on American Airlines ORD-LAX routing, when we flew through a T-storm. Strange because all that bouncing was kind of comforting.


              • #8
                I remember we were flying SFB-YQX-LGW with ATA on an L1011, and around an hour befor gander a T. Storm brewed up and lightning struck the plane, Dislodging the rear engine output and making the plane yaw. Scary Moment, and a 40 min stop over in gander was 6 hours as they repaired the aircraft


                • #9
                  AeroPerú MEX-PTY-LIM B727-200 back in 1997.

                  We left MEX in a very sunny day, but when flying over Honduras the worst thunderstorm you can imagine started. The 727 started "dansing" like never before. It was the very only time in my life I almost use the airsicknessbag. Indeed very horrible!


                  • #10
                    My worst was LGA-CHS on US Airways Express in the middle of a snowstorm, not a T storm, though.


                    • #11
                      A few years ago I was on a BA 767-300 from LHR-FRA at night. On approach to FRA we flew through a T-storm, encountering moderate turbulence, with an occasional heavy bunp. The lightning outside the aircraft was incredible. On the ground you usually see only a few flashes a minute, but in the air, it was flash after flash after flash.

                      Also, I flew on a US Airways Express Dash 8 through a snow and ice storm from SYR-LGA. The forecast was for rain, then freezing rain, then snow. The rain was really coming down before our flight. It soon turned to solid sleet, and then heavy mix of sleet and snow. Cloud cover was a 300ft, so it was a pretty bumpy ride, even all the way into LGA.
                      Fly Raleigh-Durham International, with direct flights on Air Canada, AirTran, American Airlines, American Eagle, America West, Continental Airlines, Continental Express, Delta Airlines, Delta Connection, jetBlue, Northwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, United Express and US Airways to:



                      • #12
                        One of my worst flights ever.

                        It was a Midway flight about 4-5 years ago, FLL-RDU-EWR. The FLL-RDU leg was perfect, but once we took off again for EWR, we flew head-on into a huge thunder storm system, which threw the F100 around so much that I was afraid I'd get ripped out of my seat or the ceiling would get left 1000 feet above us. Luckily, even though we had one of the roughest landings I'd ever encountered at EWR, we were the 3rd to last plane to land that night. After that EWR was closed for a couple of hours to all traffic!!


                        • #13
                          Flying through storms

                          Back in 1998, I was aboard a DL 763ER on the way from ATL to BRU. Somewhere around Philly the plane encountered severe turbulence. The plane was shaking like crazy, especially the wings were going up and down, plus lightning every other second. Weather was severe, but there was no big loss of altitude, only around 1,500 feet throughout the entire ordeal.
                          And in the summer of 2002, me and my dad were diverted because of severe t-storms at ATL, so our "Soaring Spirit" ws diverted to CLT. And after staying at CLt for at least 3 hours, we left CLT and "passed the t-storm cell on our way to ATL: As dark as imaginable, with the only light coming from all the lightning. Quite an impresssive sight.



                          • #14
                            A couple of years ago flying from SAN-MSP-SUX on NW. The leg to Sioux City was on a RJ-85. Once we were in the air, the pilot came on the PA and said that with current conditions, we would be in Sioux City 1/2 hour early. As we approached Sioux City, he then informed us that we would have to circle as a large thundercell had parked itself directly over the airport. We circled and my son and I on the left side of the plane (we were in the last row) had an excellent view of the lightning. There was a lot of cloud to cloud lightning as well as cloud to ground. We circled for about 45 minutes when the pilot said that the cell had moved far enough from the runway for us to go in. That was the bumpiest ride I had ever been on. That plane bounced up and down and shook all the way to the ground. My daughter (who was 4 at the time) slept through the whole thing. We had to wake her up to get off the plane!


                            • #15
                              I remember a few years ago after spending Christmas in New York City we flew back through the worst storm I have ever seen or been in. The flight started out smoothly. Take off from JFK was excellent, climbed out over long Island and reached cruising above Boston. The captain came on over the PA and talked us through the flight routing, informed us of flight time etc... and told us that there was a little bit of bad weather off northern Canada but that it shouldn't be much to worry about. During dinner things started to get a bit bumpy nothing major. Everyone continued to eat and watch the movie. Then suddenly the plane dropped, everyone’s dinners went all over the plane. We were thrown form side to side up and down. The overhead bins started to open and everyone’s belongings fell out around the cabin. The engines got louder, we were trying to climb back up to our cruising altitude. The cabin crew were all trying to cling on to anything as they tried to secure trolleys and make it to their seats. After about 10 mins and still no sign of getting out of this weather everyone was getting worried. Then another few minutes passed and the suddenly all went came, engines quietened everyone gasped a sigh of relief. Bang!!! The plane dropped so far down this time that people were shouting and screaming. I looked up at the cabin crew to see them holding hands and crying. That got me worried now. You could hear the wind howling outside. After about 20 mins it all stopped. The captain came on and told us that we were put of the worst and that it would continue being a little bit bumpy. Once we landed I had a look around the cabin it was wrecked. Dinners and rubbish all over the cabin. I was never so glad to off airplane in my life.

