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    June 7th, 2004.

    American Airlines
    Scheduled Dept : 2:17pm
    Sheduled Arrivl: 3:18pm
    Actual Dept: 2:28pm
    Actual Arrival: 3:20(I think)
    Reg # N906TW
    ACFT- MD80/S80

    I arrived at OKC at 12:00pm, said goodbye to my cousin and thanked him for a great weekend. Walked inside to the AA counters. Waited in line for 15 minutes. Then walked up, showed my ID and my itinerary. Was asked if I was checking bags, replied with a "no" and then asked if my final destination was Chicago. I said "yes" then thought wait a minute I went to chicago LAST weekened, then said to her "no wait a minute i meant im going to marion" she replied with a "marion oh really??" i said "yes, marion, illinois" then she points at the computer and says "ohh yes i see it here ok never mind then, marion it is, and you have a great flight!! Thank you!!" with a great smile that i always like lol. I said thank you and walked to security. TSA were very nice, all smiles, someone had to be in a good mood. haha, and then set my bag and backpack on the belt. walked through and set the alarm off. forgot to take my shoes and watch off, ugh..well i walk back through again and im cleared this time. I get my bags and shoes and watch on and proceed to gate 4. On the way to gate 4 a flash of yellow and orange caught my eye. i look at the UAL gate and rwalized i was seeing a TED A320 there!!! imagine my shock as UAL doesnt serve OKC with TED. must have been a subsitute. i got a picture of that one and then continued walking to gate 4. but then i walked by a restaurent, and got hungry by the smell of hamburgers so i ordered one with a coke and chips. total cost..8.50 ridiculous. Finally, after finishing the hamburger i walked to gate 4 and sat to wait for the plane to arrive from DFW. A family of four came up to the gate and asked the CSA if her two children and herslef plus her husband could be sitting together. the plane was full pretty much and the CSA said maybe but no promises. so they end up upgrading 3 people to F/C to have them sit togethger. imagine the shock as they walked they need to thank that woman for it. Finally the plane arrived, and it was N906TW, and they called for boaridng. I lined up when they called Group 2. got on board, and settled into my seat-25F. Waited for the rest to board. the F/A (3 males and 1 female) did the procedure. we taxi down the taxiway but then turn around and head back to the gate. a ramp agent come sover and looks at the tail and flahses the thumbs up to the pilot. then we taxi again to the runway. Runway was 31L I think. turned left, and got service. pretzels and soda(coke for me). flew for 25 minutes, then started the approach to DFW. we landed on 18L. taxied to A35. I got off after everyone else did and ran to gate C-28.

    Scheduled dept-4:15pm
    Scheduled Arrival-6:03pm
    Actual departure-5:05pm
    Actual Arrivl-6:25pm
    Reg# N216AA
    ACFT- MD-80/S80

    After arriving to gate C-28, i called my mom to let her know i made it safe so far to DFW. Then I waited till it was time to board. we boarded at 4:25pm. Waited for the rest to board. (2 male f/a and 1 female) We taxied to runway R17R. We are now 20 in line for take off, ohh my god, i thought i was gonan die. but it was cool to see the planes in line, some planes were Midwest 717, FL 717, BA 777, tons of AA S80, and EAgles, and tons of DL CRJS' of course. after everyone took off, we turned finally at 5:05pm. so we were waiting for nearly an hour!! Now I know why Southwest doesnt fly to DFW!! to long waits. We took off and turned left into some amazing cloud formations, wow it was so awesome those high clouds, now it hit me what flying was all about, the freedom to soar the skies!!! The city of Dallas passes under us. We continue our climb, level off and fly onward to STL. By then the clouds got boring so i put on some music and fell alseep for about 20 min lol. turbulence woke me up and by then i realized they started service and was already to my row by now. i got my usualy coke w/ pretzels. Boy was I tired, u try runnin from A-35 to C-28 in 15 min, wow i was panting by then!! By this time it was 5:50pm, time we should have been approaching STL but nope we were still in the air!! Then at 6:10pm we started the approach fro STL. we dropped heavily, spoilers kept going up, plane seemed to slow down and then speed up. Finally, we landed on R12R. Taxied to gate C-30. Of course, i gotta run again all the way to B-14 in 15 minutes. Does AA not like me or something? lol.

    Scheduled Dept-7:30pm
    Actual Dept: 7:30PM
    Scheduled Arrival- 8:15pm
    Actual Arrival- 8:05pm.
    ACFT- BAe Jetstream 32

    Well after arriving, i sat down and waited for boarding to start. the plane arrives from god knows where, and then they announce boarding. no paticular order. just line up. and so I did, handed in my boarding ticket she tore it up, and handed the rest back to me. i got on board the plane. 2 flights down, last one to go!! we start taxing after the pilot(name is chrris) shows the safety procedure. flight time is announced as 35 minutes with 7,000 ft. we taxi behind a WN Blue Canyon 733. go to R 12L. Take off, turn right, level at 7000. continue on the way to MWA as no service or f/a on board. finally we started approaching, and land at the runway at 8:05pm. get my bag, then I go home!! simple as that!!

    never thought id say this but..THANK GOD FOR GROUNDS!!!! I MISSED IT!!!

    Stop Searching. Start Traveling.

  • #2
    Sounds like you had fun alex! Sorry you didnt get a chance to really just sit in DFW and STL. I enjoy sitting in the termials at larger airports for hours. It sucks when you have to run through them so fast.

    I've decided that for my flights this summer, im not going to hop on a plane unless i have a Subway Sandwich with me :P Perhaps I'll be able to sell 6inches of it to some fatty and make a killing Pretzels and Coke are just getting too old these days... Bring back the BISCOFF biscuits!



    • #3

      Hey Alex...yeah, it sounds like you did have a blast. Four consecutive MD-80s! That is definitely a lot of flights for a day. How many were ex-TWA, if any?
      And birds, insects, and bats thought they could fly well.


      • #4
        Re: OKC-DFW-STL-MRH

        Originally posted by TWA747STL
        Hey Alex...yeah, it sounds like you did have a blast. Four consecutive MD-80s! That is definitely a lot of flights for a day. How many were ex-TWA, if any?
        Hey Andrew-- glad to see you up here. uhm...N906TW, and N911TW were the two TWA planes, N906TW was a reconfigured plane to match AA. They added the headrest and exrta bins on some ex-TWA planes and N906TW is one of them. Yeah im starting to get sick of MD80's.....back to 737's now, i swear its either MD80's or 737, i dont win here.. lol see ya around andrew!
        Stop Searching. Start Traveling.


        • #5
          Originally posted by DeltaASA16
          Sounds like you had fun alex! Sorry you didnt get a chance to really just sit in DFW and STL. I enjoy sitting in the termials at larger airports for hours. It sucks when you have to run through them so fast.

          I've decided that for my flights this summer, im not going to hop on a plane unless i have a Subway Sandwich with me :P Perhaps I'll be able to sell 6inches of it to some fatty and make a killing Pretzels and Coke are just getting too old these days... Bring back the BISCOFF biscuits!

          Adam I had the chance to see DFW in a whizz. lol AA planes were just a bluuur, a big i was running to catch my flight lol. STL was easier, but not enough planes due to cutbacks. between 6-9pm is the slowest and thats when I landed. i certainly ddidnt plan but those stupid people took 30 minutes to gte off the plane as i orignally had 45 min layover but NOOOOO everyone had to get off.....

          Sadly, iv never had those biscoff...never knew what they tasted like. then fly southwest and get peanuts and chips and yummy stuff, alot better then AA foods.

          Stop Searching. Start Traveling.


          • #6
            Great report. Those Biscoffs are a lot better than pretzels. Just last month I had then on an 8:32am flight on DL from RIC-ATL. It must be a morning thing.
            GO SIOUX


            • #7
              Originally posted by PHF2ATL
              Great report. Those Biscoffs are a lot better than pretzels. Just last month I had then on an 8:32am flight on DL from RIC-ATL. It must be a morning thing.
              Naw...I've had them at night and in the afternoon. I just wish they came in larger packages, though. Unless they give you like 5 or 6 of them, it's hardly a snack.


              • #8
                Great report! Just one thing... is it possible to include the plane types/airline next time? (Of course we all knew you were going on American).

                Got any pics??

                Anyway, great report (as I've already said).



                • #9
                  Originally posted by matt1168
                  Great report! Just one thing... is it possible to include the plane types/airline next time? (Of course we all knew you were going on American).

                  Got any pics??

                  Anyway, great report (as I've already said).

                  Matt- I had thought I did, sorry. anyway thanks for the note and ill go edit it now. How did u guess by the airline?? hahah anywa thanks

                  ps- pics i cant find it at the moment, i lost my camera that has the pics and im searching desperatly for them.. well ill keep u posted.

                  Stop Searching. Start Traveling.


                  • #10
                    I love DL's Biscoffs, I had them on an ATL-LIT flight last summer. I am so sick of poor airline food service. I am ready for hot food to come back on flights over two hours. Continental and United seem to be the best at that.

                    Continental Airlines + America West Airlines +James Bond= Happiness


                    • #11
                      I miss TWA.


                      • #12
                        Me too, they were a great airline, they had the class and style of the older airlines. I really loved them. Is there a possiblility of them doing something similar to Pan Am's re-startups?

                        Continental Airlines + America West Airlines +James Bond= Happiness


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by thunderball'65
                          Me too, they were a great airline, they had the class and style of the older airlines. I really loved them. Is there a possiblility of them doing something similar to Pan Am's re-startups?
                          Highly unlikely, as AA owns the rights to TWA and its namesake and slogans etc etc, the only way we could see that is if AA starts a LCC named TWA and its higly unlikely because they are smart enough to know an airline within an airline does NOT work, and ill pay someone 50 dollars if they do**

                          Greg- I miss them soo much, i guess the only way for TWA to live in us and for us to fly with them is to keep flying AA knowing u will fly an ex-TWA plane at some point...


                          **= should in fact AA DOES start a LCC dont take my word up on it, i dont really have 50 dollars.......
                          Stop Searching. Start Traveling.


                          • #14
                            Have all ex TWA planes been changed to AA interiors?

                            Continental Airlines + America West Airlines +James Bond= Happiness


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by thunderball'65
                              Have all ex TWA planes been changed to AA interiors?
                              Not completely....all 757 the only change is the color on the plane otherwise everything else is TWA inside even named and such thats what ti was on my 757 DFW-MCO.
                              with the MD80- that depends, all TWA MD80 have been refitted with the MRTC outfit, and the livery has been changed. also, now, TWA planes are now being retrofitted with AA seats and headsets that u find on AA MD80's throughout the lfeet. I can clarify that N906TW is a fully completely AA MD80 now, the only sign of it being TWA is the registeraion number and the wingtips of the MD80, TWA MD80 seems to have a raked line along the underwing tip of the MD80 while AA's are smoother.

                              The rest has been in the desert, thats all AA kept, 757 and MD80.
                              Stop Searching. Start Traveling.

