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Tropical Storm Allison

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  • Tropical Storm Allison

    Just out of curiosity.... anyone here have to deal with any flights during Tropical Storm Allison in 2001?
    I was fortunate to be off work that day, but I know CAL99 had to work like 36 hours straight during that time. The storm hit IAH and pretty much sat there for three days causing downtown Houston and IAH to completely flood. Pretty much all airlines had people sleeping throughout the terminal and even inside the aircraft. CO agents and crew were stuck at the airport for days since the parking lots and roadways were flooded.
    Anyone have any pictures?
    Work Right, Fly Hard.

  • #2
    I wasn't flying that day but I was driving from Dallas to Houston during the flood. We made it through just before the freeways in north Houston were closed. Then on the tollway we hit a big puddle, hydroplaned and hit a guardrail, totalling my Ford Probe. My dad had to drive across town to pick us up, then a couple days later we had to rent a trailer to get my Probe because all the tow trucks in Houston were busy with flooded or stranded cars. Awful day, the drive took 10 hours, which normally takes about 4.5.
    Follow me on Twitter!


    • #3
      i can imagine...... college station had so many planes that camped there overnight, it wasn't even funny.... my wife's car went under water when she lived near greenspoint. i know we sent a few people to iah in limos and they got flooded out too....
      Work Right, Fly Hard.


      • #4
        I was flying during the blizzard of 1996 here on the east coast. We had about 2 inches of ice on everything here. We were leaving out of RIC on Christmas eve and the power was out in the terminal and it was freeeeeezing. All flights cancelled. One Delta MD-88 made it to the runway but was iced up before it got out. We spent Christmas eve in a hotel in downtown Ricmond and got out Christmas morning at 6am.
        GO SIOUX


        • #5
          Originally posted by PHF2ATL
          I was flying during the blizzard of 1996 here on the east coast. We had about 2 inches of ice on everything here. We were leaving out of RIC on Christmas eve and the power was out in the terminal and it was freeeeeezing. All flights cancelled. One Delta MD-88 made it to the runway but was iced up before it got out. We spent Christmas eve in a hotel in downtown Ricmond and got out Christmas morning at 6am.
          you think?!?
          Work Right, Fly Hard.


          • #6
            Yes, I remember those couplle days well. We did have a limo and a van full of passengers get flooded on the way to Houston. Thanks for bringing back the memory assghanistan.
            He who expected nothin......aint gonna be deceived-JR

