Going on vacation out west via SFO...well here goes
Delta Airlines Flight 523
Leave ATL: 8:16 AM Gate A-31 Actual: 8:45 AM
Arrive SFO: 10:11 AM Gate C40 Actual: 10:13
Equipment: Boeing 737-800
Registration: N3742C
Seat: 30F
I got up about 4:30 to shower and get ready for an hour long drive to ATL. It was drizzling outside as forecasted. I-20 had construction going on, so we took US-78 to I-285 to get to ATL. We parked at Prestige Parking which is a very long way from the airport. We got a shuttle bus almost right away and it was quite a time having 4 people with 7 bags, but it was going to be a 10 day vacation, so it was pretty well needed. We got dropped off at Delta curbside at Terminal South and checked the bags. One of our bags had some sort of problem, so we had to go to a Song check-in counter to get it fixed. It took about 5 minutes, but then it was off to security. Being 6:00 in the morning, there was almost no line there. We handed out boarding passes, took our shoes off, passed through, and then it was down the long escelator to the train. We got down and a train was waiting so we got on. It was kinda crowded, but we only had to go one stop, so no matter. We got off at Concourse A and made the long walk towards gate A-31. We stopped at Krystal for breakfast, and then went on to the gate. I saw many many planes, but not ours. Our board said our plane was coming from SFO, but that would mean the flight would have to leave at 2 AM Pacific Time, and who would do that? Anyway, our plane got there, and nobody got off...kinda left me wondering. About 7:45 they start boarding calls. Delta's Automated Boarding calls are kinda scary...almost too flat of a tone. I was in Zone 4 in Seat 30F. They called zone 4, and we got on. We were very late for whatever reason, and pushed back at 8:45. We weren't far from our t/o runway, so we entered line and we were #2. The pilot turned on to Runway 8L and immeadiately hit the throttle. The 738 gives a pretty nice t/o, and is quite powerful. On t/o I saw an old MD-11 in the Ron Allen scheme, but I didnt get the reg. Things were smooth, and then at 9:35 ET F/A's came around with drinks and food for sale...come on Delta...your customer service isn't really that great to begin with..and then you sell these little snacks for outrageuosly high prices...and they wonder why their in bad financial shape. I had water..but they packed the dang thing so full of ice I barely got any out. We leveled off at FL350 and the movie was shown...Today was Starsky and Hutch. F/A's were going around with headphones for sale...come on Delta...paying $5 to watch a movie....give me a break...it's not like we're not already dumping enough money in to your pockets... I didn't buy them, as I didn't want to watch the movie anyway. (ask anyone I know they'll tell you I'm not a movie person.) Things were smooth and very boring until the Rockies, which was quite an amazing sight, and better yet...turbulence...what a nice thing to spice up a flight than some good old bumps and chops. I set my watch to Pacific Time, and then F/A's came around with Drinks and FREE SNACKS at 9:35 PT. It was just pretzels, but its better then $4 for a little thing of chips. I got water again and ate my pretzels. As we started our descent to SFO at 9:45 PT they showed Food Network and $40 a day...not really that great, but better then nothing. We landed in SFO at 10:13 AM local time (didn't catch the runway #) We pulled up to gate C-40 and I got off for may adventures to Carson City, Reno, and San Francisco at the end of it.
Overall Delta sucked...the F/A's weren't all that helpful for anything. It's not necessarily their fault for the pay for useless crap thing, but they just did the bare minimum
Here's how I would rate this flight
Overall: 2/5 nothing great happened, but gotta love flying no matter what
Customer Service: -3/5 yes a -3...bare minimum from the F/A..pay for this...pay for that...leave late..you get the picture
So yeah....there ya go...I'll post my return leg later Comments are appreciated.
Delta Airlines Flight 523
Leave ATL: 8:16 AM Gate A-31 Actual: 8:45 AM
Arrive SFO: 10:11 AM Gate C40 Actual: 10:13
Equipment: Boeing 737-800
Registration: N3742C
Seat: 30F
I got up about 4:30 to shower and get ready for an hour long drive to ATL. It was drizzling outside as forecasted. I-20 had construction going on, so we took US-78 to I-285 to get to ATL. We parked at Prestige Parking which is a very long way from the airport. We got a shuttle bus almost right away and it was quite a time having 4 people with 7 bags, but it was going to be a 10 day vacation, so it was pretty well needed. We got dropped off at Delta curbside at Terminal South and checked the bags. One of our bags had some sort of problem, so we had to go to a Song check-in counter to get it fixed. It took about 5 minutes, but then it was off to security. Being 6:00 in the morning, there was almost no line there. We handed out boarding passes, took our shoes off, passed through, and then it was down the long escelator to the train. We got down and a train was waiting so we got on. It was kinda crowded, but we only had to go one stop, so no matter. We got off at Concourse A and made the long walk towards gate A-31. We stopped at Krystal for breakfast, and then went on to the gate. I saw many many planes, but not ours. Our board said our plane was coming from SFO, but that would mean the flight would have to leave at 2 AM Pacific Time, and who would do that? Anyway, our plane got there, and nobody got off...kinda left me wondering. About 7:45 they start boarding calls. Delta's Automated Boarding calls are kinda scary...almost too flat of a tone. I was in Zone 4 in Seat 30F. They called zone 4, and we got on. We were very late for whatever reason, and pushed back at 8:45. We weren't far from our t/o runway, so we entered line and we were #2. The pilot turned on to Runway 8L and immeadiately hit the throttle. The 738 gives a pretty nice t/o, and is quite powerful. On t/o I saw an old MD-11 in the Ron Allen scheme, but I didnt get the reg. Things were smooth, and then at 9:35 ET F/A's came around with drinks and food for sale...come on Delta...your customer service isn't really that great to begin with..and then you sell these little snacks for outrageuosly high prices...and they wonder why their in bad financial shape. I had water..but they packed the dang thing so full of ice I barely got any out. We leveled off at FL350 and the movie was shown...Today was Starsky and Hutch. F/A's were going around with headphones for sale...come on Delta...paying $5 to watch a movie....give me a break...it's not like we're not already dumping enough money in to your pockets... I didn't buy them, as I didn't want to watch the movie anyway. (ask anyone I know they'll tell you I'm not a movie person.) Things were smooth and very boring until the Rockies, which was quite an amazing sight, and better yet...turbulence...what a nice thing to spice up a flight than some good old bumps and chops. I set my watch to Pacific Time, and then F/A's came around with Drinks and FREE SNACKS at 9:35 PT. It was just pretzels, but its better then $4 for a little thing of chips. I got water again and ate my pretzels. As we started our descent to SFO at 9:45 PT they showed Food Network and $40 a day...not really that great, but better then nothing. We landed in SFO at 10:13 AM local time (didn't catch the runway #) We pulled up to gate C-40 and I got off for may adventures to Carson City, Reno, and San Francisco at the end of it.
Overall Delta sucked...the F/A's weren't all that helpful for anything. It's not necessarily their fault for the pay for useless crap thing, but they just did the bare minimum
Here's how I would rate this flight
Overall: 2/5 nothing great happened, but gotta love flying no matter what
Customer Service: -3/5 yes a -3...bare minimum from the F/A..pay for this...pay for that...leave late..you get the picture
So yeah....there ya go...I'll post my return leg later Comments are appreciated.