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CHA to PHL Delta

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  • CHA to PHL Delta

    SO here it is time to go back up to Philly in preparation for my trip up to Conneticut. I was origionally schedualled to take this trip on Northwest via the new Delta Codeshare, but for some reason I was re routed through Delta like usual. This turned out to be a great thing as I was pleased to see a NW CRJ-20 in the new C/s pull in to its gate, getting ready to leave for Memphis. Oh yeah and there was the C-5 doing touch and goes the whole time! ( I wish that I had my camera out for that one, but I packed it away for the trip by accident.)

    Delta Connection (ASA)
    Flight: DL4473
    Departure: 12:05 pm
    Arrival: 12:40 pm

    This was quite the normal flight out of CHA. As I entered through the rear door of the aircraft, I was handed the usual bottle of water, as the flight is to short to offer full in-flight service, and I sat down in my seat. 6B. We took off into the clouds right after the C-5 made another touch and go. I was really surprised at how quiet the C-5 was from the outside (or maybe the ATR-72 is so loud that it over powered the sound!) As we powered up, I took one last look at CHA as I would be leaving for the next 2 months for work and vacation. As we reached our cruising altitude of 14000 feet, we some turbulance that made the flight fun. You know that random drop that makes you feel weightless for that split second. This continued through out the flight until we reached the Atlanta area. After going into a holding pattern for about 10 min we finnaly made it to the ground. I was hoping that we would be landing right next to the Delta mainenance hanger so that I could see if the MD-11 was still waiting to be ferried off to Victorville, or a new owner, but we landed over by the cargo terminals instead. The one thing that I did notice over there was an old all white 737-200 that was sitting all alone with out engines, or a nose cone. Could this be an old Delta bird that is getting ready to be scrapped? Does ATL even have a scrapping service there? Anyways then it was off to another concourse to catch my next flight direct to Philly.

    Flight: DL234
    Departure: 1:40 pm
    Arrival: 3:40 pm

    This would prove to be the funniest part of the trip. Remember that episode of Airline where they overbooked one flight by like 25 people. Imagine that same situation except it is taking place in Atlanta, and the agents are wearing Delta uniforms. As I arrived at the gate with 30 min till departure there was a shouting match going on at the counter because Delta had over booked the flight by something like 25 people and there were 25 people who demanded seats from the Delta agent who was stonewalling them with the usual offer of a free ticket, and a seat on the next flight which left in 2 hours. Once we were on board, we joined the line for departure, and I noticed two more great finds. First the Airtran 737 was sitting at at terminal D! Then something that puzzled me,,,, I thought that Airtran had decided to stop useing the jet connect service with their CRJ-200s, but there was one at the end of that very same terminal! Does anyone have any info on this? Anyways as we took off I could not wait to eat the steak salad that I had bought between flights. As we pulled into Philly I was hoping to meet my mother who was flying out of Philly to fly home to CHA about 10 min after I was supposed to arrive. Needless to say with the wait for takeoff I just barely missed her. So before walking out of the terminal in Philly I managed to walk down to the end of it to get a sneak peak at the Southwest 737 waiting to go to Midway. I have yet to fly them as the colset that they come to CHA is BNA. Another trip finnished on Delta.

    Overall: 8/10

    Flight Crew: 9/10
    Planes: 8/10
    Terminal Experience:7/10
    O'Hare - The Aviation God's greatest creation, or their greatest mistake? you be the judge!

  • #2
    CHA to PHL Delta

    Good report, and good to see you liked the flights. On the things you saw: The all-white 732 is a former Air Tran bird that is being scrapped on location, because it wouldn't be worth a ferry flight to VCV or else.
    The FL CRJ's will be around until July 31st, basically for the ATL-MKE route.


