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  • SJO-LIM-EZE on TACA Group

    This is my returning leg to EZE, hope that you enjoy it.


    ETD/RTD 15:10 On time
    ETA/RTA 19:40 On time
    Aft: A320
    Flt: TA7651 / LR651

    I got the Juan Santamaria Intl Airport of San Jose about 1:40 hs before departure. Altough TACA's counters were crowed, I ckecked in in about half an hour, after paying the "exit tax", Costa Rica's tax that has to be payed before leaving the country. Seems to be very expensive, USD26.-

    After migration, I got the boarding area, about 50 minutes before departing. I had the chance to see differents aircraft boarding and arriving, that I not used to see on my country (I mean model & company)

    I could see AA 757 to DFW, AA 738 to MIA, DL 757 to houston (I guess???), AC A319 to YYZ, several TA to LIM (my flight) and north area of Central America (Guatemala, Hoduras and so on). Freighter DC10 complete the scene. Two interesting arrivals, Cayman Airways 732 and Arrow DC8.

    Departing through RWY 7 was nce and on flight services just good. A brief snack (crakers, fruit salad and hot sandwhich) and a regular movie hat keep me alert during a couple of hours.

    The last hour and a half was a bit shaked, some turbulence stop a couple of time the last time of the snack delivery.

    The arriving to LIM was normal through RWY 15. Platform was almost complete. Three TA's waiting for connections (SCL, EZE and GRU). LA A320 and 763, so many AeroContinentes (767, F28 and 727) were lying at the hangar. For long haul flights, IB 343 to MAD and KLM MD11 to Bonair-AMS (whre is Bonair?) where ready to takeoff.


    ETD/RTD 20:40 On time
    ETA/RTA 02:55/02:30
    Aft: A320
    Flt: TA023

    The second leg of my trip was really fast. The scheduled time was 4:15 hs but due to tail wind (some turbulence from the Pacific) we could get EZE 25 minutes early.

    On flight services were the same as usual, just a "snack/semi dinner". Salad, crackers and hot sandwhich og chicken with some salse from Peru, what was really nice.
    About the film, don't let know. Same film as in my leg from SJO was showed, so a spent the whole flight watching through the window.

    After we got cruise altitude, captain told us some details about our path. Departing from LIM, right straight to the south, following the coast we were heading to Antfagasta, Chile. Over ANF turn east to overfly the Andes Mountains and get Argentine land, following SLA-TUC-SDE, part of Province of Cordoba, headed to ROS, where he planned to star the descend to EZE.

    He announced some turbulence over Chile, that on another hand, will help us to get EZE early because of they were basically tail winds.

    EZE is located at the south of the Capital Federal (Argentine capital) on Buenos Aires province lands. Because the flight arrived from the north, I had the chance to see all the city shining under us. Arriving at EZE was great. RWY 11 was used.

    I was a bit scared about what i should expect about EZE. I was wondering an empty airport without any services, even a taxi to drive me home. I was really wrong.

    After landing and before get the gate, two other flights landed too. AR A310 from "I don't know where" (maybe a BOG-CCS delayed) and a scheduled RG 733 from GIG-GRU.

    Airport services where working good. Free shops open, several taxi companies offering services , a couple of restaurants giveing coffe service to those who were waiting at the arrival hall.

    Hope that you have enjoyed this report!!!!!!

  • #2
    Hey, great trip report! I really enjoyed my reading. I am happy to see TACA still is a very good airline. I last flew them in August 2001, to Cuzco via Lima.

    Originally posted by mtorello
    (whre is Bonair?
    Bonaire is an island in the Netherlands Antilles, somewhat close to Aruba, hence it is served by KLM.


