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  • NW SAN-MSP-OMA & Return

    Our trip actually started on Thursday night when I checked us in for the outgoing trip on The process was smooth and I was able to print our boarding passes from home. After my son's baseball game Friday night (7/9) we loaded our bags into my parents' van and we spent the night at their house to allow us some extra sleep since we were getting up so early. We got up at 3:30 on 7/10 to get ready to go. We were all ready by 4:15, so we left. My parents dropped us off at curbside at SAN Terminal 2. We checked our bags in at curbside and had a leisurely stroll toward security. Security opened at 5:00. We had no trouble going through security. We walked the short distance to Gate 22. We then relaxed and took it easy until time to board.

    NWA 190
    Scheduled Departure Time 6:30
    Actual Departure 6:28
    Scheduled Arrival 12:07 PM
    Equipment B757-200 (Series 5500)
    Registration N509US (new c/s)

    We had chosen seats 32A-D since in this version of the 757, the restrooms are behind row 32. This version has 4 exit doors on each side with no overwing exits. Boarding started at 6:00. We were finally called as the gate agent was calling 2 rows at a time. We were pushed back two minutes early and taxied for a RWY 27 takeoff. The plane lifted off at 6:42. After about an hour, breakfast was served. We had a banana, Wheaties, and a hot bagel! We encountered some mild turbulence over Colorado, but nothing much to be concerned about. We landed in MSP on RWY 12R at 11:55 and arrived at Gate F14 at 12:00.

    NWA 1721
    Scheduled Departure 2:29 PM
    Actual Departure 2:34PM
    Scheduled Arrival 3:31 PM
    Equipment DC-9-30
    Registration N9335 (new c/s)

    Since we had about 2.5 hours to kill, we took a leisurely stroll to Gate C11 to wait for the flight to OMA. Boarding started at 2:05. We found our seats (18 B,D-F) and prepared to depart. The pilot started the powerback at 2:34, and we lifted off from RWY 12R at 2:45. Beverage service started after a few minutes. We all received a full can of soda and Spinzels. The flight was smooth all the way. We landed on RWY 18 at 3:31. We arrived at Gate 1 at 3:35. We then waited for our luggage and picked up our rental car for our drive to Sioux City. The price difference was over $120 more to fly directly to SUX, so we went to OMA instead.

    After a week's visit with in-laws, it was time to go home. We left Sioux City at 2:00 PM on 7/17. We arrived at OMA shortly after 3:30 and returned the rental car. We then went to check in the bags since I had checked in on-line the night before. We watched from the line as TSA opened the bag that had all of our shoes in it. They closed it back up with no problems. As we went to the gate, I was selected for extra screening. They wanded me (I kept my shoes on) and sent me on my way. We went to Gate 1 to wait for our 6:30 PM departure.

    NWA 1728
    Scheduled Departure 6:30
    Actual Departure 6:24
    Scheduled Arrival 7:42
    Equipment DC-9-50
    Registration N785NC (old c/s)

    Preboarding started shortly after 6:00, the gate agent asked us if we would like to pre-board, so we gladly took the offer. We went to our seats (22 B, D-F). The flight was less than 1/2 full, so we had the back of the plane to ourselves. Pushback was at 6:24. We lifted off RWY 36 at 6:32. With such a light load, the plane took off like a shot! The ascent was so steep, that the carry-on bag started to slide out from under the seat in front of me. Also, my seat back wouldn't stay up; it kept slowly reclining until we leveled off. We all received a full can of soda and spinzels. As we approached MSP, we saw the airport as we were on our downwind leg of the approach. We landed on RWY 12R at 7:23 and arrived at Gate F9 at 7:27.

    NWA 191
    Scheduled Departure 9:27
    Actual Departure 9:28
    Scheduled Arrival 11:02
    Equipment 757-200 (5600 Series)
    Registration N556NW

    We arrived at Gate G14 and saw the aircraft already sitting at the gate. Since my wife wanted our specific seats based on the 5500 series, we went to see if we could move further back, but the flight was full. Boarding started at 8:50. We boarded and found pillows and blankets and strapped in for the last flight of this trip. Some passengers had problems finding their seats, and one woman tried to get into the exit row with her young child. Once the flight attendants finally got them into their seats, passengers around them clapped since we could finally get under way. Pushback was only one minute late. We took off RWY 12R at 9:52. Once we were in the air, the captain came over the PA to state that due to the winds, and thunderstorms en route, our ETA was 11:15. We were served a full can of soda and spinzels. After about an hour into the flight, we encountered some turbulence and the seat belt sign came on, and stayed on the rest of the flight. We would pass one thundercell, and you could see the next one coming. We landed at SAN on RWY 27 at 11:02, so we made up some time somehow. The captain put on the reverse thrusters so we were slowed down enough to leave the RWY at the entrance to the ramp for Gate 22. We arrived at the gate at 11:05. Then the "fun" began. We waited and waited for our luggage at carousel 3. The carousel started to turn, but the belts to bring the luggage to the carousel wouldn't work. So, they tried the carousel 2. After a couple of bags came off, another bag got stuck and jammed the whole thing. So, they went to carousel 1. We finally got our bags, and met our friend who was giving us a ride home. We finally left the airport around 12:15.

  • #2
    Good Report! I want to try NW sometime!

    Next Flights:

    October 14, 2006 - Airtran MDW-MSP
    October 16, 2006 - Airtran MSP-MDW


    • #3
      I've always received excellent service when I've flown with them. Some people say they don't like them, but I've never had a reason to complain.

