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AC A345 YYZ-YVR [w/ 25 pics - 2.5mb]

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  • AC A345 YYZ-YVR [w/ 25 pics - 2.5mb]

    1. The behemoth approaches!

    2. Beacon capture

    3. Silhouette of Toronto

    4. Again

    5. Downsview airport (Site of DeHavilland factory)

    6. Winglet and vapour trail

    7. Meal time!

    8. Somewhat blurry meal (this was the second choice)...Had to fly through some moderate turbulence until out over Winnipeg

    9. I hope my fellow passengers didn't mind me standing on top of the seat and shouting "WOOOO I SUNK YOUR BATTLESHIP"

    10. Some fleet info...very handy

    11. A very shiny lavatory - the Airbus staff must have spit shined it!

    12. Wow - an exit. If any of you remember the B747 classic, you will understand why I don't like this...

    13. Out near the Empress VOR (YEA)

    14. Inside the cabin. They made a call over the PA for anybody with medical experience, which did get me a tad excited (although I wouldn't mind a visit to Calgary).

    15. A first look at the rockies

    16. Think this place is Canmore...

    17. Mountains

    18. Mountains

    19. Mountains

    20. Mountains (bloody close too!)

    21. Very clean looking cabin

    22. Very clean (and comfortable) exec cabin

    23. Free Spirit...again...this one keeps following me around

    24. View of our aircraft

    25. Last view of her, see you soon!

  • #2
    Nice pics, great photographic report.
    Thanks for visiting
    *Avimage's Monthly Slide list *


    • #3
      AC A345 YYZ-YVR [w/ 25 pics - 2.5mb]

      Great pics from a great plane. The IFE sure looks interesting, with fleet info shown.



      • #4
        niiiice.... the rockies are nice to fly over if it's clear but when i went to YVR it was all overcast over the mountains. And i saw tha free spirit 763 too like twice... once while spotting and onece when we were leaving. Now does that 340-500 continue on to an international destination or back to YYZ?


        • #5
          Holy cow! I was on that exact flight! I thought no no no, but when I saw the meal, I knew it. Its not going to go back and forth between YVR-YYZ ( I made a mistake a lot about it being YYC ) Its gonna fly from Toronto to someware in Japan. Longhaul'n. I think the 2nd one might do some other pacific route.


          • #6
            Didn't mention the date of the trip, apologies..That was last week on Monday the 12th...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Legend_Airlines
              Didn't mention the date of the trip, apologies..That was last week on Monday the 12th...
              Really? Was your A340-500 by an chance registered C-GKOM arriving at around 11:40 or so (YVR time) on the 12th?


              • #8
                nice pics
                BTW AC only has 3 747's??
                Only the dead have seen the end of the war-Plato


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Airbus_A320
                  Really? Was your A340-500 by an chance registered C-GKOM arriving at around 11:40 or so (YVR time) on the 12th?
                  That is exactly the one, you see, they only have one as of now


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Legend_Airlines
                    Originally posted by Airbus_A320
                    Really? Was your A340-500 by an chance registered C-GKOM arriving at around 11:40 or so (YVR time) on the 12th?
                    That is exactly the one, you see, they only have one as of now
                    Well thats the one i saw arrive when i was spotting on templeton street that day

                    here is a pic


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by fly1346
                      nice pics
                      BTW AC only has 3 747's??
                      Yeah. Part of the restructuring.

                      Nice photos BTW.
                      I'd like to fly on her one day.

                      Oh yeah, I believe the A345 will fly YYZ - HKG.
                      Will F.
                      Photos: JetPhotos.Net | | General Photography


                      • #12
                        What a bizarre coincidence. Did it still have that new-plane smell? I flew on one of AirTran's first 717s when it was only days old and the smell was very noticeable. Great pics, by the way!
                        Click Here to view my aircraft photos on here!
                        Click Here to view my aircraft photos...over there!


                        • #13
                          Nice to see the 345 in service.
                          Click Here for my aviation photographs.
                          No Frontiers


                          • #14
                            i know wich airline to fly when i travel to asia...if i ever do

                            now put some ptvs in the rest of the fleet...i can't imagine 7 hours on a A319 without PTVs from BOG to YYZ


                            • #15
                              Great report and awesome pics!

                              The A345 seems like an awesome plane!

                              Next Flights:

                              October 14, 2006 - Airtran MDW-MSP
                              October 16, 2006 - Airtran MSP-MDW

