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    SWA FLT# 2613
    SCH/DEP: 4:00pm ACT/DEP Never

    This was my first time on South west airlines. I was visting family in Rochester NY for a few days and then I was off to a vaction with my Dad who was doing work i Washington. My aunt droped me off in Buffalo about an hour drive from Rochester. (well with my aunt it was more like 30 mins ) She says good-bye to my Dad and I and we start heading to the Check-in desk. At the Desk was a long line but the person checking every one in was HOT!!!! We finally get to the front of the line and get our seats, we had boarding class A. We go through a quick sercurity and arrive at the gate. We find out that our flight is delayed due to our plane coming from tampa and huricane Charley. My Dad and I decied to go and get some dinner at capital deli and pub. We find out since only about 50% of our flight is full they would sqezz every one onto the next flight at 7:00 and canncel the one at 4:00. We go back to the gate at 4:00 to get some news and find out that our flight had been cannceled and there was no more room on the 7:00 flight. My dad and about 10 other passengers who did not get seats were not to happy about this. My dad kept going on and on about how US Airways and United make SWA service look like crap. SWA told us the would put us on a different airline and pay for it. My dad went straight toward the US Airways desk since he had Gold Preferred level with them. They said they still had a few open seats on FLT# 1741 DPT at 5:21. I think my dad was just happy since he just needed to be in Washington DC at 8:00 am sharp the next day. As we go through security AGAIN I forgot I bought some gum with foil wrapper and the had to search me. As we go to the gate I saw are plane pull in and I was so happy to see a EMB-170 !!! I had taken some pictures of this aircraft in SYR but never got to ride in it. We were seated in row 1 A & B. As I got on the flight attendents said there will be a small 15 minute delay and made up for it by going around and giving everybody drinks and some kind of snack mixs. We were taxing to the runway by 5:30 and we were behind a SWA 737-700 The seats on the plane were so nice and big. Not like the CRJs but like A319 but bigger. The Flight Attendents did the saftey thing and then the piolit came on and gave us the weather and some info. He told us about the 30 minute rule. We were in the air minutes latter and I was sad for one reason. I didn't know if I loved the plane more or that hot SWA chick Flight went great. Crew did another round of drinks and snack and the Piolit came out and talkd to me and said he would show me th cockpit once we land. Landing was so smoth I didn't even feel it. All and All the flight was great and I learned my leason about SWA. Only fly them for the chicks

    I had a great time in DCA and saw the White house and ofcourse the Smithsonian museum of Aviation. Oh the EMB-170 cockpit was great!

  • #2
    LOL. Why do you think they chose SWA for the show AIRLINE?

    Well, glad u got to DC alright....

    Just a word of advice, if I may...check the grammar. I don't mean to insult you, or anything, just a tip. Don't take it personally. I would give you drinks and a snack mix for saying that, but I can't....


    • #3
      sry about the bad grammer but I wrote this at 2 am and I am also only 14.


      • #4
        So am I!! Well, 14 that is.

        No problem...2am is an acceptable time to spell bad! LOL. I should know...


        • #5
          Re: SWA ALB-BWI, US ALB-DCA

          Re: SWA ALB-BWI, US ALB-DCA
          Originally posted by expoITHscohen
          My aunt droped me off in Buffalo about an hour drive from Rochester.

          Originally posted by jetBlue320
          So am I!! Well, 14 that is.
          Haha, nice try.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jetBlue320
            So am I!! Well, 14 that is.
            Yay! I get to join the club in a month!


            • #7
              Wait what... I am confused

              Jetblue I meant oneonta to albany see what 2:00 am does to u


              • #8

                Good flight review dude, but just one thing. I'm guessing you meant to say that you were dropped off at the Albany airport, since that's ur departure airport code. Am I right?

                Happy Flying!


                • #9

                  Originally posted by Foxtrot
                  I'm guessing you meant to say that you were dropped off at the Albany airport, since that's ur departure airport code. Am I right?
                  Then I don't think he ment Rochester either.


                  • #10
                    Maybe he missed his flight because he was dropped off at the wrong airport...


                    • #11
                      My dad was talking to me that night about going to vist family in rochester and then talking me up to Buffalo for a bills game and to see the falls at -20F.

                      CharlestonSC wrote
                      Maybe he missed his flight because he was dropped off at the wrong airport...

                      That happened to me before. We were in Paris and I was 5 and we told the Cab driver to go to the airport with out telling him which one. He just went to Orly instead of CDG!


                      • #12
                        But I was just joking! :P


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by expoITHscohen
                          My dad was talking to me that night about going to vist family in rochester and then talking me up to Buffalo for a bills game and to see the falls at -20F.
                          Fun 'aint it?


                          • #14
                            Last time my dad took me to th falls in the winter it sucked!!! I couldn't stay outside for more than 5 minutes. All My dad said was it was so nice with all the snow around the falls.


                            • #15
                              5 Minutes?

                              I've been outside at the airport for 2 hours straight in the winter. It's so fun though.

