I went on this trip 2 years ago so i am giving my review now hope you like it.
Aircraft:Boeing 747-300
Origin:Jfk(newyork) Via Menchester
Destination: Islamabad Via KArachi
It all started when we got ready for a drive to airport since we live in NEw jersey the drive was 1 hour long and on the exact same day There was Traffic jam all the way to the Goerge washignton Bridge We Took more time on road longer then we expected. I was worried that we would miss our flight but thank god the traffic was over we reached to the airport as soon as possible. I cant remember the terminal number it was like 5 i think we rushed to the PIA Ticket counter . It was a long line many flights were leaving that time . I was looking around while waiting in line with my family . JAL Swiss Air India and Biman Bangladesh were getting ready to departure like us. We went to our gate and went through security checks. We were welcomed with a greeting onboard there were young looking Airhostess. Which was a good image. We taxied to the runaway and like I said many flights were leaving at that time right behind was Air India which was bound for Mumbai via London Heathrow. Safety instructions were givenand a religious prayer on the ptvs were on.
In about 4 minutes we were airborn we reached at 39,000 feet and continued our flight.I had a seat with this old guy and a guy who was about 17 years old who unfortunalty woudnt shut up of him being smart in science. The crew was helpful and nice after about 1 or 2 hours we were served Dinner
The choices were Continental Dish Or Pakistani Dish Rice and Curry with Rice Pudding and salad and a choice of drink. I chose Pakistani Dish which was good cause o boy i was hungry. The entertainment was very good some had english movies and some had pakistani movies on and some games . The pessengers were informed If they would like to be awaken for breakfast . I took a nap since it was very tired. When I woke up We were getting close to Menchester Breakfast was surved as again your choice in economy
Continental or Pakistan Breakfast. Once again i chose pakistani which was omlete baggle jam and a cup of tea or coffe/ Orange Juice and an apple. Which was very delecious. We started our approch onto menchester . We landed at Menchester at about 6:15 in the morning after the whole night over atlantic. We were Informed after landing that if we would like to stay in aircraft or others that would like to leave the aircraft onto the airport while we are here. me and my family went out to the airport I didnt wanted to stay in the air craft for half an hour or so . Menchester was very Bussy at that time even if it was 6:15 in the morning or so . As soon as we entered the terminal I saw another PIA 747-300 land while another PIA 747-200 was Parked beside us.After Half an hour we proceeded to the aircraft with different crew. The crew was Once again very friendly and chatty. I watched Ptv to pass my time. Snackas were given. LAter on Lunch was surved with a choice continental or pakistani I chose the same this time it was fish and curry i think and some sweet pudding. It was all good The time passed so fast When looked at the ptv map we were flying at 40,000 feet over Iran . There was 5 hours left to the flight I tried watching films, since i didnt like reading magazines during flight. I took a nap after a while. When I woke up it was 11:00 at night and we were about to land in Islamabad. We only stayed in Islamabad for 10 minutes for the pessengers who were leaving the aircraft passes were given and other remain seated. We took off Islamabad after the gate got closed. We got airborn on about 11:30 at night i think . soft Drinks and Snacks were passed. Since there was only 2 and a half hours left in te flight We werent allowed to watch films or anything on ptvs which was boring. I spended my time looking out of window. We started our descet into karchi and landed at 2:00 at night yes very late. We taxied to terminal and all the pessengers left the aircraft with Good Byes from Crew. The airport is usually bussy at night but lucky us all the flights left before we landed and some more were there left for the flights at night. We saw saudi 777 landing while we landed and Cathay 320 departured and alot of PIA 747s were bound for europe and Northamerica. While we were walking through the terminal I saw Emirates 777 getting ready for departure for dubai. The line for the tickets and check etc.. wasant look since most pessengers went to Islamabad on the flight. We reached the half end of airport and saw our Relatives smiling and waving and we all hugged etc.. and got out of Aipport and onto the parking lot and there again I saw Our PiA 747 standing with others and I said Thanks for a wonderful flight. FInally I was home on my homeland and this is were Asian Exprince Begins
Thank You
Aircraft:Boeing 747-300
Origin:Jfk(newyork) Via Menchester
Destination: Islamabad Via KArachi
It all started when we got ready for a drive to airport since we live in NEw jersey the drive was 1 hour long and on the exact same day There was Traffic jam all the way to the Goerge washignton Bridge We Took more time on road longer then we expected. I was worried that we would miss our flight but thank god the traffic was over we reached to the airport as soon as possible. I cant remember the terminal number it was like 5 i think we rushed to the PIA Ticket counter . It was a long line many flights were leaving that time . I was looking around while waiting in line with my family . JAL Swiss Air India and Biman Bangladesh were getting ready to departure like us. We went to our gate and went through security checks. We were welcomed with a greeting onboard there were young looking Airhostess. Which was a good image. We taxied to the runaway and like I said many flights were leaving at that time right behind was Air India which was bound for Mumbai via London Heathrow. Safety instructions were givenand a religious prayer on the ptvs were on.
In about 4 minutes we were airborn we reached at 39,000 feet and continued our flight.I had a seat with this old guy and a guy who was about 17 years old who unfortunalty woudnt shut up of him being smart in science. The crew was helpful and nice after about 1 or 2 hours we were served Dinner
The choices were Continental Dish Or Pakistani Dish Rice and Curry with Rice Pudding and salad and a choice of drink. I chose Pakistani Dish which was good cause o boy i was hungry. The entertainment was very good some had english movies and some had pakistani movies on and some games . The pessengers were informed If they would like to be awaken for breakfast . I took a nap since it was very tired. When I woke up We were getting close to Menchester Breakfast was surved as again your choice in economy
Continental or Pakistan Breakfast. Once again i chose pakistani which was omlete baggle jam and a cup of tea or coffe/ Orange Juice and an apple. Which was very delecious. We started our approch onto menchester . We landed at Menchester at about 6:15 in the morning after the whole night over atlantic. We were Informed after landing that if we would like to stay in aircraft or others that would like to leave the aircraft onto the airport while we are here. me and my family went out to the airport I didnt wanted to stay in the air craft for half an hour or so . Menchester was very Bussy at that time even if it was 6:15 in the morning or so . As soon as we entered the terminal I saw another PIA 747-300 land while another PIA 747-200 was Parked beside us.After Half an hour we proceeded to the aircraft with different crew. The crew was Once again very friendly and chatty. I watched Ptv to pass my time. Snackas were given. LAter on Lunch was surved with a choice continental or pakistani I chose the same this time it was fish and curry i think and some sweet pudding. It was all good The time passed so fast When looked at the ptv map we were flying at 40,000 feet over Iran . There was 5 hours left to the flight I tried watching films, since i didnt like reading magazines during flight. I took a nap after a while. When I woke up it was 11:00 at night and we were about to land in Islamabad. We only stayed in Islamabad for 10 minutes for the pessengers who were leaving the aircraft passes were given and other remain seated. We took off Islamabad after the gate got closed. We got airborn on about 11:30 at night i think . soft Drinks and Snacks were passed. Since there was only 2 and a half hours left in te flight We werent allowed to watch films or anything on ptvs which was boring. I spended my time looking out of window. We started our descet into karchi and landed at 2:00 at night yes very late. We taxied to terminal and all the pessengers left the aircraft with Good Byes from Crew. The airport is usually bussy at night but lucky us all the flights left before we landed and some more were there left for the flights at night. We saw saudi 777 landing while we landed and Cathay 320 departured and alot of PIA 747s were bound for europe and Northamerica. While we were walking through the terminal I saw Emirates 777 getting ready for departure for dubai. The line for the tickets and check etc.. wasant look since most pessengers went to Islamabad on the flight. We reached the half end of airport and saw our Relatives smiling and waving and we all hugged etc.. and got out of Aipport and onto the parking lot and there again I saw Our PiA 747 standing with others and I said Thanks for a wonderful flight. FInally I was home on my homeland and this is were Asian Exprince Begins
Thank You