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  • AA MWA-STL-DFW-OKC March 11th

    Airline: American Connection/ RegionsAir
    Aircraft: Bae Jetstream 32
    Reg: N933CX
    Scheduled Departure: 2:15pm
    Actual: 2:26PM
    Scheduled Arrival:3:00pm
    Actual: 2:50pm

    After I finished packing the stuff, I packed and loaded my car and I headed to the Marion Airport. 15 minutes later I arrived at the building. I snapped a picture of it for those to see.

    I walked through the entrance doors and went up to the RegionsAir Counter. I was asked where I was heading , and my mind still stuck on the chicago trip I started to say Chicago. Then, remembered and said "Oklahoma City Please". Was asked to see my ID and she printed out three boarding passes for me. I went to sit down. The I heard a propeller sound and saw the plane coming in for a landing. I watched it land and snapped a picture of it on the tarmac.

    At MWA, we do not have gates, or jetbridges, just doors. I watched them unload the plane and fueled it up for my flight. It was now time to go through security. I took out my ID and my boarding pass. I loaded the belt with my backpack, suitcase, and selected items that could go on the belt. I walked through without a beep. After everyone went through I gave myself a head count. I counted 8 people on board. hmmh not quite a good sign.

    It was now time to board. We lined up at the doors and we gave the ramp agent out ticket, she tore it in half and gave us half of it back. We headed to the aircraft and got on board. I was in seat 7A. Once the rest got on, the first officer, a female welcomed us on board. she went over the safety rules and that such. Be reminded that this flight does not have F/A so Pilots do the procedures and announcements.

    We taxied around and the first officer had warned us it would be a bumpy ride into STL. (I think she was just being nice, the approach was seriously one of the scariest I have ever experienced) The pilots then turned the propeller on full blast, and we taxied to Runway 2. We shot down the runway and the wind was really pushing us aside. Then once we took off, we seemed to have gotten knocked off the runway!! The plane shifted immediatly to the right and we seemed to have rolled to the left and right, back and forth. Holy cow!! I saw one of the passengers covering her ears and going oh my god. It startled myself too. I was not expecting that take off at all. It was really really turbulent. Once we reached 6,000 feet it became smooth. we stayed that way for about 15 minutes or so. It was already time to start the approach into STL. That was the scariest approach iv ever been in. It seemed the nose went down, then up and kinda bobbed up and down. it was very violent inside. it had all of us clinging on to our seats and grabbing what we could to keep ourselves stable. More dropping and turning. Gosh, it was almost fun but I was getting quite nervous and anxious to get on the ground. Finally I saw the runway in sight!! I was getting very scared now! And I never get scared, thats the thing too. The runway was now in sight woo hoo! Thank you LORD! The flaps came out to 10 degrees, then 20, and finally 30 degrees. We touched down and the flaps extended to 45 dgerees. We landed on Runway 30R. We taxied to gate B-14. This concludes MWA-STL.

    Airline: American Airlines
    Aircraft: Boeing 757-200
    Reg: Could not see through the window
    Scheduled Departure: 6:00pm
    Actual Departure: 6:40pm
    Scheduled Arrival:8:00pm
    Actual Arrival:8:10pm

    After I got off the plane, I collected my bags and walked through the doors to the B concourse. I got through and jeez it was just crazy! People were ALL over! It was nice to see people supporting out local regional carriers, RegionsAir, and Trans States. I walked through the B concourse and called my mother to let her know of my arrival. I skipped the C concourse (ill save that for last....) and headed to the D concourse. It looked a bit perkier, but still down in the dumps. Trash was still all over and it was almost embarresing to me to see that. It had seemed like yesterday I was there ..(ohh wait!! it WAS last weekend.. when i flew to MDW). As I got near the East Terminal it got quite busy, especially near the charter gates. I saw two Champion Air 727-200, and an Allegiant Air MD80, and a Frontier Airbus parked at E-31 (im guessing for customs reasons?) The I entered the Southwest Gates. now THAT is what i call busy!! Nearly every gate had a plane at it, and it was so hard to wiggle through the passengers near the gates. I LOVED IT!! Then those planes left, and I called a friend of mine and as I was talking to him 7 SOUTHWEST 737-700 winglet planes landed simutaneously!!! My jaw was just in awe!! It was amazing and just Southwest heaven for me since I love the winglets. After I spent some time there I headed to a burger king in the terminal. ordered some food and ate for a bit. I walked around the terminal some more talking to friends on the phone until it got close to boarding time for my flight to DFW. at 4:45pm I walked back to the C concourse. then at 5:15pm I walked to the gate I was due to depart from-C-18. Interesting, we are 15 minutes from boarding and no plane. I struck up a conversation with another passenger about our vacation plans. She was a wonderful woman. Then at 5:40pm I saw our 757 landing. Its about time!! I was getting worried. I thought oh no its going to be a late flight, im going to be cutting it close.

    Boarding--The people got off and at 6:15pm we started boarding the 757. Group 1, 2,3 and so forth went on. I was in 4 and I boarded with the rest of the group. I headed to my seat 22F. I sat down. I plugged the headphones in the armrest and listened to the music. I just absolutely love the IFE. I am soo used to flying no IFE planes (Southwest and MD80's) that it is so exciting for me to fly a plane that is equipped for me to watch tv or jam to music. and when I heard Shania Twain "Party for Two" (which happens to be my favorite song in the entire world) start playing, I thought it could NOT be any better then this, im on a 757, on AA and getting ready to go on a flight. I was in heaven haha!!!

    The TV dropped down and they showed the safety procedure. I watched it because its so cool for me to see it on tv instead of in person. I prefer live better, it cracks me up to watch them try to be so serious trying to give a safety procedure especially with SWA. We backed out of the gate and taxied to R30L. We did not waste long at all to take off. within minutes the engines revved up and we wasted no time taking off. Soon the 757 lumbered up into the beautiful sunset. My god it was gorgeous! We turned left heading south towards DFW. Then the sun went down and the moon was shining. God it was such a magical night I absolutely loved it. the time we took off was at 6:40pm geez, 40 minutes after departure! Then I heard the engines go silent , as if they pilot cut back, and i could feel my body being thrown forward, not hard, just slightly easing forward. Then we dropped I could tell, in another minute they revved the engines back to full thrust and my body was slightly pushed back again. Odd....... any reason why they did this?

    The Flight- Once we reached 10,000 the F/A got up and started the service. The F/A were wearing shamrock ears due to St. Patrick's day coming up. Thought it was a nice touch, and made me smile. When they came to our row they asked what we would like. I said id love some coke please. She said absolutely sir, here you go, and gave me a full can! I STILL cannot believe we get over excited on this stuff haha. I said thanks and they moved on to the next row. yea I also got pretzels too. The load looked quite full, a few middle seats were open. As I looked outside into the moon and seeing the sunset, it made me realize what flying is truly about. being able to as high as we can go, seeing the bright orange and red burning sky, watching as the city lights stroll underneath us. it is soo just magical, and for me a religious person i felt so close to god. i absolutely just loved it. I am only happy when I am in the air, and this is a prime example of me being a happy person. Screw driving i will ALWAYS fly! The program on TV was CBS Eye on American with some commericals, then a show on Everybody Loves Raymond.
    The F/A came around to collect trash and asked if anyone wanted seconds. That impressed me to, for me flying on American it is unheard of to hear them ask for seconds. I thought only Southwest did this, or first class. They kept the lights on inside the cabin the whole time. made me mad because i would love to try to see out the window. but alsa, not this night. It is 7:30pm and we are supossed to be approaching DFW, but no, we are still in the air! My flight DFW-OKC would be departing in one hour, and we board in 30 thinking i better make this flight!!

    Approach- At 7:45pm we started the approach into DFW. Now i am really getting worried!!! I see the city lights slip under us and I know we are getting close to DFW. We turn right, and it is a HUGE LOOOONG right turn. the spoilers go up and stayed up for what seemed like the longest time. At 8:00pm the landing gear kicked out. Getting close now! We landed (could not see the runway number) and the wheels touched down at 8:10pm. Crap..this only gives me 20 minutes to get to lord knows where. They are already boarding my OKC flight I know for sure. We taxi to the gate, but wouldn't you know it....there was another plane at the gate.. god..finally at 8:20pm the plane pulled out and we taxied into gate C-2. now I have 10 minutes left. I am starting to panic now!! I am in the back of the 757 so of course I have to wait until most get off for me to get off myself. I walked off the plane and it is now 8:25pm. OH BOY..the door closes in 5 minutes. I walk to gate C-4 to check the departure screens to look for my flight to OKC. of course my flight is in the other terminal. This gets better and better....A36. Will I make it?? I turn and take a deep breat and prepare myself for the fastest running connection iv ever probbaly had to make so far. I run like the wind. I kept dropping my bags, lol about 3 times I think. I arrived at gate A-36 and saw they were about to close the door. I yelled "WAIT!! Im on this flight!" I waved my boarding pass, and they said hurry up, i gave them my pass and they scanned it, and i repeated apologetically that my flight was late coming from STL but I don't think they really cared. lol. so.. I MADE IT!!!

    Airline: American
    Aircraft: Boeing MD-82
    Reg: N497AA
    Scheduled Departure: 8:32pm
    Actual Departure:8:32pm
    Scheduled Arrival: 9:30pm
    Actual Arrival: 9:15pm

    Once I got on board, I headed to seat 26A. No one was sitting besides me. woo hoo!! I was totally out of breath. 2 down, one more flight leg to go!! I sat down and put my bags away and just collapsed into the chair. I neede water, badly haha. The F/A did the safety procedure, and we backed out of the gate. We taxied to R 17 (I think). We took no time to wait, we shot down the runway and in no time we lifted off into the air. As we made a huge turn I saw a line of planes following us one by one. Thought that was totally awesome. It was so cool to see them all lined up one by one flying in a formation is what id called it haha. Once we reached 10,000 the F/A got up and did the service. i got water and drank it all, ice and everything. Water never felt so good to me hehe. The flight was just fine. very smooth and few turns. Then in no time we started the approach. Beautiful approach itnto OKC, it is really pretty at night. I love it. Then we touched down. Slowed down, and taxied to gate 4. I waited until everyone got off the plane. I got my bags and I talked to the flight attendents. we talked about our day and i shared my experinces. they were surprised I was still alive haha. they were great, and I had a great time talking to them. Then I went to the coockpit and talked to the captain and first officer. I asked the captain for the registeration of the plane. I explained I was an aviation enthusiast and he said of course, glad to have had you on board. he went in and checked the reg and i wrote it down. the first officer asked how many MD80s I had flown now, and I replied not enough, iv got quite a ways to go!!!! he wished me luck in getting the rest of the MD80 fleet and we all said good night. they were a great crew and very polite and all. I got off the plane and met my cousin who came to pick me up.

    This ends the flight. my return trip home will be quite a story to tell as I flew stand by the whole time. never ever again!

    Stop Searching. Start Traveling.

  • #2
    Great report How are AA752s? I will be on one on thurday. Cant wait to hear your return journey.
    You've got to try to find what's right before your eyes-Finger Eleven


    • #3

      Wow, probably one of the most exciting flight reviews I've read in a while. Fast-paced and fun. Good photos also. Can't wait for the return one!



      • #4
        Great Photo's + Report

        Never seen an airport that had at least one commercial flight so small.
        - The baby will be back -


        • #5
          The Jetstream portion is most intriguing especially to me, who lives near a big international airport and would probably not get an experience like that.

          It's a good thing you captioned the first picture or else I would've thought it was a school or something


          • #6
            Alaska Air: The 757's are amazing, I absolutely love it. I purposely fly out of my way and pay more to fly a 757 with AA if I can. which is what I did hear (and am kicking myself for doing it coming home, you will see soon on my return trip home). When you fly AA 757's you want the ex TWA ones because they are comfier, roomier, and have better TV locations. if you have AA 757 its usually crappy as hell.

            Ameya- Yes it was very wild haha. OKC is just so beautiful on approach at night. very stunning to see.

            babypuring- haha yea we have 4 daily J-32 MWA-STL. and thats it. We are veying for MWA-ORD but as long as STL is around I severely doubt we would get ORD. I heard from someone locally that they wanted NWA to fly MWA-MEM on the SAAB 340's or something. Not sure if this is still going true. We need competition, AA rapes us on the fares for MWA-STL(they are having a "sale" of MWA-STL r/t and its 175..and thats a SALE, imagine what regular price is..which is about 200 or so.

            avro- yea it does look like a school, but it is history too. it was the first airport served as a regional for Ozark Air and TWA, and now AA. It has a rich history, so its special to me. Glad you enjoyed it.
            Stop Searching. Start Traveling.


            • #7
              Great Job. Its a good report


              • #8
                Nice one Alex!
                Click below.



                • #9
                  hey thanks Justin!
                  Stop Searching. Start Traveling.


                  • #10
                    nice report
                    Airlines: XT,KL,SN,ACA,DL,AF,TV,SN,OS,LX,WA,NW,FI,US,AW,CO,OH,OO,9W,AA,AE,FL,B6



