Hi guys,
I thought I'd post a trip report on my trip to tenerife last August!
First Choice B757-200 MAN-TFS
I got to the airport about an hour and a half before departure. I was so excited as I'd only been on a Ryanair B732 before, so it was going to be interesting to go on a 757! Finally, we checked in and had a walk around T2, wondering where our gate was! It was so hard to find, but eventually, we got there and boarded the plane. The aircraft was so nice, despite the footprints on the wings! There was nice leather seats with TVs that came down above us.
We then taxiied to the Runway, which took ages! As we got to the start of the runway, we saw several people watching us at the location where I usually spot aircraft! Lift off was smooth and it was superb weather, hardly a cloud in the sky!
During the Flight we had a lovely meal! It was a bread role, bacon, sausages, potatoes, a cake and some orange juice. Funnily enough, I've never liked bacon but this once I loved it! Thanks First Choice! Hehe. Anyway, as time went by, I was getting a little bored, but this soon changed.
I was minding my own buisness looking out the window, when I noticed a little girl was looking at me through the gap inbetween the seats. I smiled at her and then looked away. The next thing I know she was sticking her fork into me! I moved over abit and she sat back down. When I thought she was entertaining herself in other ways, I find her throwing rubbish at me! NOT pleasant atall! But, it passed some time I guess.
Eventually, it was time to land at Tenerife! But, it wasn't such a smooth landing, we went down really steap and felt like we were dropping out of the sky!
Touchdown came quickly after and it was time to start my holiday!
First Choice B757-200 TFS-MAN
We got onto our First Choice Bus from our hotel, ready to go back to miserable England, but it felt quite good that I was finally gonna be home! As we arrived at the airport we were told due to problems at MAN we were going to be delayed about 2 or so hours!
The atmosphere was extremely low at that point! Eventually, our aircraft arrived...at a gate at the other side of the airport! So we had to run across the Terminal and board our aircraft, again, the inside of the plane was nice!
We had the same food as the way there and was fantastic! The crew were just as nice, and once again, someone had to annoy me! Me, my Mum, my Mum's Boyfriend and his daughter-(emma) were all tired, and ready to have a sleep on the plane, but seconds after closing my eyes, a little child starting kicking our chairs. He/She carried on for ages, untill Emma shouted, "That's really pi$$ing me off now" and the parents stopped the child finally! But, by that time, I was wide awake...
Finally, it was time to land, all was perfect and the weather wasn't so bad either!
Thanks for reading!
Here are some piccies from my trip:
I thought I'd post a trip report on my trip to tenerife last August!
First Choice B757-200 MAN-TFS
I got to the airport about an hour and a half before departure. I was so excited as I'd only been on a Ryanair B732 before, so it was going to be interesting to go on a 757! Finally, we checked in and had a walk around T2, wondering where our gate was! It was so hard to find, but eventually, we got there and boarded the plane. The aircraft was so nice, despite the footprints on the wings! There was nice leather seats with TVs that came down above us.
We then taxiied to the Runway, which took ages! As we got to the start of the runway, we saw several people watching us at the location where I usually spot aircraft! Lift off was smooth and it was superb weather, hardly a cloud in the sky!
During the Flight we had a lovely meal! It was a bread role, bacon, sausages, potatoes, a cake and some orange juice. Funnily enough, I've never liked bacon but this once I loved it! Thanks First Choice! Hehe. Anyway, as time went by, I was getting a little bored, but this soon changed.
I was minding my own buisness looking out the window, when I noticed a little girl was looking at me through the gap inbetween the seats. I smiled at her and then looked away. The next thing I know she was sticking her fork into me! I moved over abit and she sat back down. When I thought she was entertaining herself in other ways, I find her throwing rubbish at me! NOT pleasant atall! But, it passed some time I guess.
Eventually, it was time to land at Tenerife! But, it wasn't such a smooth landing, we went down really steap and felt like we were dropping out of the sky!

First Choice B757-200 TFS-MAN
We got onto our First Choice Bus from our hotel, ready to go back to miserable England, but it felt quite good that I was finally gonna be home! As we arrived at the airport we were told due to problems at MAN we were going to be delayed about 2 or so hours!

We had the same food as the way there and was fantastic! The crew were just as nice, and once again, someone had to annoy me! Me, my Mum, my Mum's Boyfriend and his daughter-(emma) were all tired, and ready to have a sleep on the plane, but seconds after closing my eyes, a little child starting kicking our chairs. He/She carried on for ages, untill Emma shouted, "That's really pi$$ing me off now" and the parents stopped the child finally! But, by that time, I was wide awake...
Finally, it was time to land, all was perfect and the weather wasn't so bad either!

Thanks for reading!
