I recently went on a US Holiday and thought I'd give you a quick rundown:
02 March 2005 SYD-LAX-JFK QFA0107 Boeing 747-48E VH-OEB
Quite an epic flight but an upgrade into the Skybed equipped Business Class made all the difference! Despite it being my own airline I must say that these seats are excellent, once AVOD is bought online it will be superior. The takeoff run in a fully ladened 744 from Runway 16R is always fun, not quite the acceleration I'm used to. I made full use of the movies, self service bar and back-massage function of my seat! It was crystal clear in LA for our slightly odd Runway 24R arrival which I never once landed on during my time on the 744. It made for a long taxi then tow to Terminal 4.
The only downside of this service is being booted off the aircraft at LAX and having to pass back through screening after claiming your bags, never mind, the TSA must be obeyed.
The trip over to JFK was comparitively quick, enough time for another movie, more food and some more sleep though! Arriving right in the middle of peak hour it was a long ride into Times Square for a few cold days in NYC. The only aircraft photography was at the Intrepid.
These shots are of the departure from LAX and arrival at JFK, where I was pleased to find snow on the ground.
05 March 2005 JFK-SXM AAL0667 Boeing 757-223 N657AM
Subload travel isn't much fun on busy days. After being a special guest of the TSA (something in my camera bag sets off the explosive test) it was a nervous wait for a seat. It is amazing how many people tried to change on to this flight from the later flight, fortunately for me they had checked bags so it was a resounding NO! After all that I was lucky to score an overwing exit window seat. After being used to Qantas American Airlines was, um, basic in the cabin. I'll never pick on our boys and girls again! The arrival into SXM was a spectacular as I had hoped, after landing it was a beeline to the hire car, hotel then the Sunset Beach Bar.
I know there are some skeptics who are saying they are bored of SXM shots, but let me tell you, the place is AWESOME. I can't beleive it took me 31 years to get there, but I'll definately be back. No one even looks at you funny for shooting everything that flies, floats or f#@ks!
Here are a few shots, we were lucky to get a series of spectacular 27 departures. I spend a lot of time around aeroplanes but a US Airways 757 and Air France A340 overhead actually made me yell!
08 March 2005 SXM-JFK AAL0668 NsomethingsomethingAA
What a shame to have to leave. The subload thing was much easier this time, and the flight was generally more pleasant. A fierce snow storm in New York delayed our arrival and I got to see all the cold weather procedures that I'm trained in but have never had to do, like leaving the flaps out after landing and VERY careful taxying.
I'll make my trip to the West Coast a seperate thread.
02 March 2005 SYD-LAX-JFK QFA0107 Boeing 747-48E VH-OEB
Quite an epic flight but an upgrade into the Skybed equipped Business Class made all the difference! Despite it being my own airline I must say that these seats are excellent, once AVOD is bought online it will be superior. The takeoff run in a fully ladened 744 from Runway 16R is always fun, not quite the acceleration I'm used to. I made full use of the movies, self service bar and back-massage function of my seat! It was crystal clear in LA for our slightly odd Runway 24R arrival which I never once landed on during my time on the 744. It made for a long taxi then tow to Terminal 4.
The only downside of this service is being booted off the aircraft at LAX and having to pass back through screening after claiming your bags, never mind, the TSA must be obeyed.
The trip over to JFK was comparitively quick, enough time for another movie, more food and some more sleep though! Arriving right in the middle of peak hour it was a long ride into Times Square for a few cold days in NYC. The only aircraft photography was at the Intrepid.
These shots are of the departure from LAX and arrival at JFK, where I was pleased to find snow on the ground.
05 March 2005 JFK-SXM AAL0667 Boeing 757-223 N657AM
Subload travel isn't much fun on busy days. After being a special guest of the TSA (something in my camera bag sets off the explosive test) it was a nervous wait for a seat. It is amazing how many people tried to change on to this flight from the later flight, fortunately for me they had checked bags so it was a resounding NO! After all that I was lucky to score an overwing exit window seat. After being used to Qantas American Airlines was, um, basic in the cabin. I'll never pick on our boys and girls again! The arrival into SXM was a spectacular as I had hoped, after landing it was a beeline to the hire car, hotel then the Sunset Beach Bar.
I know there are some skeptics who are saying they are bored of SXM shots, but let me tell you, the place is AWESOME. I can't beleive it took me 31 years to get there, but I'll definately be back. No one even looks at you funny for shooting everything that flies, floats or f#@ks!
Here are a few shots, we were lucky to get a series of spectacular 27 departures. I spend a lot of time around aeroplanes but a US Airways 757 and Air France A340 overhead actually made me yell!
08 March 2005 SXM-JFK AAL0668 NsomethingsomethingAA
What a shame to have to leave. The subload thing was much easier this time, and the flight was generally more pleasant. A fierce snow storm in New York delayed our arrival and I got to see all the cold weather procedures that I'm trained in but have never had to do, like leaving the flaps out after landing and VERY careful taxying.
I'll make my trip to the West Coast a seperate thread.