Origin-karachi via Lahore
Destination Menchester via Newyork
Well it all started, When we left my house in karachi for Jinnah international airport, The weather was very hot at that time even though it was night. After 30 minutes drive we reached jinnah international departure Terminal . We said good bye and etc.. to pur relatives at drop off point in the terminal , then me my mom and sister entered the long glassy gates with 2 gaurds checking ticket and passport, through there we went through securit checks and entered a big huge lounge where we went to PIA counters and our tickets were checked, then more security, and we preceded to departure waiting economy lounge and while waiting there i saw mny air crafts at rush hour at night time in karachi, Saudi 777landed 3 PIA heavies were on there way to run way for take off which were bound on europe and north american sector, I saw several PIAs take off some bound for south pacific asia, and Emirates which was also getting ready for departure to dubai welll all .. as for international Jinnah terminal was connected to Domestic teminal so saw many aircrafts land and off. after 30 minutes or so We entered the Big boeing 747-300 air craft. We were welcomed and shown to our seats and then We taxied to our seats and annoucements went on (first in urdu "Qawatinu hazraat hum ko flight 711 sath captain ... and us ka amla ap ko kush amdeed kartai hai, hum yahan sai inshullah 1:30 take off karaigain or us kai 2 hours kai bath hum lahore pai land karai gain phir INshullah hum menchester kai liye ravana ho jaingae or phir 7 hours kai bath hum Newyork kai john f kennedy international airport pur land karai gain shukriya.. hum ko guzrish ruktai hai ap apne belt ban lejiye or gozushtu ko sida rakye shukriya.. (In english ladies and gentlement We welcome you on flight 711pk with captain.. and his crew..We start our journey from Take off from karachi at 1:30 then we will be in air for 2 hours and Inshullah land at lahore then after that inshuallah We will be bound for Menchester and Inshullah after6 hours we will arrive in Menchester and then after 1 hour stay there we will INshullah will be bound for New york and then INshullah 10:00 morning(newyork time we will land there ,. BEEEP, all the pessengers are requested to please be seated with there belts on and there seats in normal postion for your on remaining safety ,Thank you..after that we were air borned and reached at 39,000 feet and we were served dinner even though it was late midnight but still. Choices were different with different cusines, Continental, or pakistani. After eating my dinner I looked out of window and it was all dark and then saw on my ptv that PIA was flying over province sindh. I fell a sleep , when i woke up and saw that we were on our very final approach to Lahore and then after 10-20 minutes more pax came in and aircraft was full , then we heavied bound for Menchester.. i decided to take a nap again.. when i woke up We were crusing at 42,000 feet and snacks were being served.. then later i decided to watch t.v then i looked outside and it was getting dark or so.. then in couple of minutes the annouce ments were made that we were making our approach onto menchester and advised for belts etc.. then we landed at menchester and like all always it always amazes me always bussy... we taxied to terminal 2 and there 2 other pIA heavies were parked .. Pessengers who were leaving for menchester left the aircraft others remain seated.. we were told samething if you wunna leave aircraft to lounge for 30 minutes then you could or you can remain in aircraft.. me and my family with others left the aircraft and enjoyed the beautifull menchester evening ... in the terminal annoucements were made loud and clear.. That PIA flight 711 is ready for departure to newyork.. we all entered the 747 with different crew.. and soon with annoucements tookoff from menchester ringway . PIA was flying over atlantic now.. and all i did was eat snacks and watch movies.. nothing else to do lol.. then finally i put my curtain up and saw it was morning and we were still over atlantic then soon we were annouced that we are soon landing in newyork jfk airport and pessengers should follow the saftey instructions.. and etc.. then we landed at Newyork which was very bussy too in the morning. We went to our terminal and parked beside Biman bangladesh.. and We were told local time and tempeture and left the aircraft with smiling faces saying good bye.. and entered huge jfk terminal went through many securit checks and finally rush hour was over for me i stepped out of the gate and we were recieved by our relatives then onto parking lot and saw PIA stand there with others i smiled.. and headed tothe car..
The end
Origin-karachi via Lahore
Destination Menchester via Newyork
Well it all started, When we left my house in karachi for Jinnah international airport, The weather was very hot at that time even though it was night. After 30 minutes drive we reached jinnah international departure Terminal . We said good bye and etc.. to pur relatives at drop off point in the terminal , then me my mom and sister entered the long glassy gates with 2 gaurds checking ticket and passport, through there we went through securit checks and entered a big huge lounge where we went to PIA counters and our tickets were checked, then more security, and we preceded to departure waiting economy lounge and while waiting there i saw mny air crafts at rush hour at night time in karachi, Saudi 777landed 3 PIA heavies were on there way to run way for take off which were bound on europe and north american sector, I saw several PIAs take off some bound for south pacific asia, and Emirates which was also getting ready for departure to dubai welll all .. as for international Jinnah terminal was connected to Domestic teminal so saw many aircrafts land and off. after 30 minutes or so We entered the Big boeing 747-300 air craft. We were welcomed and shown to our seats and then We taxied to our seats and annoucements went on (first in urdu "Qawatinu hazraat hum ko flight 711 sath captain ... and us ka amla ap ko kush amdeed kartai hai, hum yahan sai inshullah 1:30 take off karaigain or us kai 2 hours kai bath hum lahore pai land karai gain phir INshullah hum menchester kai liye ravana ho jaingae or phir 7 hours kai bath hum Newyork kai john f kennedy international airport pur land karai gain shukriya.. hum ko guzrish ruktai hai ap apne belt ban lejiye or gozushtu ko sida rakye shukriya.. (In english ladies and gentlement We welcome you on flight 711pk with captain.. and his crew..We start our journey from Take off from karachi at 1:30 then we will be in air for 2 hours and Inshullah land at lahore then after that inshuallah We will be bound for Menchester and Inshullah after6 hours we will arrive in Menchester and then after 1 hour stay there we will INshullah will be bound for New york and then INshullah 10:00 morning(newyork time we will land there ,. BEEEP, all the pessengers are requested to please be seated with there belts on and there seats in normal postion for your on remaining safety ,Thank you..after that we were air borned and reached at 39,000 feet and we were served dinner even though it was late midnight but still. Choices were different with different cusines, Continental, or pakistani. After eating my dinner I looked out of window and it was all dark and then saw on my ptv that PIA was flying over province sindh. I fell a sleep , when i woke up and saw that we were on our very final approach to Lahore and then after 10-20 minutes more pax came in and aircraft was full , then we heavied bound for Menchester.. i decided to take a nap again.. when i woke up We were crusing at 42,000 feet and snacks were being served.. then later i decided to watch t.v then i looked outside and it was getting dark or so.. then in couple of minutes the annouce ments were made that we were making our approach onto menchester and advised for belts etc.. then we landed at menchester and like all always it always amazes me always bussy... we taxied to terminal 2 and there 2 other pIA heavies were parked .. Pessengers who were leaving for menchester left the aircraft others remain seated.. we were told samething if you wunna leave aircraft to lounge for 30 minutes then you could or you can remain in aircraft.. me and my family with others left the aircraft and enjoyed the beautifull menchester evening ... in the terminal annoucements were made loud and clear.. That PIA flight 711 is ready for departure to newyork.. we all entered the 747 with different crew.. and soon with annoucements tookoff from menchester ringway . PIA was flying over atlantic now.. and all i did was eat snacks and watch movies.. nothing else to do lol.. then finally i put my curtain up and saw it was morning and we were still over atlantic then soon we were annouced that we are soon landing in newyork jfk airport and pessengers should follow the saftey instructions.. and etc.. then we landed at Newyork which was very bussy too in the morning. We went to our terminal and parked beside Biman bangladesh.. and We were told local time and tempeture and left the aircraft with smiling faces saying good bye.. and entered huge jfk terminal went through many securit checks and finally rush hour was over for me i stepped out of the gate and we were recieved by our relatives then onto parking lot and saw PIA stand there with others i smiled.. and headed tothe car..
The end