Background : Having taken flight 937 twice to Europe previously, once on this particular trip, I was looking forward to finally completing the circle going back to Seattle directly. While any international journey is exciting, there is nothing quite like being able to land directly into one’s home city upon return.
The Present : The day was long to begin with given that we needed to take a tram to Centraal Station in Amsterdam , a train to Amsterdam Schipol, a flight to Copenhagen , and then our actual flight home. We had a marginal wait in each layover as well. After finally arriving into Copenhagen , making some last-minute purchases, and grabbing a bite to eat, we made our way to the gate. “Rurik Viking”, an Airbus 340-330, was waiting at the gate while being prepared for her journey. I took a number of photos of her at the gate and only a few of which turned out okay. Check-in required going through a passport check and then waiting in another are prior to boarding the jet. Upon embarkation, everyone was checked in and it was more or less a stampede for everyone to board.
Upon finding our seat, it seemed that I had twice the amount of things to arrange having acquired souvenirs, etc. I also noticed that this flight did not include a complimentary bottle of water in the seat back. It is not a big deal given that I had bought a bottle of water in Kastrup but it is still something that stood out given that it was a nice gesture on the previous flight. My overall mood was punctuated by knowing that it would be light, and that I would be awake, for the entire flight. Given that, I browsed the movie selection and chose the movie «Birth». I spent a good amount of time on this flight catching on upon the reading materials I had brought along.

A meal was served about an hour and a half into the flight and, again, breads were served to compliment the overall meal. While the main meal entrée item escapes my memory, a side salad was served, some cheese, and a light airy chocolate pudding. Both my friend and I enjoyed a wine along with dinner. I did not want to have too much wine as to make me sleepy as I wanted to stay awake and just sleep when I got home that evening.
The flight crew was functional but, for some reason, did not stand out as it had on the outbound flight. I seemed to notice younger crew working hand-in-hand with more senior crew. Scenes like these always lead me to think of this particular situation and wonder how the young staff fares in a competitive and ever-volatile airline industry.
Flying westbound I was able to capture some additional, dramatic photos ofIceland and Greenland from the aircraft window.

After reading quite a bit and scanning the variety of movie channels available, a second meal was served on board. This was the first time that I ever experienced mini pizzas on an airliner! They were imported from Italy and pre-heated, of course, in a self-service box. It was quite tasty and it seemed that most of the passengers around me thought the same.

As the time approached to be flying overWashington State , I was very much anticipating being able to see downtown Seattle . Nearly every day as I walk home from the gym up Capitol Hill, I gave above and am usually able to time perfectly flight 937’s arrival. I had wanted to get the same experience but just from the sky this time! It seemed that we took a slightly different approach on this particular day, however, as downtown Seattle was seen from quite a distance. I still managed to take some photos of it. It was also interesting to see those who are not from the United States and, perhaps, making their first trip to be gazing out the window at the remarkably different landscape from their home land.

After circling around south Seattle once, we made a quick approach to Sea-Tac and were on the ground in no time. Going through Customs and retrieving our bags was a relatively quick process. After boarding the downtown shuttle bus for Seattle , I was able to glance through a fence and catch one more glimpse of «Rurik Viking» at the gate in preparation for her return journey to Copenhagen .
Larger versions of the above photos and a full trip review can be found at my personal web site :
The Present : The day was long to begin with given that we needed to take a tram to Centraal Station in A

Upon finding our seat, it seemed that I had twice the amount of things to arrange having acquired souvenirs, etc. I also noticed that this flight did not include a complimentary bottle of water in the seat back. It is not a big deal given that I had bought a bottle of water in Kastrup but it is still something that stood out given that it was a nice gesture on the previous flight. My overall mood was punctuated by knowing that it would be light, and that I would be awake, for the entire flight. Given that, I browsed the movie selection and chose the movie «Birth». I spent a good amount of time on this flight catching on upon the reading materials I had brought along.

A meal was served about an hour and a half into the flight and, again, breads were served to compliment the overall meal. While the main meal entrée item escapes my memory, a side salad was served, some cheese, and a light airy chocolate pudding. Both my friend and I enjoyed a wine along with dinner. I did not want to have too much wine as to make me sleepy as I wanted to stay awake and just sleep when I got home that evening.
The flight crew was functional but, for some reason, did not stand out as it had on the outbound flight. I seemed to notice younger crew working hand-in-hand with more senior crew. Scenes like these always lead me to think of this particular situation and wonder how the young staff fares in a competitive and ever-volatile airline industry.
Flying westbound I was able to capture some additional, dramatic photos of

After reading quite a bit and scanning the variety of movie channels available, a second meal was served on board. This was the first time that I ever experienced mini pizzas on an airliner! They were imported from

As the time approached to be flying over

After circling around south S
Larger versions of the above photos and a full trip review can be found at my personal web site :