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Your first widebody flight
Thai 744 in Royal Barge livery from CPH to BKK!It was so wonderful!
Officially made the 744 my favorite aircraft
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My first widebody flight was also my first flight.
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Delta L1011 LAX-HNL back in 1992 (?). Since then I have flwon on another L1011, C-141s, MD-11s, DC-10s, as well as 767-200s and 300s and A340s.
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For me it was probably sometime in the late 80's/early 90's with Britannia on a 762/3. Cant quite remember. My most recent memorable widebody flights though have been on 772's, 762's, 744's and im soon to add an A343 to my list of widebody aircraft ive flown.
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1998 DL L-1011 DFW-ATL. back when DL had a hub at DFW.
2000 or 2001 DL 763 DFW-ATL
that's it.
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For me it was:
UA 767 LAX-ORD. 1989 I think.
Others in this order:
UA DC-10 ORD-LAX (right after the crash of flt. 232)
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First: 10/92 NW DC-10 MSP-LAX
From there...
10/95 DL L-1011 SFO-ATL
2/97 DL L-1011 ATL-SJU
3/97 DL L-1011 SJU-ATL
12/97 DL 767-300 MIA-ATL
2/98 DL L-1011 ATL-SJU
3/98 DL L-1011 SJU-ATL
10/98 DL L-1011 TPA-ATL
11/98 DL 767-300 CVG-BOS
2/99 DL L-1011-500 ATL-SJU
3/99 DL L-1011-250 SJU-ATL
7/99 NW 747-400 DTW-AMS
8/99 NW DC-10 LGW-DTW
4/00 DL 767-300 ATL-SJU
4/00 DL 767-300 SJU-ATL
7/00 NW DC-10 DTW-FCO
7/00 NW DC-10 FCO-DTW
11/00 US A330 PHL-CDG
11/00 US A330 CDG-PHL
12/01 JM A310 ATL-MBJ
4/02 US 767-200 CLT-SJU
4/02 US A330 SJU-PHL
11/03 US A330 PHL-LGW
12/03 US A330 LGW-PHL
7/04 DL 777-200 CVG-CDG
8/04 DL 767-300ER AMS-CVG
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March 2002, Air Plus Comet Airbus A310 from Chicago to Malaga, Spain
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I can remeber flying an NWA dc10 BOS-MSP when I was a kid, don't know the date, and I'm sure I flew widebodys before that, its just the first one I remeber. I also remeber looking out the gate window at BOS and wondering how the plane was balancing with only one wheel in the center on the back (I couldn't see the other wheels and I was about 7 soooo......).
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CX L1011 in mid-1990
UAL 767-300 in 1991
TG 777-200 in 1999
UAL 777-200ER in 2000
CX A340-600 in 2004
CX A340-300 in 2000
TG A330-300 in 1999
EK A300-600R in 1994
EK A310-300 in 1994
UA DC-10 in 1993
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I'm not quite sure on the date...somewhere in 94-95.
I flew a NWA DC-10 DTW-MSP. We were flying RIC-DTW-CWA but our DTW-CWA leg got cancelled so we were rerouted DTW-MSP-CWA. I don't remember much about the flight as I was only about 5, but I do remember a huge dinner(in coach) and a huge storm!
The first I truely remember was an AF A340 IAD-CDG in 2000.
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