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Zrh-lgw ,ba 2751, 737-300

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  • Airfrancefan
    nice report

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  • HS-TGY
    British Airways do offer a very decent short haul product and I've also experienced it on a number of occasions, although their inflight service is deteriorating (in my opinion). On a flight from Zurich to London, I would expect more than a bird seed bar. I flew British Airways a few years ago on a flight from Gatwick to Edinburgh and we were served an English breakfast. It's a shame that the best they offer nowadays is a hot roll. I wonder how long it will be before the world's favourite airline rules out inflight service altogether, like the short-lived BA Connect.

    Just recently, I have been introduced to many new airlines and my opinion of BA has changed now. Asiana offers an excellent domestic product, so I can't begin to imagine how decent their short haul, international flights are. And China Eastern on a short haul flight from Seoul to Shanghai could not be faulted at all. I was thrilled with the service on this 1 hour and 40 minute flight. We were offered a hot meal, along with a starter and a dessert. The drinks just kept flowing all the way to Pudong. It was fantastic.

    Anyway, that's enough babble from me. That was a great report.

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  • magic48
    Nice report Jay, interesting to read!

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  • JJR
    started a topic Zrh-lgw ,ba 2751, 737-300

    Zrh-lgw ,ba 2751, 737-300

    This is the first review/report I've ever tried to do, so please be a little forgiving!
    We got to the airport, and made our way thru the beautiful terminal at Zurich. The security lines were not too long, and after getting to the gate, we boarded our 737-300 for our flight to Gatwick. My first thought when sitting in the seat (8A) was how nice it was! Standard size i'm sure, but the leather and head pads were a nice change from the U.S. Air seats, I've come to expect on a -300. Another plus is the arm rests, they have a "pad" to rest your drink on. Little things, but a nice diffrence. Our plane pushed back from the gate, and started it's taxi a few minutes ahead of schedual. I was suprised at the length of taxi, as it took only a few minutes to get to the runway. Our -300 lined up on the runway and lept forward as the pilots applied thrust. Picking up speed as we accelerated down the runway, the wind noise over the fuselage became louder, as the small Boeing lept towards the sky. A steep angle of attack was used to climb out over the airport, much greater than I've ever experienced back home in the U.S. Getting airborne, was much to my delight, as I got to take in the view of the surrounding area of Switzerland. We got to cruising altitude, and the attendants passed out drinks, and bags of a trail mix, or Granola type bars. The cruise was very nice, pretty cloudy under us, and only a few bumps here and there as we passed over France, on our way to London. The cabin was prepared for the descent, and we slowly made our way down to the cloud deck. Before long, we were in the clouds, and navigating towards the approach. We popped out from the clouds, and I got to get my first glimpse of the English countryside. I was amazed to see how things were still quite green and lush looking, as back home in upstate N.Y. things were rather frozen with temperatures dipping to -4F. I looked to the trailing edge of the flaps, where a nice stream of vapour was trailling the wing as we got in towards our landing. we passed onto airport property, and with a small bump uppon landing, we had arrived in London, earlier than expected, and on a business trip, thats what really matters! I enjoyed my first experience on British Airways, and would not hesitate to try them again. The flight attendants did a great job of taking care of us, even tho a strike was to happen the next day, you would have never known it, by the professional attitudes displayed by the cabin crew.