American Airlines
Airbus A300
Sep 11th
Well, it was the time of Day. To fly back home. I had a lot of fun in Orlando and all. Now its time to fly back home. I was really apprehensive about flying on September 11th but felt for some reason I had to do it just to do it. Flying on the same Airline, same aircraft that was hijacked, and on the same day and date, was just a LITTLE bit to close for comfort for me. It definetly weighed on my mind.
With that in mind, I headed to MCO, and checked in for the flight. Showing on time and it did ask for another upgrade but this time it was $135 bucks. HAHA NO WAY! I declined it for sure and settled for coach, it would be a very empty flight for both flight legs so I was just fine staying back there. I printed out my boarding pass and walked my way to security. I showed her my ID and pass, and unloaded the laptop. Walked through security and then Headed for the train. I took the train to the A terminal and gates. I walked down the hallway and saw my A300 looming ahead.
This aircraft was the primary reason for my booking AA. I have never ridden a widebody with American or Airbus. This would be a first for both for me. This really is my 2nd widebody ever, the first being that L-1011 I mentioned which I hardly remember. This would be a trip and a flight I most definetly would remember. All of a sudden I truly felt like I was going back in time, considering the age of the aircraft and it being a widebody and all.

N14056 at the gate being prepped up for Flight.
I was getting very excited, almost like a little kid all over again at the idea I was flying a widebody. This meant TWO aisles, this also meant, more overhead bins, and finally a ton of F/A! They announced boarding soon and I like a kid ran to the gate! They announced my group, 4 and I handed him the pass. He said welcome aboard and I thanked him and walked down the jetbridge, taking my time. I turned a corner and slowly peeked around to see the A300. I finally saw it at the edge of the jetbridge. I of course was beeming by now. I walked up to the plane. Just sighed and slowly touched the side of it. I got on board and IMMEDIATLY was hit byt the monstrotity of the size. TWO aisles in my view... for the first time ever, I had to hand the F/A my Boarding Pass and ask where my seat was. There was so many seats haha I truly didn't know for a second. It felt neat I admit to have a F/A tell me where to sit. I walked around the front of the galley, barely seeing the cockpit. Walked through F, and headed to 25J. I looked around just in sheer amazement of the openess of the aircraft. Looking at all the Flight Attendents in position, and the bulkheads and then my seat!
I sat down, and just was in awe. No other way to explain it, simply in awe. FINALLY i was riding another Airbus!

Interior of the plane

not to shabby seat pitch!

Looking out the window
I settled in, and waited for the others to finish boarding. All done. WOW, no one was on board, maybe I think just a hair under 100 people? For a plane that seats over 250?
Once done we backed up from the gate. I was watching, and listening for every movement. The Usual breifing played for thje A300, and I watched it with interest to see how it differed from the 757. Not to much difference, just the numbr of exit doors was more. We taxied to the runway and then commenced take off. I videoed the take off so I will let it speak for itself.
Was a very cool take-off and amazed it actually got in the air!

Still climbing!
We soon got near level, and i just settled back to enjoy the ride, as short as it was. There was no service at all, No drinks, no food nothing. F/A stayed in their seats pretty much. I slept a bit and woke up, it got REALLY bumpy flying near a storm.

cruising by some clouds
In no time we were ready to start the approach into MIA. Didn't have much to put away in the first place haha. No trash was collected or anything.

turning for MIA...
Approach was a little bumpy but no different then most approaches I have been into. Landing was very bumpy, but so cool for a widebody! Again, have it on Video.
Taxied to the E gates, which mean't I'd need to take a train to my other gates.
I got off the A300, so happy I finally gave it a try!

sitting at the gate!
I looked around the airport to see what it had to offer. MIA was just not a good connecting airport. I understand there is a lot of work to be done to it. it is NEEDED! I truly thought STL was bad.... Not a hell lot of choices in food around there, it was a pain to walk a long distance to every concourse. But the spotting wasn't bad!
My Favorite shot at MIA.

BA 744!!!
American Airlines
Boeing 757-200
Sep 11th
Boarding commenced at 7:00pm for a 7:30pm departure. By now I was very tired. Having walked around MIA for a long time, had a near 3 hr layover. I had gotten a pizza hut, which looked to be the only decent thing around MIA. I enjoyed viewing the intl airlines, such as TACA, BA, VS and all. Very nice to see. Because this flight was very empty, I believe around close to 40 or so? They did a prety much all boarding thing. F/C and Group 1 first, then 2,3 4 followed, and then the rest followed. In no time we boarded the 757 in 10 minutes! We still had another 20 minutes! So i just sat around....and looked out the window.

a 767 headed to I believe LAX next to me
Then we are ready to back out, when I hear the announcement go."Flight attendents prepare for manual safety briefing". HUH? I peeked around and saw the TV's were black, then looked at the armrest no lights were lit. Oh Man..this means No Music or TV's for in flight...*snores* Oh MAAAAN....
I watched the F/A do their breifing, very odd to see it on a 757. We backed out and taxied soon to the runway. Waited a few minutes then took off.
After Take Off...

I settled back and kind of slept in and out. Service started and I got a Coke. I didn't hear anything about BOB or anything...not sure if it was offered, though for this flight I would have imagined so....
Two people were sick and were throwing that wasn't fun to see.
Admittedly I didn't really have a whole lot of fun on this particular flight. I was tired, no TV, or Music...and thats all. So I just looked out the window, getting a crick in my neck, and watched lightning flash in the distance.
Finally it was time to land for STL.
Seat bakc,s Tray tables, etc etc. We turned for 30L landing, very smooth. Then taxied to gate C-24.
I got off and went to the car.
Hope you enjoyed this!
Airbus A300
Sep 11th
Well, it was the time of Day. To fly back home. I had a lot of fun in Orlando and all. Now its time to fly back home. I was really apprehensive about flying on September 11th but felt for some reason I had to do it just to do it. Flying on the same Airline, same aircraft that was hijacked, and on the same day and date, was just a LITTLE bit to close for comfort for me. It definetly weighed on my mind.
With that in mind, I headed to MCO, and checked in for the flight. Showing on time and it did ask for another upgrade but this time it was $135 bucks. HAHA NO WAY! I declined it for sure and settled for coach, it would be a very empty flight for both flight legs so I was just fine staying back there. I printed out my boarding pass and walked my way to security. I showed her my ID and pass, and unloaded the laptop. Walked through security and then Headed for the train. I took the train to the A terminal and gates. I walked down the hallway and saw my A300 looming ahead.
This aircraft was the primary reason for my booking AA. I have never ridden a widebody with American or Airbus. This would be a first for both for me. This really is my 2nd widebody ever, the first being that L-1011 I mentioned which I hardly remember. This would be a trip and a flight I most definetly would remember. All of a sudden I truly felt like I was going back in time, considering the age of the aircraft and it being a widebody and all.

N14056 at the gate being prepped up for Flight.
I was getting very excited, almost like a little kid all over again at the idea I was flying a widebody. This meant TWO aisles, this also meant, more overhead bins, and finally a ton of F/A! They announced boarding soon and I like a kid ran to the gate! They announced my group, 4 and I handed him the pass. He said welcome aboard and I thanked him and walked down the jetbridge, taking my time. I turned a corner and slowly peeked around to see the A300. I finally saw it at the edge of the jetbridge. I of course was beeming by now. I walked up to the plane. Just sighed and slowly touched the side of it. I got on board and IMMEDIATLY was hit byt the monstrotity of the size. TWO aisles in my view... for the first time ever, I had to hand the F/A my Boarding Pass and ask where my seat was. There was so many seats haha I truly didn't know for a second. It felt neat I admit to have a F/A tell me where to sit. I walked around the front of the galley, barely seeing the cockpit. Walked through F, and headed to 25J. I looked around just in sheer amazement of the openess of the aircraft. Looking at all the Flight Attendents in position, and the bulkheads and then my seat!
I sat down, and just was in awe. No other way to explain it, simply in awe. FINALLY i was riding another Airbus!

Interior of the plane

not to shabby seat pitch!

Looking out the window
I settled in, and waited for the others to finish boarding. All done. WOW, no one was on board, maybe I think just a hair under 100 people? For a plane that seats over 250?
Once done we backed up from the gate. I was watching, and listening for every movement. The Usual breifing played for thje A300, and I watched it with interest to see how it differed from the 757. Not to much difference, just the numbr of exit doors was more. We taxied to the runway and then commenced take off. I videoed the take off so I will let it speak for itself.
Was a very cool take-off and amazed it actually got in the air!

Still climbing!
We soon got near level, and i just settled back to enjoy the ride, as short as it was. There was no service at all, No drinks, no food nothing. F/A stayed in their seats pretty much. I slept a bit and woke up, it got REALLY bumpy flying near a storm.

cruising by some clouds
In no time we were ready to start the approach into MIA. Didn't have much to put away in the first place haha. No trash was collected or anything.

turning for MIA...
Approach was a little bumpy but no different then most approaches I have been into. Landing was very bumpy, but so cool for a widebody! Again, have it on Video.
Taxied to the E gates, which mean't I'd need to take a train to my other gates.
I got off the A300, so happy I finally gave it a try!

sitting at the gate!
I looked around the airport to see what it had to offer. MIA was just not a good connecting airport. I understand there is a lot of work to be done to it. it is NEEDED! I truly thought STL was bad.... Not a hell lot of choices in food around there, it was a pain to walk a long distance to every concourse. But the spotting wasn't bad!
My Favorite shot at MIA.

BA 744!!!
American Airlines
Boeing 757-200
Sep 11th
Boarding commenced at 7:00pm for a 7:30pm departure. By now I was very tired. Having walked around MIA for a long time, had a near 3 hr layover. I had gotten a pizza hut, which looked to be the only decent thing around MIA. I enjoyed viewing the intl airlines, such as TACA, BA, VS and all. Very nice to see. Because this flight was very empty, I believe around close to 40 or so? They did a prety much all boarding thing. F/C and Group 1 first, then 2,3 4 followed, and then the rest followed. In no time we boarded the 757 in 10 minutes! We still had another 20 minutes! So i just sat around....and looked out the window.

a 767 headed to I believe LAX next to me
Then we are ready to back out, when I hear the announcement go."Flight attendents prepare for manual safety briefing". HUH? I peeked around and saw the TV's were black, then looked at the armrest no lights were lit. Oh Man..this means No Music or TV's for in flight...*snores* Oh MAAAAN....
I watched the F/A do their breifing, very odd to see it on a 757. We backed out and taxied soon to the runway. Waited a few minutes then took off.
After Take Off...

I settled back and kind of slept in and out. Service started and I got a Coke. I didn't hear anything about BOB or anything...not sure if it was offered, though for this flight I would have imagined so....
Two people were sick and were throwing that wasn't fun to see.
Admittedly I didn't really have a whole lot of fun on this particular flight. I was tired, no TV, or Music...and thats all. So I just looked out the window, getting a crick in my neck, and watched lightning flash in the distance.
Finally it was time to land for STL.
Seat bakc,s Tray tables, etc etc. We turned for 30L landing, very smooth. Then taxied to gate C-24.
I got off and went to the car.
Hope you enjoyed this!