Hey people, i didnt end up going to Honolulu, becuase of damn work.
Had to deliver a chip to the office in New York.
Here it is !!
Airline - American Airlines
Scheduled Take-off - 10:30
Landing - 13:35
Actual Take off - 10:43
Actual Landing - 14:02
Equipment - Boeing 777-200
Flight Number - AA105
Class - Economy
Seat - 39A
My Chauffeur dropped me off at the airport at 08:30. Check-in was pretty full up, most people english going on holiday to New York. I got to the front, and was pushed out of the way (litteraly) by a fat guy trying to find his bags and check-in desk, who was followed by his family, and another family. The complained to the desk agent, who told me to wait, while he served the fat guys family (who still hadnt found their bags). Meanwhile the family who where following the fat guys family got to the check-in desk i was going to use instead, and they wasted 10 minutes, only to find out they wernt flying with American Airlines.
Check-in was COMPLETE and Utter chaos.
When i finally got to a check-in desk, at 09:13am, i put my bag on the scales, and it got checked in, and i was handed a seat by the checkin agent, who hadnt said anything apart from, Your flying with american?
Security at least had a bit of oomph about them, trying to get passengers who were late through first, and trying to go as fast as possible.
After i got through security (09:35) i had to run to my gate as it was closing VERY soon.
Got to the gate, and the gate agent told me to hurry, and told me i was lucky.Got on board, flight was almost COMPLETELY empty. Flight attendant asked me where everyone was...
I could only smile and say "still at check-in probably"
She gave a confused look. then changed it to a VERY dirty look...then said "Your seats down there on the right".
I walked down the aisle to find my seats. Found it eventually (the seat number stickers were missing) . Got as comfortable as possible in this horrible seat, when a flight attendant came over, looked at me like i was something you would step in, and said "Sorry sir, cant sit there"
"Why?" i replied, "If you have not looked already sir, there is no lifejacket, and no sorry sir you cannot move over because this seat has no lifejacket either"
I looked at her, gave a TINY smile, looked under both seats, and said "Wow,your right"
She couldent really believe it, and replied "Umm...Would you care to follow me sir"
I got all my things and was told to wait in the rear galley.
I watched all the wierd and wonderful people board, i saw the fat guy from check-in, and i saw someone sit in the seat that i had just been moved from. The same f/a approached him and told him to stand next to me. I got chatting to him, he was on his way to Sao Paulo.
Eventually the crew told me to sit where i was originally ment to sit, but for Pushback and take-off only.
So i went back, and got as comfortable as possible again, when ANOTHER f/a approached me and asked if i wanted to move...
In my mind i was saying "ARE YOU TAKING THE F***ING P**S !!??", but what i actually said was "No im cool here thanks" and turned to look out of the window. Untill take-off nothing really happened. We lifted off a little late. After about 25 minutes, the crew actually got up,and did something useful !!
I was waiting for them to come over to me for about 40 minutes. And eventually they did, and i got moved 1 row behind to 40A.
I took them just over 55 minutes to realise that it was empty. When i sat in my "new" seat, which was probably older than my original one, the crew came around with a drink service. Normal non-alcoholic service. After that came a food service. First the special meals, e.g - Vegeterian, Non-dairy.
Then came the food for the rest of the cabin, Lasagne or Chicken.
It was pretty damn disgusting, adding to the other "unusual" smells hovering around the cabin. About 40 minutes after the worst airline food...ever...the crew cleared up the trays, and then when they had finished that, a kid in 38E threw up all over the seats in front, even thought he held a sick bag in front of him. Crew didnt come and investigate for, it must have been about 15 minutes. All passengers in 38 C,D,F,G and 37 C,D,E,F,G were told to move. The kid sat there, next to his mother for about 25 minutes before a flight attendant came to his rescue, and gave him....a TINY bottle of water. He took a sip, and threw up a little bit more. 2 f/a's stood on either side,watching as a "river" of vomit ever so slowly made its way forward,and forward. The crew, overreacted alot by asking over the P/A if there was a doctor on board, and of course, like on the movies, there actually was. There was nothing he could do of course but just said try to get some sleep and drink lots of water. Eventually 2 f/a's, who were both about 18, reluctantly got down and put paper towels on the vomit, while they were both heaving.
All princess flight attendants on AA today i guess. A passenger at the back got a bottle of perfume that she had purchased in the duty free and sprayed quite alot of it on to the paper towels. She was asked to move away from it by a f/a.
For the remainder of the flight, everyone had to try and stay comfortable, with a VERY strong smell of vomit lingering around the cabin. A flight attendant came storming through the curtain, and deliberately embarrased a young f/a who was trying (and failing) to keep the situation under control, "becuase business class pax have been complaining".
The Older f/a, turned, smiled at a little girl who was covering her nose with her shirt, and walked off without another word, while the younger f/a turned and stropped off into the rear galley. The rest of the flight was uneventful. Most passengers turned down the second meal service, including me.
I had a coffee, but didnt finish it, it was bitter and horrible.
The crew Struggled to get any sort of service to people in seats between rows 37-35, in seats A-B. No words from the cockpit since before the first meal service. We started descent quite soon before landing. Touchdown was hard, and used almost full length on runway. No apology from crew about incident in the air. All passengers in seats 39 to the back of the plane, in seats A,B had to go through the rear galley and go down the other side of the plane to exit. The poor people in seats 37-35 a,b had to wait for about another 15 minutes after us to leave, while the "cleaners" tried to clear up the mess. While leaving the plane, got a friendly goodbye from the first officer, but nothing to be heard from any of the 4 F/A's by the door, who i heard say "Were sure to get chewed up for this..."
I collected my bags, which added another 35 minutes and headed off to Manhatten (spelt wrong i think).
Worst flight EVER...
Thanks American
Ratings :
Crew - 1.5/10
Food - 1/10
Aircraft condition - 5.5/10
Puctuality - 8/10
Overall i will give AA a 4.5/10
Had to deliver a chip to the office in New York.
Here it is !!
Airline - American Airlines
Scheduled Take-off - 10:30
Landing - 13:35
Actual Take off - 10:43
Actual Landing - 14:02
Equipment - Boeing 777-200
Flight Number - AA105
Class - Economy
Seat - 39A
My Chauffeur dropped me off at the airport at 08:30. Check-in was pretty full up, most people english going on holiday to New York. I got to the front, and was pushed out of the way (litteraly) by a fat guy trying to find his bags and check-in desk, who was followed by his family, and another family. The complained to the desk agent, who told me to wait, while he served the fat guys family (who still hadnt found their bags). Meanwhile the family who where following the fat guys family got to the check-in desk i was going to use instead, and they wasted 10 minutes, only to find out they wernt flying with American Airlines.
Check-in was COMPLETE and Utter chaos.
When i finally got to a check-in desk, at 09:13am, i put my bag on the scales, and it got checked in, and i was handed a seat by the checkin agent, who hadnt said anything apart from, Your flying with american?
Security at least had a bit of oomph about them, trying to get passengers who were late through first, and trying to go as fast as possible.
After i got through security (09:35) i had to run to my gate as it was closing VERY soon.
Got to the gate, and the gate agent told me to hurry, and told me i was lucky.Got on board, flight was almost COMPLETELY empty. Flight attendant asked me where everyone was...
I could only smile and say "still at check-in probably"
She gave a confused look. then changed it to a VERY dirty look...then said "Your seats down there on the right".
I walked down the aisle to find my seats. Found it eventually (the seat number stickers were missing) . Got as comfortable as possible in this horrible seat, when a flight attendant came over, looked at me like i was something you would step in, and said "Sorry sir, cant sit there"
"Why?" i replied, "If you have not looked already sir, there is no lifejacket, and no sorry sir you cannot move over because this seat has no lifejacket either"
I looked at her, gave a TINY smile, looked under both seats, and said "Wow,your right"
She couldent really believe it, and replied "Umm...Would you care to follow me sir"
I got all my things and was told to wait in the rear galley.
I watched all the wierd and wonderful people board, i saw the fat guy from check-in, and i saw someone sit in the seat that i had just been moved from. The same f/a approached him and told him to stand next to me. I got chatting to him, he was on his way to Sao Paulo.
Eventually the crew told me to sit where i was originally ment to sit, but for Pushback and take-off only.
So i went back, and got as comfortable as possible again, when ANOTHER f/a approached me and asked if i wanted to move...
In my mind i was saying "ARE YOU TAKING THE F***ING P**S !!??", but what i actually said was "No im cool here thanks" and turned to look out of the window. Untill take-off nothing really happened. We lifted off a little late. After about 25 minutes, the crew actually got up,and did something useful !!

I took them just over 55 minutes to realise that it was empty. When i sat in my "new" seat, which was probably older than my original one, the crew came around with a drink service. Normal non-alcoholic service. After that came a food service. First the special meals, e.g - Vegeterian, Non-dairy.
Then came the food for the rest of the cabin, Lasagne or Chicken.
It was pretty damn disgusting, adding to the other "unusual" smells hovering around the cabin. About 40 minutes after the worst airline food...ever...the crew cleared up the trays, and then when they had finished that, a kid in 38E threw up all over the seats in front, even thought he held a sick bag in front of him. Crew didnt come and investigate for, it must have been about 15 minutes. All passengers in 38 C,D,F,G and 37 C,D,E,F,G were told to move. The kid sat there, next to his mother for about 25 minutes before a flight attendant came to his rescue, and gave him....a TINY bottle of water. He took a sip, and threw up a little bit more. 2 f/a's stood on either side,watching as a "river" of vomit ever so slowly made its way forward,and forward. The crew, overreacted alot by asking over the P/A if there was a doctor on board, and of course, like on the movies, there actually was. There was nothing he could do of course but just said try to get some sleep and drink lots of water. Eventually 2 f/a's, who were both about 18, reluctantly got down and put paper towels on the vomit, while they were both heaving.
All princess flight attendants on AA today i guess. A passenger at the back got a bottle of perfume that she had purchased in the duty free and sprayed quite alot of it on to the paper towels. She was asked to move away from it by a f/a.
For the remainder of the flight, everyone had to try and stay comfortable, with a VERY strong smell of vomit lingering around the cabin. A flight attendant came storming through the curtain, and deliberately embarrased a young f/a who was trying (and failing) to keep the situation under control, "becuase business class pax have been complaining".
The Older f/a, turned, smiled at a little girl who was covering her nose with her shirt, and walked off without another word, while the younger f/a turned and stropped off into the rear galley. The rest of the flight was uneventful. Most passengers turned down the second meal service, including me.
I had a coffee, but didnt finish it, it was bitter and horrible.
The crew Struggled to get any sort of service to people in seats between rows 37-35, in seats A-B. No words from the cockpit since before the first meal service. We started descent quite soon before landing. Touchdown was hard, and used almost full length on runway. No apology from crew about incident in the air. All passengers in seats 39 to the back of the plane, in seats A,B had to go through the rear galley and go down the other side of the plane to exit. The poor people in seats 37-35 a,b had to wait for about another 15 minutes after us to leave, while the "cleaners" tried to clear up the mess. While leaving the plane, got a friendly goodbye from the first officer, but nothing to be heard from any of the 4 F/A's by the door, who i heard say "Were sure to get chewed up for this..."
I collected my bags, which added another 35 minutes and headed off to Manhatten (spelt wrong i think).
Worst flight EVER...
Thanks American
Ratings :
Crew - 1.5/10
Food - 1/10
Aircraft condition - 5.5/10
Puctuality - 8/10
Overall i will give AA a 4.5/10