Airlines: Singapore Airlines
Flight :SQ231 SIN-SYD
Reg : 9V-SWS
Aircraft: Boeing 777-312/ER
Dep - SIN(T3) : 12:25 AM
Arr - SYD : 9:55 AM
Flight time : 7h 30m
Distance : 6,305 kilometers or 3,404 nautical miles.
I arrived 3 hours before flight and the checkin counter was not busy, had less than 10 kgs.Check-in was a quick. I had time to walk around Changi Airport.
Changi Terminal 3
Click photo to see bigger size.
Then to Terminal 2
Terminal 2
Then to terminal 1
Terminal 1
SQ's Terminal Usage
Airline Operators
Took Skytrain to Terminal 3
Terminal 3
Reached the gates. Security check and then boarding.
Flight Information
Heavy rain was falling outside. China Eastern parked next to the SQ.
Waiting for Pushback
Flight Information
Flight Path
Cabin View
Flight progress
Safety Card
Inflight Magazine
Amenity pack
Slept after snacks.Woke when flying over Northern Territory.
Approaching Sydney
Heading towards the gate
Window View
End of Flight
Other trip reports
Sydney - Singapore on Singapore Airlines(Boeing 747-412)
Singapore- Sydney on Singapore Airlines (Boeing 777-312ER)
Sydney - Singapore on Singapore Airlines (Airbus 380-341)
Singapore - Kuala Lumpur on Air Asia (Airbus 320-216)
Mumbai - Singapore on Singapore Airlines (Boeing 777-212/ER)
Singapore - Sydney on Singapore Airlines (Boeing 747-412)
Singapore - Bangkok - Mumbai on Thai Airways (Boeing 777-2D7)
SYD-Bandar Seri Begwan-SIN on Royal Brunei Airlines(Boeing 767-33A/ER)
Sydney - Singapore on Singapore Airlines(Boeing 747-412)
Sydney - Singapore on Singapore Airlines (Airbus 380-341)
SYD-SIN on SQ (Boeing 747-412)
SIN - SYD on SQ (Boeing 747-412)
Hong Kong - Sydney on Qantas ( Boeing 747-438 )
Auckland - Sydney on Air New Zealand (Airbus 320-232)
SIN - SYD on SQ (Airbus 380-841)
SIN - BOM on SQ(Boeing 777-312)
Kuala Lumpur - Singapore on Air Asia
Beijing - Hongqiao Shanghai on Shanghai Airlines
Singapore - Shanghai(Pudong) on Singapore Airlines
Shanghai(Pudong) - Singapore on Singapore Airlines
Singapore - Hong Kong on Jetstar Asia (Airbus 320-232)
Melbourne - Sydney on Virgin Blue (Boeing 737-8FE)
Mumbai - Singapore on Singapore Airlines( Boeing 777-312)
Singapore - Melbourne on Singapore Airlines( Boeing 777-212)
Mumbai - Singapore on Singapore Airlines(Boeing 777-312)
Shanghai[Hongqiao] - Beijing on Hainan Airlines
Sydney - Singapore on Singapore Airlines(Airbus 380-841)
Sydney - Singapore on Singapore Airlines(Boeing 777-312/ER)