Metrojet Boeing 737-200
N247US Flt. 2659
Nov. 24, 1998
We arrived at the airport at 8 am and checked in. We went through security and arrived at the gate for our 10:15 departure. I viewed our 737-200. Unfortunately no photos except one out of the window. But I’ll get to that later. We boarded and I got a seat right behind the right engine. We taxied out and watched the excellent pre flight movie with the classic US Airways tune. The engines spooled up to a high power setting and the pilot released the brakes. We started rolling and soon we were rotated and the gear left the runway. We started climbing and started our turn to the south. I was staring out the window down at my house when...BAM...sparks started coming out of the engine and then a sheet of flame roared out of the engine. These pyrotechnics were accompanied by a vicious airframe vibration. Since we were in a climb the pilot pushed the nose down fast so he could trouble shoot. He then shut down the right engine and the vibration stopped. Everybody was visibly shaken. The pilot came over the PA system and announced that we were “having a problem and were returning to Baltimore”. The flight attendant came over the PA system and told us to get ready for landing and that “some trucks may be following us on rollout”. My mom told the lady next to her “not to worry because the plane has 4 engines and they do this all the time”
we landed nicely and taxied onto the taxiway and a firefighter came up and looked into our engine. He then left and we started moving off towards the terminal. When we were parked at the gate the pilot came over the PA again and said that “You have your Thanksgiving bird early this year, folks.” We deplaned and looked at the engine and saw the fan blades all chewed up. We re-booked to arrive at MCO at 8 pm instead of the intended 12 noon arrival time. it would require a change of planes through PHL and a flight on a DHC-8 and a 737-400. Details on the rest of the day coming soon. Reply or send me a personal message or e-mail if you would like more. positive comments welcomed and suggestions on how to improve the review quality would be appreciated. (ie: make a reply
N247US Flt. 2659
Nov. 24, 1998
We arrived at the airport at 8 am and checked in. We went through security and arrived at the gate for our 10:15 departure. I viewed our 737-200. Unfortunately no photos except one out of the window. But I’ll get to that later. We boarded and I got a seat right behind the right engine. We taxied out and watched the excellent pre flight movie with the classic US Airways tune. The engines spooled up to a high power setting and the pilot released the brakes. We started rolling and soon we were rotated and the gear left the runway. We started climbing and started our turn to the south. I was staring out the window down at my house when...BAM...sparks started coming out of the engine and then a sheet of flame roared out of the engine. These pyrotechnics were accompanied by a vicious airframe vibration. Since we were in a climb the pilot pushed the nose down fast so he could trouble shoot. He then shut down the right engine and the vibration stopped. Everybody was visibly shaken. The pilot came over the PA system and announced that we were “having a problem and were returning to Baltimore”. The flight attendant came over the PA system and told us to get ready for landing and that “some trucks may be following us on rollout”. My mom told the lady next to her “not to worry because the plane has 4 engines and they do this all the time”
