Well, I´ll try to tell you my last travel adventure in last year.
The entire route was : GRU-CPH-LHR-CDG-BCN-MAD-GRU
I´ve called “ An all alliances Journey” once I´ve flown in the same trip, 3 distinct airlines from the 3 majors airlines alliances (VARIG-Star Alliance , IBERIA-OneWorld and Air France-SkyTeam).
I hope you enjoy it!
Everything started at Guarulhos - São Paulo-Brasil, my native country, in July 4th, 2003 when I took the Varig flight RG8752 ( in that day operated by the B777-200ER PP-VRB ) :

to London and when my first air surprise happened.
After almost 13 pleasant flying hours on board this magnificent bird with their fantastic IFE, when flying over France the captain told us that London-Heathrow was closed for 1 hour due an emergency landing of a Jamaican aircraft but didn´t gave more details (after researches I saw that an Air Jamaica A340-300 made an emergency landing due “no fuel available to taxi”

>: (
And due this closure we´ll go to Copenhagen-Kastrup first and then go back to London. (The route of the flight is GRU-LHR-CPH).
No problems to me, I was in vacations and that was my first time in England with free stop in Copenhagen. But some passengers didn´t liked that too much.
And then , there we go, 1´20´´ more flying till CPH-Kastrup and finally, after almost 15 hours on board (Tired and hungry once the breakfast was served almost 3 hours earlier) we finally land in that beautiful airport under 26ºC degrees.
Legs working again after some walking on board and after see some passengers leave the airplane (good for them, their scale was the first ), we took off to London and another 1´15´´ later we finally landed at Heathrow under unbelievables 30ºC
Oh God! That´s the heaven for aviation lovers and spotters, I never saw too much 744´s, 773´s, and 2 Concordes together!!!
After 30 minutes walking until find the imigration counters where I received a good treatment from a gentle and polited man I finally leave the airport claiming for a bath and for a good bed.
But, when I leave the airport my camera simply didn´t work anymore and I lost the chance to catch a BA Concorde model on the Heathrow gardens. Damn!
First stop : Photo Shop to buy a new camera. I bought a Fuji one with Advantix system that was new to me. Good choice! Now I know.
Of course I won´t post here my days in England once that´s an aviation related forum and only the “aerial” parts I´ll post. But I suggest to anyone. Expensive but unforgettable country. Unique!
8 days later , I´m back in Heathrow airport after good and happy times at “Queens Land”.
At this time to take and Air France flight direct to Paris-CDG and after being identified as staff from a blondie an cutie AF check-in agent , she gave me an open seat boarding pass but I had no problems to get in the AF´s A320-200

And when taxiing I saw the most crowded airport I ever seen. I took some pictures but unfortunately I didn´t scan it yet. Nice views from Cathay , BA, Virgin Atlantic and South African 744´s, Emirates 777-300, BA Concordes (still flying that days), a lot of Air Canada´s ones, AA, CO, and others like Sri Lankan, El Al, and many others I never saw before.
After a pleasant flight we arrived safely at CDG and in less than 20 minutes I was out the airport taking a train to the “Ille de France” to spend more happy days in Europe , specially in France that I love and was my 3rd time there.
In Paris I had my second different aviation related experience in July,14th (Bastille Day). Monday, holiday, 40ºC degrees, sttoped in front of Thai Airways builiding, crowded Champs Eliseés to see french army and related forces show the world their armoring and equipment. At minimum a different sight at Paris to see the Champs Eliseés crowded of armed soldiers and war tanks and a lot of war stuff.
In the middle of the show, the French acrobatic squadron passes over our heads at low altitude with French flags colors coloring the blue sky making all people there look up! (I took pictures also but it´s not too good to post).
Also pictured French President Jacques Chirác
After squadron, a demonstration of the aerial French power: a lot of Mirages and others, KC-135, E-3A , C-130, B-21, Sikorsky, Bell, Agusta and others helicopters.
Triumph´s Archs, Eiffel Towers,Champs Eliseés, Sacre Coeurs after, I decided to continue my vacations as scheduled. Next stop: Barcelona-Spain.
Back to CDG in the first light in the morning, a gentle AF attendant gave me cumpliments by choosing AF as carrier and gave me also a non-marked boarding pass to my 1hour journey to BCN-El Prat.
After all passengers on board I decided to get in another AF A320 , this time
F-GJVG as AF1348-July,15th.

I was welcomed by a cutie F/A (BTW, is there any ugly woman in France???) that was very simpathic when saw in the passenger list that I was from another airline and gently asked me if I wish to travel in the cabin.
Capt.Moufettard and an aparently young F/O that unfortunately I don´t remember his name, gave me the cumpliments in the name of AF and told that was a pleasure to have me on board their flight.
I had no words to explain my happiness in being there with all that courtesy and education.
Capt. Moufettard starts our taxiing and told me that we will have a good and enjoyable flight once the weather was clean and with unlimited visibilty during all trip long;
We took off after an AF744 that was going to Tokyo-Narita as Capt. informed me.
In flight, FL280, drinking some juice and talking about aviation and airlines and everything related , the capt. show me a silver big point on the distant ground at our left side and told me that was the Michelin Tires factory in Clermont-Ferrant city. Some miles after I could see some volcanos almost in the France-Spain border. What a view! : )
And finally when we start our descent to BCN-El Prat the capt. opened an airport map to show our final approach route and the rwy we will land. I took pictures, of course, but the strong sunlight make that so brighting and bad to see.
Guys, you have no idea what vision you have from an aircraft cabin flying low altitude over Barcelona!! That wonderful blue sea, the strong sun, the cruise ships in the harbor! What a view again! Some pictures again.
And then, there was me again, also for the 3rd time. I love Europe in the summer.
Unfortunately I can´t post the pictures of the toplesses girls at Barceloneta beach but I can tell you that was amazing. You can easily find a wife candidate there, from every side of the world! Sunlight since 6am to 9pm! Marvelous! Over 42ºC all day long! That was I call BEACH!
And for aviation sicks, you can also see all the approaches to El Prat from the beach and have a distant but overview of all the airport area from a little mountain on the top of Olympic Village from Barcelona´92 Olympic Games. But don´t forget your binoculars!
Well, after some also happy days in that fantastic city I had in my mind that I had to go back home because in few days I supposed to be working again.
At El Prat airport I had my bad experience from all the trip.
I had no problems to check-in to next seat-available Iberia´s flight BCN-MAD.
Once on board a stupid team of F/A was treating all like animals. I think they payments was delayed or their was almost going no job because I couldn´t find some explanation to their ridiculous attitude.
I don´t remember the filght number (neither want to), but I´ve marked the A320 registration : EC-HGY

The animals from crew didn´t allow me to take a picture form a beautiful Delta´s 767-300 with new color scheme parked behind us that was brilliant with the sun. DAMN again!! >: (
Well, 40 minutes later, we landed in Madrid-Barajas, around 9AM, to spend all day long in Madrid to take Varig´s flight back to São Paulo-Guarulhos that will depart only 11PM.
After a hot (41ºC) but enjoyable day in Madrid I was back for the 4th time in my life (3 times arriving and leaving and 1 from a diverted flight to Lisbon closed due bad weather) to Barajas Airport.
The flight (RG8715) was initially full but after the passengers were checked in I got my seat.
After 12 hours flying O/B Varig´s MD-11 PP-VQX :

we landed exactly at 4´30´´AM at São Paulo-GRU Airport when I was welcomed by a moderated rain and cold that gave me definitively the impression that I was back to home again and in the next Monday I should be working and putting my life back to normal again.
I guess I could show some of mine experiences related to aviation that I´m a lover like most of you that have the patience to read something like this and I´m sure you had in your minds every step on this experience like I have when I read the posts in this forum.
That´s important to say that the pictures showed above aren´t mine and are copyright protected for their owners.
I simply used it to ilustrate the posting.
It´s important to remember that my friend Marcos from Argentina (User Cubana) that posted a similar post (but much detailed and better than this) gave me this idea.
Thank you Marcos!
Thank you air lovers!
The entire route was : GRU-CPH-LHR-CDG-BCN-MAD-GRU
I´ve called “ An all alliances Journey” once I´ve flown in the same trip, 3 distinct airlines from the 3 majors airlines alliances (VARIG-Star Alliance , IBERIA-OneWorld and Air France-SkyTeam).
I hope you enjoy it!
Everything started at Guarulhos - São Paulo-Brasil, my native country, in July 4th, 2003 when I took the Varig flight RG8752 ( in that day operated by the B777-200ER PP-VRB ) :

to London and when my first air surprise happened.
After almost 13 pleasant flying hours on board this magnificent bird with their fantastic IFE, when flying over France the captain told us that London-Heathrow was closed for 1 hour due an emergency landing of a Jamaican aircraft but didn´t gave more details (after researches I saw that an Air Jamaica A340-300 made an emergency landing due “no fuel available to taxi”

>: (
And due this closure we´ll go to Copenhagen-Kastrup first and then go back to London. (The route of the flight is GRU-LHR-CPH).
No problems to me, I was in vacations and that was my first time in England with free stop in Copenhagen. But some passengers didn´t liked that too much.
And then , there we go, 1´20´´ more flying till CPH-Kastrup and finally, after almost 15 hours on board (Tired and hungry once the breakfast was served almost 3 hours earlier) we finally land in that beautiful airport under 26ºC degrees.
Legs working again after some walking on board and after see some passengers leave the airplane (good for them, their scale was the first ), we took off to London and another 1´15´´ later we finally landed at Heathrow under unbelievables 30ºC
Oh God! That´s the heaven for aviation lovers and spotters, I never saw too much 744´s, 773´s, and 2 Concordes together!!!
After 30 minutes walking until find the imigration counters where I received a good treatment from a gentle and polited man I finally leave the airport claiming for a bath and for a good bed.
But, when I leave the airport my camera simply didn´t work anymore and I lost the chance to catch a BA Concorde model on the Heathrow gardens. Damn!
First stop : Photo Shop to buy a new camera. I bought a Fuji one with Advantix system that was new to me. Good choice! Now I know.
Of course I won´t post here my days in England once that´s an aviation related forum and only the “aerial” parts I´ll post. But I suggest to anyone. Expensive but unforgettable country. Unique!
8 days later , I´m back in Heathrow airport after good and happy times at “Queens Land”.
At this time to take and Air France flight direct to Paris-CDG and after being identified as staff from a blondie an cutie AF check-in agent , she gave me an open seat boarding pass but I had no problems to get in the AF´s A320-200

And when taxiing I saw the most crowded airport I ever seen. I took some pictures but unfortunately I didn´t scan it yet. Nice views from Cathay , BA, Virgin Atlantic and South African 744´s, Emirates 777-300, BA Concordes (still flying that days), a lot of Air Canada´s ones, AA, CO, and others like Sri Lankan, El Al, and many others I never saw before.
After a pleasant flight we arrived safely at CDG and in less than 20 minutes I was out the airport taking a train to the “Ille de France” to spend more happy days in Europe , specially in France that I love and was my 3rd time there.
In Paris I had my second different aviation related experience in July,14th (Bastille Day). Monday, holiday, 40ºC degrees, sttoped in front of Thai Airways builiding, crowded Champs Eliseés to see french army and related forces show the world their armoring and equipment. At minimum a different sight at Paris to see the Champs Eliseés crowded of armed soldiers and war tanks and a lot of war stuff.
In the middle of the show, the French acrobatic squadron passes over our heads at low altitude with French flags colors coloring the blue sky making all people there look up! (I took pictures also but it´s not too good to post).
Also pictured French President Jacques Chirác
After squadron, a demonstration of the aerial French power: a lot of Mirages and others, KC-135, E-3A , C-130, B-21, Sikorsky, Bell, Agusta and others helicopters.
Triumph´s Archs, Eiffel Towers,Champs Eliseés, Sacre Coeurs after, I decided to continue my vacations as scheduled. Next stop: Barcelona-Spain.
Back to CDG in the first light in the morning, a gentle AF attendant gave me cumpliments by choosing AF as carrier and gave me also a non-marked boarding pass to my 1hour journey to BCN-El Prat.
After all passengers on board I decided to get in another AF A320 , this time
F-GJVG as AF1348-July,15th.

I was welcomed by a cutie F/A (BTW, is there any ugly woman in France???) that was very simpathic when saw in the passenger list that I was from another airline and gently asked me if I wish to travel in the cabin.

Capt.Moufettard and an aparently young F/O that unfortunately I don´t remember his name, gave me the cumpliments in the name of AF and told that was a pleasure to have me on board their flight.
I had no words to explain my happiness in being there with all that courtesy and education.
Capt. Moufettard starts our taxiing and told me that we will have a good and enjoyable flight once the weather was clean and with unlimited visibilty during all trip long;
We took off after an AF744 that was going to Tokyo-Narita as Capt. informed me.
In flight, FL280, drinking some juice and talking about aviation and airlines and everything related , the capt. show me a silver big point on the distant ground at our left side and told me that was the Michelin Tires factory in Clermont-Ferrant city. Some miles after I could see some volcanos almost in the France-Spain border. What a view! : )
And finally when we start our descent to BCN-El Prat the capt. opened an airport map to show our final approach route and the rwy we will land. I took pictures, of course, but the strong sunlight make that so brighting and bad to see.
Guys, you have no idea what vision you have from an aircraft cabin flying low altitude over Barcelona!! That wonderful blue sea, the strong sun, the cruise ships in the harbor! What a view again! Some pictures again.
And then, there was me again, also for the 3rd time. I love Europe in the summer.
Unfortunately I can´t post the pictures of the toplesses girls at Barceloneta beach but I can tell you that was amazing. You can easily find a wife candidate there, from every side of the world! Sunlight since 6am to 9pm! Marvelous! Over 42ºC all day long! That was I call BEACH!
And for aviation sicks, you can also see all the approaches to El Prat from the beach and have a distant but overview of all the airport area from a little mountain on the top of Olympic Village from Barcelona´92 Olympic Games. But don´t forget your binoculars!
Well, after some also happy days in that fantastic city I had in my mind that I had to go back home because in few days I supposed to be working again.
At El Prat airport I had my bad experience from all the trip.
I had no problems to check-in to next seat-available Iberia´s flight BCN-MAD.
Once on board a stupid team of F/A was treating all like animals. I think they payments was delayed or their was almost going no job because I couldn´t find some explanation to their ridiculous attitude.
I don´t remember the filght number (neither want to), but I´ve marked the A320 registration : EC-HGY

The animals from crew didn´t allow me to take a picture form a beautiful Delta´s 767-300 with new color scheme parked behind us that was brilliant with the sun. DAMN again!! >: (
Well, 40 minutes later, we landed in Madrid-Barajas, around 9AM, to spend all day long in Madrid to take Varig´s flight back to São Paulo-Guarulhos that will depart only 11PM.
After a hot (41ºC) but enjoyable day in Madrid I was back for the 4th time in my life (3 times arriving and leaving and 1 from a diverted flight to Lisbon closed due bad weather) to Barajas Airport.
The flight (RG8715) was initially full but after the passengers were checked in I got my seat.
After 12 hours flying O/B Varig´s MD-11 PP-VQX :

we landed exactly at 4´30´´AM at São Paulo-GRU Airport when I was welcomed by a moderated rain and cold that gave me definitively the impression that I was back to home again and in the next Monday I should be working and putting my life back to normal again.
I guess I could show some of mine experiences related to aviation that I´m a lover like most of you that have the patience to read something like this and I´m sure you had in your minds every step on this experience like I have when I read the posts in this forum.
That´s important to say that the pictures showed above aren´t mine and are copyright protected for their owners.
I simply used it to ilustrate the posting.
It´s important to remember that my friend Marcos from Argentina (User Cubana) that posted a similar post (but much detailed and better than this) gave me this idea.
Thank you Marcos!
Thank you air lovers!